1,738 research outputs found
Dos and don’ts of teaching courses overseas
Most students cannot afford to spend a semester, or a whole academic year, getting study abroad experience.
Therefore, faculty and universities are offering short term, faculty led courses in other countries. Many
universities around the world are requiring their students to get this international experience but, at the same
time, there are many misconceptions about what these short study abroad courses should accomplish from
academic, pedagogical and educational perspective. There isn’t a lot of literature on how to structure, organize
and conduct these courses at different international locations
Fuzzy Decision-Support System for Safeguarding Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage
In the current world economic situation, the maintenance of built heritage has been limited
due to a lack of funds and accurate tools for proper management and implementation of these actions.
However, in specific local areas, the maintenance and conservation of historical and cultural heritage
have become an investment opportunity. In this sense, in this study, a new tool is proposed, for the
estimation of the functional service life of heritage buildings in a local region (city of Seville, South
Spain). This tool is developed in Art-Risk research project and consists of a free software to evaluate
decisions in regional policies, planning and management of tangible and intangible cultural heritage,
considering physical, environmental, economic and social resources. This tool provides a ranking of
priority of intervention among case studies belonging to a particular urban context. This information
is particularly relevant for the stakeholders responsible for the management of maintenance plans in
built heritage
Home landline telephone coverage and potential bias in epidemiological surveys
OBJETIVO: Estimar o efeito da taxa de cobertura de linhas telefônicas residenciais em potenciais vícios de informação em inquéritos epidemiológicos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas as bases de dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios no período de 1998 a 2003 para a estimativa das taxas de cobertura de linhas telefônicas residenciais nas cinco regiões geográficas brasileiras. Utilizou-se a regressão logística múltipla para identificar os fatores associados à posse de linha telefônica fixa. O impacto do vício nos intervalos com 95% de confiança foi avaliado em função da precisão alcançada em cada situação. RESULTADOS: Nas regiões metropolitanas Sudeste, Sul e Centro-Oeste com 70% e mais de cobertura, os vícios associados foram considerados desprezíveis. Nas demais regiões, os vícios relativos estavam acima do limite aceitável (0,4), indicando possíveis erros nas inferências construídas sob intervalo com 95% de confiança. A chance de acesso à linha telefônica residencial foi maior para população com cor da pele branca e maior escolaridade. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados mostram que o uso de cadastro de linhas telefônicas residenciais é indicado para a realização de inquéritos epidemiológicos apenas para estados com cobertura acima de 70%. Metodologias específicas para o tratamento de estimativas obtidas em localidades com taxas inferiores, precisam ser estudadas e divulgadasOBJECTIVE: To estimate landline telephone coverage effects on potential information bias in epidemiological surveys. METHODS: Databases of the Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD - National Household Sample Survey), from 1998 to 2003, were used to estimate landline telephone coverage rates in the five Brazilian geographic regions. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with owning a landline telephone. Bias impact on 95% confidence intervals was assessed, according to the accuracy achieved in each situation. RESULTS: In the Southern and Central-west metropolitan regions, with 70% coverage or more, associated bias was considered insignificant. In the remaining regions, related bias was above the acceptable limit (0.4), indicating possible errors in inferences drawn with a 95% confidence interval. Likelihood of access to a home landline telephone was greater among the white population with higher level of education. CONCLUSIONS: Findings reveal that the use of residential telephone records is indicated to conduct epidemiological surveys in Brazilian states where coverage is above 70% exclusively. Specific methodologies to treat estimates obtained in regions with lower rates need to be analyzed and publishe
Evaluación de la incidencia del control interno en las contingencias contables y tributarias para su reestructuración organizacional de la Empresa B&S S.A.C 2017
