769 research outputs found

    Facies, stratigraphy, and evolution of a middle Ediacaran carbonate ramp: Khufai Formation, Sultanate of Oman

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    The Khufai Formation is the oldest carbonate platform of the Cryogenian to lowermost Cambrian Huqf Supergroup. A stratigraphic characterization of this unit includes detailed facies descriptions, a sequence-stratigraphic interpretation, and evaluation of lateral heterogeneity and overall ramp evolution. The Khufai Formation comprises one and one-half depositional sequences with a maximum flooding interval near the base of the formation and a sequence boundary within the upper peritidal facies. Most of the deposition occurred during highstand progradation of a carbonate ramp. Facies tracts include outer-ramp and midramp mudstones and wackestones, ramp-crest grainstone shoal deposits, and extensive inner-ramp, microbially dominated peritidal deposits. Outcrops in the Oman Mountains are deep-water deposits, including turbiditic grainstone and wackestone interbedded with siliciclastic-rich siltstone and crinkly laminite. Facies patterns and parasequence composition are variable both laterally across the outcrop area and vertically through time because of a combination of ramp morphology, siliciclastic supply, and possible syndepositional faulting. The lithostratigraphic boundary between the Khufai Formation and the overlying Shuram Formation is gradational and represents significant flooding of the carbonate platform. The stratigraphic characterization presented here along with the identification of key facies and diagenetic features will help further future exploration and production of hydrocarbons from the Khufai Formation

    RXJ0848.6+4453: The Evolution of Galaxy Sizes and Stellar Populations in a z=1.27 Cluster

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    RXJ0848.6+4453 (Lynx W) at redshift 1.27 is part of the Lynx Supercluster of galaxies. Our analysis of stellar populations and star formation history in the cluster covers 24 members and is based on deep optical spectroscopy from Gemini North and imaging data from HST. Focusing on the 13 bulge-dominated galaxies for which we can determine central velocity dispersions, we find that these show a smaller evolution of sizes and velocity dispersions than reported for field galaxies and galaxies in poorer clusters. The galaxies in RXJ0848.6+4453 populate the Fundamental Plane similar to that found for lower redshift clusters with a zero point offset corresponding to an epoch of last star formation at z_form= 1.95+-0.2. The spectra of the galaxies in RXJ0848.6+4453 are dominated by young stellar populations at all galaxy masses and in many cases show emission indicating low level on-going star formation. The average age of the young stellar populations (estimated from H-zeta) is consistent with a major star formation episode 1-2 Gyr prior, which in turn agrees with z_form=1.95. Galaxies dominated by young stellar populations are distributed throughout the cluster. We speculate that low level star formation has not yet been fully quenched in the center of this cluster may be because the cluster is significantly poorer than other clusters previously studied at similar redshifts, which appear to have very little on-going star formation in their centers.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal. High-resolution figures available from the first author by reques

    Anpassung von Gebäuden

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    Dies ist ein Faktenblatt aus dem REGKLAM-Vorhaben zum Thema "Anpassung von Gebäuden"

    The Fundamental Plane in RX J0142.0+2131: a galaxy cluster merger at z=0.28

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    We present the Fundamental Plane (FP) in the z = 0.28 cluster of galaxies RX J0142.0+2131. There is no evidence for a difference in the slope of the FP when compared with the Coma cluster, although the internal scatter is larger. On average, stellar populations in RX J0142.0+2131 have rest-frame V-band mass-to-light ratios (M/L_V) 0.29+-0.03 dex lower than in Coma. This is significantly lower than expected for a passively-evolving cluster formed at z_f=2. Lenticular galaxies have lower average M/L_V and a distribution of M/L_V with larger scatter than ellipticals. Lower mass-to-light ratios are not due to recent star formation: our previous spectroscopic observations of RX J0142.0+2131 E/S0 galaxies showed no evidence for significant star-formation within the past ~4 Gyr. However, cluster members have enhanced alpha-element abundance ratios, which may act to decrease M/L_V. The increased scatter in the RX J0142.0+2131 FP reflects a large scatter in M/L_V implying that galaxies have undergone bursts of star formation over a range of epochs. The seven easternmost cluster galaxies, including the second brightest member, have M/L_V consistent with passive evolution and z_f = 2. We speculate that RX J0142.0+2131 is a cluster-cluster merger where the galaxies to the east are yet to fall into the main cluster body or have not experienced star formation as a result of the merger.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Meta-analysis of Cryogenian through modern quartz microtextures reveals sediment transport histories

