26 research outputs found
A hálĂłzatĂ©pĂtĂ©srĹ‘l alkotott vĂ©lemĂ©nyek Ă©s a network marketing tĂ©nyezĹ‘inek vizsgálata = The opinion about networking and monitoring of the network marketing's factors
In my study I represent the Network Marketing as a form of enterprise, which is really disputed networking subject in the last decades. Despite of the negative opportunities, the trade of MLM companies is extending in Hungary but especially in foreign countries. I constructed an anonym questionnaire to deeply recognise the personal opinions in this subject and to know the experience. Most people who took part in my research, is or was in connection with some MLM company. During the data processing I examined the questionnaire with several kinds of statistic methods and I analysed with the help of a computer programme. It was outstanding to see that networking people prefer in their life their personal development and self-education. However, in some case, the results disproved my waits, at the same time it can be said that most people have a negative attitude in connection with MLMs
A hálĂłzatĂ©pĂtĂ©srĹ‘l alkotott vĂ©lemĂ©nyek Ă©s a network marketing tĂ©nyezĹ‘inek vizsgálata = The opinion about networking and monitoring of the network marketing's factors
In my study I represent the Network Marketing as a form of enterprise, which is really disputed networking subject in the last decades. Despite of the negative opportunities, the trade of MLM companies is extending in Hungary but especially in foreign countries. I constructed an anonym questionnaire to deeply recognise the personal opinions in this subject and to know the experience. Most people who took part in my research, is or was in connection with some MLM company. During the data processing I examined the questionnaire with several kinds of statistic methods and I analysed with the help of a computer programme. It was outstanding to see that networking people prefer in their life their personal development and self-education. However, in some case, the results disproved my waits, at the same time it can be said that most people have a negative attitude in connection with MLMs
A tej és tejtermékek marketingcsatornájának multidiszciplináris elméleti és empirikus elemzése, különös tekintettel a koordinációs mechanizmusokra = Multidisciplinary theoretical and empirical analysis of milk and dairy products' marketing channel, with special respect to co-ordination mechanism
Az Ă©lelmiszer-gazdaságban a piaci viszonyok elĹ‘retörĂ©sĂ©vel marketingcsatornák versenye folyik. Amennyiben az állami Ă©s piaci koordináciĂłs mechanizmusok megfelelĹ‘en Ă©rvĂ©nyesĂĽlnek, a teljes csatorna optimuma valĂłsulhat meg. A termĂ©kpálya szervezettsĂ©ge tehát nagymĂ©rtĂ©kben hozzájárul az ágazat versenykĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©nek javĂtásához, valamint a gazdaság makroszintű teljesĂtmĂ©nyĂ©t is növeli. Kutatásunk cĂ©lja a tej Ă©s tejtermĂ©kek marketingcsatornájának komplex vizsgálata volt. A szektor választásának fĹ‘bb okai: - a tejtermĂ©kek tĂpusában, illetve fogyasztásában bekövetkezĹ‘ változások, - a szektor állami Ă©s piaci koordináciĂłra visszavezethetĹ‘ problĂ©mái, - az Ăşn. ártranszmisszĂł sajátosságai a termĂ©kpályán. A kutatás elmĂ©leti hátterĂ©t egyrĂ©szt a vertikális koordináciĂł Ă©s a tranzakciĂłs költsĂ©gek elmĂ©lete, másrĂ©szt egyes marketingelmĂ©letek, illetve a logisztika adták. Az empirikus kutatás kĂ©t lĂ©pcsĹ‘jĂ©t kĂ©rdĹ‘Ăves adatgyűjtĂ©s Ă©s szemĂ©lyes mĂ©lyinterjĂşk jelentettĂ©k. Az empirikus elemzĂ©s fĹ‘bb terĂĽletei a következĹ‘k voltak: (1) fogyasztĂł magatartás változásának elemzĂ©se, (2) állami Ă©s piaci koordináciĂłs mechanizmusok elemzĂ©se, beleĂ©rtve a szövetkezetek Ă©s más termelĹ‘i szervezetek integráciĂłs szerepĂ©t, (3) vertikumi árhatás-vizsgálata, (4) a termĂ©kpályai vertikumi szintjeinek (termelĹ‘k ? feldolgozĂłk ? kiskereskedĹ‘k) elemzĂ©se. A kapott adatokat egyrĂ©szt többváltozĂłs adatelemzĂ©si mĂłdszereknek vetettĂĽk alá, másrĂ©szt esettanulmányokba foglaltuk. | There is competition among marketing channels in agri-food economy as market relations are becoming dominant. In case state and market co-ordination mechanisms are taken place effectively, there is a possible optimum for the whole channel. A well-functioning marketing channel can significantly make impact on the competitiveness of the sector and it can positively influence macro-economic indicators. We examined the marketing channel of milk and dairy products using multidisciplinary approach. Causes of the selection of that particular sector were: - changes in types and consumption of milk and dairy products, - problems of state and private coordination mechanisms, - issues of price transmission of the supply channel. Theoretical background of the research was based on vertical co-ordination and transactions cost theory, different marketing concepts, as well as logistics. The two stages of the empirical research were based on questionnaires and personal interviews. Main areas of empirical research were: 1) changes in consumer behaviour, 2) examination of state and private coordination mechanisms, including the integration roles of co-operatives and other producers? organisations, 3) price transmission analysis of the chain, 4) examination of different stages (producers ? processors ? retail chains) of the dairy marketing channel. We employed multivariable mathematical and statistical data analyses, as well as case studies during the research