En el mundo de las empresas los métodos y procedimientos para una adecuada gestión en las organizaciones son fundamentales para cumplir con las metas y objetivos trazados por cada una de ellas; tomando este punto se puede decir que una entidad que no lleva el control de sus actividades y no está debidamente organizada, desconoce su posición tanto económica como financiera por lo que da como resultado el incumplimiento las metas y objetivos planteados por los gerentes. B&S S.A.C es una empresa familiar que labora empíricamente, desconociendo cualquier tipo control organizacional. Debido a ello se evaluó los problemas existentes del control interno de dicha organización, demostrando así que todas las áreas con las que cuenta la mencionada entidad son totalmente deficientes, siendo estas: área de compras, ventas, almacén y tesorería; mediante esta evaluación de control se observó que se incidía en contingencias tanto contables como tributarias, se indagaron estas contingencias y se cuantificaron las posibles multas que recibiría la organización, dando a entender a los gerentes el riesgo que ocasiona trabajar de ese modo. Para ello se realizó los Estados Financieros respecto al periodo 2017 cumpliendo con todas sus obligaciones, por lo cual se comparó con la Información Financiera del 2016 que la entidad presentó, brindando la información correcta a los gerentes, indicándoles la forma inadecuada en la que se estaba laborando. Además se diseñó la reestructuración organizacional, elaborando un organigrama, el manual de políticas y procedimientos, finalmente el manual de organización y funciones que estipule la adecuada gestión que debería de seguir B&S S.A.C
Madurez empresarial en gestión de proyectos en Leegs Ingeniería S.A.S
Trabajo de investigaciónCon el proyecto se desea evaluar el grado de madurez, aportar, proponer procesos de mejora para su progreso de la empresa LEEGS Ingeniería S.A.S. para lograr que sus proyectos finalicen con éxito se requiere que la empresa se conozca a sí misma, identifique los procesos, las necesidades del momento y los recursos disponibles para definir y planificar los próximos pasos que va a ejecutar a partir de su experiencia y procesos adecuados lograr
superioridad en sus operaciones.Introducción
1. Generalidades
2. Marcos de referencia
3. Metodología
4. Productos a entregar
5. Entrega de Resultados Esperados e Impactos
6. Nuevas áreas de Estudio
7. Conclusiones
8. BibliografíaEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de Obras Civile
Modelación numérica de pavimentos rígidos mediante modulación convencional y de losas cortas
Trabajo de investigaciónMediante el programa de elementos finitos EverFE 2.24 se realizó la modelación numérica de losas de concreto hidráulico tanto convencionales como losas cortas en la cual se tuvo en cuenta diferentes geometrías y espesores de losa como fue de 8, 12,16,20 y 22 cm , diferentes posiciones de la carga, para evaluar la disminución de esfuerzos en la base granular de las losas cortas con menores espesores comparándolas con las losas convencionales que planteo la tesis que hablaba de influencia en la trasferencia de carga ocasionada por la incorrecta instalación de dovelas en losas de pavimento rígido mediante un análisis numérico en el cual solamente se tuvo en cuenta el tercer caso en el cual las dovelas no presenta ninguna variación de ángulo sobre la base granular en diferentes desplazamientos con sus respectiva carga.INTRODUCCIÓN
8. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAEspecializaciónEspecialista en Ingeniería de Pavimento
From WIMPs to FIMPs with Low Reheating Temperatures
Weakly- and Feebly-Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs and FIMPs) are among
the best-motivated dark matter (DM) candidates. In this paper, we investigate
the production of DM through the WIMP and FIMP mechanisms during inflationary
reheating. We show that the details of the reheating, such as the inflaton
potential and the reheating temperature, have a strong impact on the genesis of
DM. The strong entropy injection caused by the inflaton decay has to be
compensated by a reduction of the portal coupling in the case of WIMPs, or by
an increase in the case of FIMPs. We pinpoint the smooth transition between the
WIMP and the FIMP regimes in the case of low reheating temperature. As an
example, we perform a full numerical analysis of the singlet-scalar DM model;
however, our results are generic and adaptable to other particle DM candidates.
Interestingly, in the singlet-scalar DM model with low-reheating temperature,
regions favored by the FIMP mechanism are already being tested by direct
detection experiments such as LZ and XENONnT.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure
Powder Technology
Combining two or more granular or powder ingredients requires a suitable mixing process, which can be either free or random flow with no attraction forces between the particles or interactive or orderly with the presence of large active particles that attract others forming stable clumps. Food systems have very complex properties that make it difficult to standardize the mixing process. In order to achieve an efficient mixture, diffusive and convective mechanisms must be combined, and its success is achieved with a predominance of homogenization over segregation. Powder products are typically used in industry as dispersion in a liquid and should have some properties such as good wettability, water incorporation, flowability, and instantization. To work with powder products, it is necessary to make determinations such as density, particle size, texture, and compaction force, among others. All these physical properties affect and determine the behavior of powdered products during storage, handling, and processing
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