7 research outputs found

    Influence of ageing and cooking method on sensory evaluation and aromatic compounds profile of meat from Retinta breed crossbreeding

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    Se estudió el efecto del tiempo de maduración y tipo de cocinado sobre la valoración sensorial y el perfil de los compuestos aromáticos de la carne de animales de los cruces de toros de las razas Retinta, Limousine, Pirenaica y Asturiana de los Valles con vacas Retintas. Se utilizaron dos paneles, uno para el efecto de la maduración y otro para el tipo de cocinado. El entrenamiento de los catadores y la temperatura de cocinado fueron idénticos en ambos casos, aunque los perfiles difieren entre sí. En la valoración sensorial no se encontraron interacciones entre efectos. El cruce sólo afectó a la terneza, siendo la carne de Pirenaica x Retinta y Retinta x Retinta algo más dura. La terneza, el flavor a hígado y el flavor ácido aumentaron con la maduración, al contrario que la jugosidad. El tipo de cocinado afectó a la terneza y a la facilidad al tragar, estando ambas variables inversamente correlacionadas. Se identificaron 50 compuestos aromáticos. El cruce tuvo menos influencia que el tipo de cocinado y se encontró una interacción significativa entre efectos para 15 de los compuestos, especialmente hidrocarburos. El cruce afectó al porcentaje de alcoholes, compuestos azufrados y cetonas pero no al resto y el tipo de cocinado, a todos los compuestos. Los hidrocarburos y las cetonas presentaron mayores concentraciones que el resto. Para todos los grupos de compuestos excepto para los azufrados, las cantidades detectadas fueron mayores en cuando el método de cocinado fue la cocción.We studied the effect of ageing period and cooking method on sensory evaluation and aromatic compounds profile of meat from crosses of Retinta Limousine, Pirenaica and Asturiana de los Valles bulls and Retinta dams. Two panels were used, one to study the ageing effect and another to compare the effect of cooking method. The training and temperature of cooking were identical in both cases, although the descriptive profiles are different among themselves. No interaction between effects was found in sensory evaluation. Crossbreeding only affected tenderness, being meat from Pirenaica x Retinta and Retinta x Retinta crosses slightly tougher. Tenderness, liver flavour and acid flavour increased with ageing, contrary to juiciness. The cooking method affected tenderness and ease swallowing, and both variables were inversely correlated. 50 aromatics compounds were identified and we found a significant interaction effects for 15 compounds, especially hydrocarbons. Crossbreeding affected the percentage of alcohols, ketones and sulphur compounds whereas cooking method affected to all compounds. Hydrocarbons and ketones showed higher concentrations than the rest of the compounds. All compounds except the ketone groups were affected by cooking method. For all groups of compounds except for the sulphur, the amounts detected were higher when the cooking method was water‑boiling.PanelCompuestos aromáticosVacunoPublishe

    Effect of the supplementation of dietsenriched in N-3 and CLA fatty acids on the conjugated fatty acid profile of meat from Holstein

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    There is a potential interest to improve the content of CLA in meat due to their healthy properties in the human species. Many studies have suggested that it is possible to increase the level of these fatty acids in beef when the animals are fed with diets enriched with linseed. In this study the inclusion of linseed and CLA in the diet has led to increase the level of 9c11tCLA and the linolenic acid and decrease the ratio of n6/n3 in meat

    Efect of whole linseed and CLA addition to the dietc of friesian young bulls on animal performance and meet colour stability

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    Fourty-eight Friesian young bulls were fed 110 mg vitamin E/kg feed and 1 of 4 diets: control (0% linseed or CLA), linseed (10%), CLA (2%), and linseed+CLA (10+2%). Animal performance and carcass characteristics were not affected (P>0.05) by the addition of linseed, CLA or their combination in the diet. Meat colour stability evaluated during 14 days did not differ (P>0.05) among the four diets, possibly due to supplementation with high levels of vitamin E. Results indicate that inclusion of linseed and/or CLA in the diet of young bulls have not detrimental effects on animal performance or meat shelf life as determined by colour stabilit

    Carcass Characterization on friesian and pirenaica breed young bulls by an image analysis system

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    El método europeo oficial de clasificación de canales bovinas (reglamento CEE 1026/91) establece como criterios fundamentales de calidad la conformación y el engrasamiento. Son los clasificadores oficiales los que asignan una nota de conformación (escala S-E-U-R-O-P) y otra de engrasamiento (escala 1-5) a las canales bovinas. Esta asignación la realizan los clasificadores oficiales mediante apreciación visual apoyándose en patrones fotográficos. Estos últimos años se están desarrollando diferentes tecnologías (NIRS, Ultrasonidos, Análisis de imagen,.) con objeto de conseguir un mayor grado de objetividad y de precisión a la hora de determinar la calidad de las canales (Oliver et al., 2010; Craigie et al., 2012, Reis y Rosenvold, 2014). En este sentido, en el presente trabajo se utiliza la técnica de análisis de imagen para caracterizar canales de terneros de muy diferente morfología y aptitud. Por una parte, terneros de la raza Frisona de aptitud lechera y, por otra, terneros de raza Pirenaica mejorada para la producción de carne.The conformation and fatness are important factors affecting the carcass quality of young bulls. New technologies such as image analysis have been developed to increase the objectivity of carcass classification system. In the present work, carcass characterization of Friesian (n = 8) and Pirenaica (n = 8) young bulls was studied by Image Analysis system. The results showed that the carcasses of Friesian young bulls were more elongated and had more area than those of the Pirenaica breed (P < 0.001). The compactness index and the area of the longissimus thoracis muscle was higher in the Pirenaica young bulls compared to Friesian bulls (P < 0.001), which reflects the higher conformation of this breed. The Friesian young bulls tended to show a higher fatness than the Pirenaica breed (65.9 vs 61.3%, P = 0.10). However, there were no significant differences between breeds in the marbling degree (P = 0.33).Publishe

    Cata comentada de carne de vacuno en FIGAN: resultados

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    El pasado 31 de marzo realizamos una cata comentada de carne de vacuno dentro del marco de FIGAN. Era una actividad del proyecto RTA INIA 2012-00046-C03. Agradecemos a Feria de Zaragoza, Fribin, Citapa, TV Aragón y todos los asistentes la colaboración prestada