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    Quantitative scanning electron microscopy (SEM) quartz microtextural analysis can reveal the transport histories of modern and ancient sediments. However, because workers identify and count microtextures differently, it is difficult to directly compare quantitative microtextural data analyzed by different workers. As a result, the defining microtextures of certain transport modes and their probabilities of occurrence are not well constrained. We used principal component analysis (PCA) to directly compare modern and ancient aeolian, fluvial, and glacial samples from the literature with 9 new samples from active aeolian and glacial environments. Our results demonstrate that PCA can group microtextural samples by transport mode and differentiate between aeolian and fluvial/glacial transport modes across studies. The PCA ordination indicates that aeolian samples are distinct from fluvial and glacial samples, which are in turn difficult to disambiguate from each other. Ancient and modern sediments are also shown to have quantitatively similar microtextural relationships. Therefore, PCA may be a useful tool to constrain the ambiguous transport histories of some ancient sediment grains. As a case study, we analyzed two samples with ambiguous transport histories from the Cryogenian Bråvika Member (Svalbard). Integrating PCA with field observations, we find evidence that the Bråvika Member facies investigated here includes aeolian deposition and may be analogous to syn-glacial Marinoan aeolian units including the Bakoye Formation in Mali and the Whyalla Sandstone in South Australia

    Bio accessibility of tire-associated organic chemicals in fish gut (Oncorhynchus mykiss): insights from an in vitro digestion model

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    Tire and Road Wear Particles (TRWP) account for an important part of the anthropogenic particles released into the environment. There are scientific knowledge gaps as to the potential bio accessibility of chemicals associated with TRWP to aquatic organisms. This study aimed to investigate the solubilization of five tire-associated chemicals into fish gut using an in vitro digestion model (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Our results show that the targeted compounds were partly and rapidly solubilized into simulated fluids (SF) present in the gastrointestinal tract within a typical gut transit time for fish (3h in SFGASTRIC and 24h in SFINTESTINAL). The effects of food co-ingestion on the solubilization of tire-associated chemicals was compound-specific and either lowered or stimulated their solubilization into the gut fluids. Therefore, the uptake of the tire associated chemicals by the epithelial cells and related toxicity to fish need to be investigated

    A 600-Million-Year Carbonate Clumped-Isotope Record from the Sultanate of Oman

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    Carbonate clumped-isotope thermometry is a promising technique that has the potential to help decode the significance of the variability of both physical and geochemical compositions of ancient carbonate rocks. This study utilizes a 600-million-year record of marine carbonate rocks from the subsurface and surface of the Sultanate of Oman to explore how burial and exhumation affected the carbonate clumped-isotope thermometer. Samples span 6 km of burial depth, and include calcite and dolomite mineralogies and a range of carbonate rock textures. We find evidence for two broad patterns in the physical and geochemical behavior of carbonate rocks during burial. The first group of carbonates yield water δ^(18)O_(VSMOW) compositions slightly enriched or equal to an expected “ice-free” seawater composition of –1.2‰ and display good to fair textural preservation suggesting that cementation and lithification occurred within tens of meters of the sediment–water interface. Temperatures from the second group sit on the present-day geotherm, yield highly enriched water δ^(18)O_(VSMOW) compositions, and display fair to poor textural preservation. We find no evidence for solid-state reordering in paired analyses of calcites and dolomites. Our results contribute to a growing body of work that indicates that the seawater δ^(18)O_(VSMOW) composition has not changed significantly over 600 Myr and was not –6‰ in the Ediacaran

    A 600-Million-Year Carbonate Clumped-Isotope Record from the Sultanate of Oman

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    Carbonate clumped-isotope thermometry is a promising technique that has the potential to help decode the significance of the variability of both physical and geochemical compositions of ancient carbonate rocks. This study utilizes a 600-million-year record of marine carbonate rocks from the subsurface and surface of the Sultanate of Oman to explore how burial and exhumation affected the carbonate clumped-isotope thermometer. Samples span 6 km of burial depth, and include calcite and dolomite mineralogies and a range of carbonate rock textures. We find evidence for two broad patterns in the physical and geochemical behavior of carbonate rocks during burial. The first group of carbonates yield water δ^(18)O_(VSMOW) compositions slightly enriched or equal to an expected “ice-free” seawater composition of –1.2‰ and display good to fair textural preservation suggesting that cementation and lithification occurred within tens of meters of the sediment–water interface. Temperatures from the second group sit on the present-day geotherm, yield highly enriched water δ^(18)O_(VSMOW) compositions, and display fair to poor textural preservation. We find no evidence for solid-state reordering in paired analyses of calcites and dolomites. Our results contribute to a growing body of work that indicates that the seawater δ^(18)O_(VSMOW) composition has not changed significantly over 600 Myr and was not –6‰ in the Ediacaran
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