34 research outputs found

    Correlation Lengths and Topological Entanglement Entropies of Unitary and Non-Unitary Fractional Quantum Hall Wavefunctions

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    Using the newly developed Matrix Product State (MPS) formalism for non-abelian Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) states, we address the question of whether a FQH trial wave function written as a correlation function in a non-unitary Conformal Field Theory (CFT) can describe the bulk of a gapped FQH phase. We show that the non-unitary Gaffnian state exhibits clear signatures of a pathological behavior. As a benchmark we compute the correlation length of Moore-Read state and find it to be finite in the thermodynamic limit. By contrast, the Gaffnian state has infinite correlation length in (at least) the non-Abelian sector, and is therefore gapless. We also compute the topological entanglement entropy of several non-abelian states with and without quasiholes. For the first time in FQH the results are in excellent agreement in all topological sectors with the CFT prediction for unitary states. For the non-unitary Gaffnian state in finite size systems, the topological entanglement entropy seems to behave like that of the Composite Fermion Jain state at equal filling.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, and supplementary material. Published versio

    D-Algebra Structure of Topological Insulators

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    In the quantum Hall effect, the density operators at different wave-vectors generally do not commute and give rise to the Girvin MacDonald Plazmann (GMP) algebra with important consequences such as ground-state center of mass degeneracy at fractional filling fraction, and W_{1 + \infty} symmetry of the filled Landau levels. We show that the natural generalization of the GMP algebra to higher dimensional topological insulators involves the concept of a D-algebra formed by using the fully anti-symmetric tensor in D-dimensions. For insulators in even dimensional space, the D-algebra is isotropic and closes for the case of constant non-Abelian F(k) ^ F(k) ... ^ F(k) connection (D-Berry curvature), and its structure factors are proportional to the D/2-Chern number. In odd dimensions, the algebra is not isotropic, contains the weak topological insulator index (layers of the topological insulator in one less dimension) and does not contain the Chern-Simons \theta form (F ^ A - 2/3 A ^ A ^ A in 3 dimensions). The Chern-Simons form appears in a certain combination of the parallel transport and simple translation operator which is not an algebra. The possible relation to D-dimensional volume preserving diffeomorphisms and parallel transport of extended objects is also discussed.Comment: 5 page

    Extracting Excitations From Model State Entanglement

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    We extend the concept of entanglement spectrum from the geometrical to the particle bipartite partition. We apply this to several Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) wavefunctions on both sphere and torus geometries to show that this new type of entanglement spectra completely reveals the physics of bulk quasihole excitations. While this is easily understood when a local Hamiltonian for the model state exists, we show that the quasiholes wavefunctions are encoded within the model state even when such a Hamiltonian is not known. As a nontrivial example, we look at Jain's composite fermion states and obtain their quasiholes directly from the model state wavefunction. We reach similar conclusions for wavefunctions described by Jack polynomials.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, updated versio

    Matrix Product States for Trial Quantum Hall States

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    We obtain an exact matrix-product-state (MPS) representation of a large series of fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states in various geometries of genus 0. The states in question include all paired k=2 Jack polynomials, such as the Moore-Read and Gaffnian states, as well as the Read-Rezayi k=3 state. We also outline the procedures through which the MPS of other model FQH states can be obtained, provided their wavefunction can be written as a correlator in a 1+1 conformal field theory (CFT). The auxiliary Hilbert space of the MPS, which gives the counting of the entanglement spectrum, is then simply the Hilbert space of the underlying CFT. This formalism enlightens the link between entanglement spectrum and edge modes. Properties of model wavefunctions such as the thin-torus root partitions and squeezing are recast in the MPS form, and numerical benchmarks for the accuracy of the new MPS prescription in various geometries are provided.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Bulk-Edge Correspondence in the Entanglement Spectra

