42 research outputs found

    Signature of the Overhauser field on the coherent spin dynamics of donor-bound electron in a single CdTe quantum well

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    We have studied the coherent spin dynamics in an oblique magnetic field of electrons localized on donors and placed in the middle of a single CdTe quantum well, by using a time-resolved optical technique: the photo-induced Faraday rotation. We showed that this dynamics is affected by a weak Overhauser field created via the hyperfine interaction of optically spin-polarized donor-bound electrons with the surrounding nuclear isotopes carrying non-zero spins. We have measured this nuclear field, which is on the order of a few mT and can reach a maximum experimental value of 9.4 mT. This value represents 13 % of the maximal nuclear polarization, and corresponds also to 13 % of maximal electronic polarization.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Hole spin dephasing time associated to hyperfine interaction in quantum dots

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    The spin interaction of a hole confined in a quantum dot with the surrounding nuclei is described in terms of an effective magnetic field. We show that, in contrast to the Fermi contact hyperfine interaction for conduction electrons, the dipole-dipole hyperfine interaction is anisotropic for a hole, for both pure or mixed hole states. We evaluate the coupling constants of the hole-nuclear interaction and demonstrate that they are only one order of magnitude smaller than the coupling constants of the electron-nuclear interaction. We also study, theoretically, the hole spin dephasing of an ensemble of quantum dots via the hyperfine interaction in the framework of frozen fluctuations of the nuclear field, in absence or in presence of an applied magnetic field. We also discuss experiments which could evidence the dipole-dipole hyperfine interaction and give information on hole mixing.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures and 2 table

    Enhancement of the electron spin memory by localization on donors in a quantum well

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    We present easily reproducible experimental conditions giving long electron spin relaxation and dephasing times at low temperature in a quantum well. The proposed system consists in an electron localized by a donor potential, and immerged in a quantum well in order to improve its localization with respect to donor in bulk. We have measured, by using photoinduced Faraday rotation technique, the spin relaxation and dephasing times of electrons localized on donors placed in the middle of a 80A CdTe quantum well, and we have obtained 15ns and 18ns, respectively, which are almost two orders of magnitude longer than the free electron spin relaxation and dephasing times obtained previously in a similar CdTe quantum well (J. Tribollet et al. PRB 68, 235316 (2003)).Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Mechanical Aspects of Cell Microtubules: Science Fiction or Realistic Possibility?

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    Recent experimental research with marine algae points towards quantum entanglement at ambient temperature, with correlations between essential biological units separated by distances as long as 20 Angstr\"oms. The associated decoherence times, due to environmental influences, are found to be of order 400 fs. This prompted some authors to connect such findings with the possibility of some kind of quantum computation taking place in these biological entities: within the decoherence time scales, the cell "quantum calculates" the optimal "path" along which energy and signal would be transported more efficiently. Prompted by these experimental results, in this talk I remind the audience of a related topic proposed several years ago in connection with the possible r\^ole of quantum mechanics and/or field theory on dissipation-free energy transfer in microtubules (MT), which constitute fundamental cell substructures. Quantum entanglement between tubulin dimers was argued to be possible, provided there exists sufficient isolation from other environmental cell effects. The model was based on certain ferroelectric aspects of MT. In the talk I review the model and the associated experimental tests so far and discuss future directions, especially in view of the algae photo-experiments.Comment: 31 pages latex, 11 pdf figures, uses special macros, Invited Plenary Talk at DICE2010, Castello Pasquini, Castiglioncello (Italy), September 13-18 201

    Dark States and Interferences in Cascade Transitions of Ultra-Cold Atoms in a Cavity

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    We examine the competition among one- and two-photon processes in an ultra-cold, three-level atom undergoing cascade transitions as a result of its interaction with a bimodal cavity. We show parameter domains where two-photon transitions are dominant and also study the effect of two-photon emission on the mazer action in the cavity. The two-photon emission leads to the loss of detailed balance and therefore we obtain the photon statistics of the cavity field by the numerical integration of the master equation. The photon distribution in each cavity mode exhibits sub- and super- Poissonian behaviors depending on the strength of atom-field coupling. The photon distribution becomes identical to a Poisson distribution when the atom-field coupling strengths of the modes are equal.Comment: 15 pages including 7 figures in Revtex, submitted to PR

    Electron exchange energy of neutral donors inside a quantum well

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    Many-body origin of the “trion line” in doped quantum wells

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    We explain why the so-called “trion line” in the absorption spectrum of doped wells, cannot be due to a set of 3-body trions but has to come from a singular many-body object, intrinsically wide in energy: the photocreated virtual exciton dressed by Coulomb and Pauli interactions with the well carriers. This understanding is experimentally supported by the highly asymmetrical shape of the circular dichroism spectra obtained with a spin-polarized Fermi sea: their sharp edge on the low-energy side and significant tail at high energy are well explained by this many-body object, while they completely rule out a set of trions, either free or bound