42 research outputs found

    Dissipationless Spin Current in Anisotropic p-Doped Semiconductors

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    Recently, dissipationless spin current has been predicted for the p-doped semiconductors with spin-orbit coupling. Here we investigate the effect of spherical symmetry breaking on the dissipationless spin current, and obtain values of the intrinsic spin Hall conductivity for realistic semiconductor band structures with cubic symmetry

    Magnetic Instability in Strongly Correlated Superconductors

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    Recently a new phenomenological Hamiltonian has been proposed to describe the superconducting cuprates. This so-called Gossamer Hamiltonian is an apt model for a superconductor with strong on-site Coulomb repulsion betweenthe electrons. It is shown that as one approaches half-filling the Gossamer superconductor, and hence the superconducting state, with strong repulsion is unstable toward an antiferromagnetic insulator an can undergo a quantum phase transition to such an insulator if one increases the on-site Coulomb repulsion

    The Eight Dimensional Quantum Hall Effect and the Octonions

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    We construct a generalization of the quantum Hall effect where particles move in an eight dimensional space under an SO(8) gauge field. The underlying mathematics of this particle liquid is that of the last normed division algebra, the octonions. Two fundamentally different liquids with distinct configurations spaces can be constructed, depending on whether the particles carry spinor or vector SO(8) quantum numbers. One of the liquids lives on a 20 dimensional manifold of with an internal component of SO(7) holonomy, whereas the second liquid lives on a 14 dimensional manifold with an internal component of G2G_2 holonomy.Comment: 5 page

    Spin Current in Spin-Orbit Coupling Systems

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    We present a simple and pedagogical derivation of the spin current as the linear response to an external electric field for both Rashba and Luttinger spin-orbital coupling Hamiltonians. Except for the adiabatic approximation, our derivation is exact to the linear order of the electric field for both models. The spin current is a direct result of the difference in occupation levels between different bands. Moreover, we show a general topological spin current can be defined for a broad class of spin-orbit coupling systems

    Geometry of the 3-Qubit State, Entanglement and Division Algebras

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    We present a generalization to 3-qubits of the standard Bloch sphere representation for a single qubit and of the 7-dimensional sphere representation for 2 qubits presented in Mosseri {\it et al.}\cite{Mosseri2001}. The Hilbert space of the 3-qubit system is the 15-dimensional sphere S15S^{15}, which allows for a natural (last) Hopf fibration with S8S^8 as base and S7S^7 as fiber. A striking feature is, as in the case of 1 and 2 qubits, that the map is entanglement sensitive, and the two distinct ways of un-entangling 3 qubits are naturally related to the Hopf map. We define a quantity that measures the degree of entanglement of the 3-qubit state. Conjectures on the possibility to generalize the construction for higher qubit states are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, final versio

    ADHM and the 4d quantum Hall effect

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    Yang-Mills instantons are solitonic particles in d=4+1 dimensional gauge theories. We construct and analyse the quantum Hall states that arise when these particles are restricted to the lowest Landau level. We describe the ground state wavefunctions for both Abelian and non-Abelian quantum Hall states. Although our model is purely bosonic, we show that the excitations of this 4d quantum Hall state are governed by the Nekrasov partition function of a certain five dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory with Chern-Simons term. The partition function can also be interpreted as a variant of the Hilbert series of the instanton moduli space, counting holomorphic sections rather than holomorphic functions. It is known that the Hilbert series of the instanton moduli space can be rewritten using mirror symmetry of 3d gauge theories in terms of Coulomb branch variables. We generalise this approach to include the effect of a five dimensional Chern-Simons term. We demonstrate that the resulting Coulomb branch formula coincides with the corresponding Higgs branch Molien integral which, in turn, reproduces the standard formula for the Nekrasov partition function