13,666 research outputs found

    The gluon polarization ΔG/G\Delta G/G at COMPASS

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    The COMPASS experiment will determine the gluon polarization in the nucleon ΔG/G\Delta G/G from the double helicity asymmetry measured in the scattering of a 160 GeV muon beam on a longitudinally polarized deuteron target, by selecting the photon-gluon fusion reaction. This reaction can be tagged either by the production of open charm, or by the production of high pTp_T hadron pairs. The first asymmetry obtained with the latter method is presented.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Recent measurement of Delta G/G at COMPASS

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    We present a preliminary measurement of the gluon polarization Delta G/G in the nucleon, based on the spin asymmetry of quasi-real photoproduction events for which a pair of large transverse momentum hadrons is produced. The data were obtained by the COMPASS experiment at CERN using a 160 GeV polarized muon beam scattered on a large polarized 6LiD target. The preliminary helicity asymmetry for the selected events is A_||/D = 0.002 +- 0.019(stat) +- 0.003(syst). From this value, a leading order analysis based on the model of PYTHIA leads to the gluon polarization in the nucleon Delta G/G(x_g=0.095, mu^2=3 GeV^2)=0.024 +- 0.089(stat) +- 0.057(syst). This value is consistent with parameterizations obtained from QCD fits to the g_1 data, with a first moment Delta G lower than 1, at the same scale.Comment: 4 pages with 4 figure

    Market strategies in different stages - How to stimulate organic market development

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    Organic agriculture generates tangible benefits for both producers and consumers. But it also produces wider public benefits, and it should therefore be a common concern to help the organic sector develop better and faster, rather than just leaving it to market forces

    Behavioural Genetics in Criminal Cases: Past, Present and Future

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    Researchers studying human behavioral genetics have made significant scientific progress in enhancing our understanding of the relative contributions of genetics and the environment in observed variations in human behavior. Quickly outpacing the advances in the science are its applications in the criminal justice system. Already, human behavioral genetics research has been introduced in the U.S. criminal justice system, and its use will only become more prevalent. This essay discusses the recent historical use of behavioral genetics in criminal cases, recent advances in two gene variants of particular interest in the criminal law, MAOA and SLC6A4, the recent expert testimony on behalf of criminal defendants with respect to these two gene variants, and the future direction of behavioral genetics evidence in criminal cases

    Design, Structure and Implementation of a Modern Deposit Insurance Scheme

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    One of the important consequences to be drawn from the course of the financial crisis up to now is the insight that more attention must be paid in the future to the factors of liquidity, liquidity management and liquidity protection. That holds true for the protection of the stability of an individual bank as it does for that of a whole national or even international financial system. The liquidity problems of a bank can certainly have a variety of causes. However, as an examination of the history of bank insolvencies and financial crises shows, an accelerated withdrawal of bank deposits by unsecured customers nearly always leads in the end to the collapse of an institution and, as an ultimate consequence, to a national or even international banking crisis. This insight has also brought the deposit insurance institutions in many countries around the world to the attention of political, regulatory and banking management discussions. The rapid, politically necessary, factually often not well founded, guarantee promises made by many governments have shown those responsible that in Europe the need for a fundamental revision of the present deposit insurance schemes must be urgently addressed. In most industrialized countries of the OECD, as well as in a range of other states, working groups are studying the necessary revisions and adjustments of the relevant institutions to meet the new economic and political conditions. Even if solutions of this sort continue to be arranged differently from one country to another on the basis of differing regulatory, historical and structural circumstances, a consensus is emerging over the important basic questions of deposit insurance system design and architecture. As a result of the worldwide financial crisis most European countries massively increased their coverage limits for their national deposit insurance schemes in the fall of 2008. Where no deposit insurance existed, it was introduced. Existing systems were critically scrutinized. In most countries the maximum insurance coverage was raised and the eligible deposit base was extended. Some individual states have even promised an unlimited deposit protection (in some cases with a time restriction). Under the pressure of an increasing number of bank failures these promises were made without revising the existing deposit insurance schemes themselves. In the course of 2009, both the individual European states and the EU itself then set about scrutinizing their existing protection schemes and mechanisms and revising the existing national deposit insurance schemes. It is accepted throughout the world that well designed deposit insurance is an important element in a national safety net for maintaining and extending the stability of the financial system. The design and structure, but also the implementation, of a deposit insurance scheme (DIS) of this sort throws up numerous institutional, procedural and instrumental questions. Such operative and strategic issues must be answered against the background of the overall national circumstances and in line with the country specific realities of the respective financial intermediate system. However, there is a series of topics that can be assessed and solved independently of such individual circumstances. This is even more the case since the worldwide revision of the deposit insurance schemes offers the opportunity to create the conditions for a future harmonization of national deposit insurance schemes at least within Europe. An assimilation of this sort is, in turn, the basis for future EU-wide or perhaps even European depositor protection, which, like any broadly based guarantee, would certainly be more efficient than a multitude of national solutions. This publication intends to make a contribution to the ongoing discussion of the complex questions connected with the further development of European deposit insurance schemes. Both complementing and extending the broad range of theoretical literature available, it focuses on some key design questions of modern deposit insurance schemes, on the discussion of their basic structural elements and on the appropriate consequences for the stakeholders in deposit insurance. We focus on: - the derivation of the most important requirements of a modern European deposit insurance, and the - discussion of specific organizational aspects and fundamental institutional requirements as well as of solutions for selected system building blocks. The first chapter analyzes the institutional framework of deposit insurance schemes and its various aspects of cost/benefit considerations. The second chapter discusses the fundamentals of modern deposit insurance. The third chapter examines selected strategic and instrumental questions concerning the organization and implementation of deposit insurance schemes. The fourth chapter focuses on some questions related to the international harmonization and coordination of the design of deposit insurance schemes. In all sections we address some lessons learned from the recent financial turmoil. The fifth chapter finally addresses some conclusions and sketches some policy implications for designing and implementing a modern deposit insurance scheme.Deposit insurance, risk-based premium, risk-adjusted pricing, premium calculator, system risk, fund size, funding, guarantee promises, depositor categories, eligible deposits, covered deposits, membership, expected loss, pan-european deposit insurance system, moral hazard, resolution regime, payout
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