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    Li and Haldane conjectured and numerically substantiated that the entanglement spectrum of the reduced density matrix of ground-states of time-reversal breaking topological phases (fractional quantum Hall states) contains information about the counting of their edge modes when the ground-state is cut in two spatially distinct regions and one of the regions is traced out. We analytically substantiate this conjecture for a series of FQH states defined as unique zero modes of pseudopotential Hamiltonians by finding a one to one map between the thermodynamic limit counting of two different entanglement spectra: the particle entanglement spectrum, whose counting of eigenvalues for each good quantum number is identical (up to accidental degeneracies) to the counting of bulk quasiholes, and the orbital entanglement spectrum (the Li-Haldane spectrum). As the particle entanglement spectrum is related to bulk quasihole physics and the orbital entanglement spectrum is related to edge physics, our map can be thought of as a mathematically sound microscopic description of bulk-edge correspondence in entanglement spectra. By using a set of clustering operators which have their origin in conformal field theory (CFT) operator expansions, we show that the counting of the orbital entanglement spectrum eigenvalues in the thermodynamic limit must be identical to the counting of quasiholes in the bulk. The latter equals the counting of edge modes at a hard-wall boundary placed on the sample. Moreover, we show this to be true even for CFT states which are likely bulk gapless, such as the Gaffnian wavefunction.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Haldane Statistics in the Finite Size Entanglement Spectra of Laughlin States

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    We conjecture that the counting of the levels in the orbital entanglement spectra (OES) of finite-sized Laughlin Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) droplets at filling ν=1/m\nu=1/m is described by the Haldane statistics of particles in a box of finite size. This principle explains the observed deviations of the OES counting from the edge-mode conformal field theory counting and directly provides us with a topological number of the FQH states inaccessible in the thermodynamic limit- the boson compactification radius. It also suggests that the entanglement gap in the Coulomb spectrum in the conformal limit protects a universal quantity- the statistics of the state. We support our conjecture with ample numerical checks.Comment: 4.1 pages, published versio

    Real-Space Entanglement Spectrum of Quantum Hall States

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    We investigate the entanglement spectra arising from sharp real-space partitions of the system for quantum Hall states. These partitions differ from the previously utilized orbital and particle partitions and reveal complementary aspects of the physics of these topologically ordered systems. We show, by constructing one to one maps to the particle partition entanglement spectra, that the counting of the real-space entanglement spectra levels for different particle number sectors versus their angular momentum along the spatial partition boundary is equal to the counting of states for the system with a number of (unpinned) bulk quasiholes excitations corresponding to the same particle and flux numbers. This proves that, for an ideal model state described by a conformal field theory, the real-space entanglement spectra level counting is bounded by the counting of the conformal field theory edge modes. This bound is known to be saturated in the thermodynamic limit (and at finite sizes for certain states). Numerically analyzing several ideal model states, we find that the real-space entanglement spectra indeed display the edge modes dispersion relations expected from their corresponding conformal field theories. We also numerically find that the real-space entanglement spectra of Coulomb interaction ground states exhibit a series of branches, which we relate to the model state and (above an entanglement gap) to its quasiparticle-quasihole excitations. We also numerically compute the entanglement entropy for the nu=1 integer quantum Hall state with real-space partitions and compare against the analytic prediction. We find that the entanglement entropy indeed scales linearly with the boundary length for large enough systems, but that the attainable system sizes are still too small to provide a reliable extraction of the sub-leading topological entanglement entropy term.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures; v2: minor corrections and formatting change

    Series of Abelian and Non-Abelian States in C>1 Fractional Chern Insulators

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    We report the observation of a new series of Abelian and non-Abelian topological states in fractional Chern insulators (FCI). The states appear at bosonic filling nu= k/(C+1) (k, C integers) in several lattice models, in fractionally filled bands of Chern numbers C>=1 subject to on-site Hubbard interactions. We show strong evidence that the k=1 series is Abelian while the k>1 series is non-Abelian. The energy spectrum at both groundstate filling and upon the addition of quasiholes shows a low-lying manifold of states whose total degeneracy and counting matches, at the appropriate size, that of the Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) SU(C) (color) singlet k-clustered states (including Halperin, non-Abelian spin singlet states and their generalizations). The groundstate momenta are correctly predicted by the FQH to FCI lattice folding. However, the counting of FCI states also matches that of a spinless FQH series, preventing a clear identification just from the energy spectrum. The entanglement spectrum lends support to the identification of our states as SU(C) color-singlets but offers new anomalies in the counting for C>1, possibly related to dislocations that call for the development of new counting rules of these topological states.Comment: 12 pages with supplemental material, 20 figures, published versio