264 research outputs found

    The capability of personal values and guanxi to reduce negative external effects of Chinese agriculture

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    China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of agricultural products, but the intensive agriculture contributes in a remarkable manner to environmental problems. Since environmental protection has recently become a popular issue in China, the government attaches great importance to the formulation of laws and regulations. Accordingly, China faces serious challenges inter alia in the accomplishment of effective agricultural trainings, environmentally sensitive farming and especially in the farmers’ willingness to adopt optimized farming approaches. In order to promote a sustainable adaption of reduced input techniques, farmers’ behaviour and their production decisions are crucial. Based on a social-psychological approach of individual behaviour, this contribution likes to close a considerable gap in analysing the Chinese farmers’ personal value positions and their social fallback system, namely personal relationship networks called guānxi. Next to the theoretical framework, this paper reports key results from a farmer survey in two intensive agricultural counties of Shandong Province on the capability of guānxi and personal values to reduce negative effects of agricultural inputs.China, environmental attitudes, farmers’ decision-making, guānxi, values, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics,


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    A modified version of a system dynamics model constructed for an EU-wide case-study project (TOP-MARD) using STELLA software was used to simulate the effects of a number of development scenarios for a remote rural area in Northern Scotland, i.e. Caithness & Sutherland, which is characterised by a high regional importance of agriculture for the local economy. In this paper, the context of the modelling work in policy and socio-economic terms is first described. This is followed by the specification of the model and of the several modelling scenarios, which relate to the reconfiguration of Pillar 2 spending within the area and an reversal of recent Structural Funds spending for 2007 onwards. The modelling results are discussed, in terms of regional population and economic trends, from 2001 to 2015. Finally, some conclusions are drawn, both about the implications of the results for such remote rural regions, and about the usefulness of this type of modelling exercise for policy analysis of rural development measures.modelling, input-output, systems dynamics, rural viability, Marketing,

    Modelling Policies for Multifunctional Agriculture and Rural Development in a Remote EU Region (Caithness & Sutherland, Scotland, UK)

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    A modified version of a system dynamics model constructed for an EU-wide case-study project (TOPMARD) using STELLA software was used to simulate the effects of a number of development scenarios for a remote rural area in Northern Scotland, i.e. Caithness & Sutherland, which is characterised by multifunctional agriculture. In this paper, the context of the modelling work in policy and socioeconomic terms is first described. This is followed by the specification of the model and of the modelling scenarios, one of which relates to the “decommissioning” (run-down) of a major industrial site (Dounreay) within the area. The modelling results are discussed, in terms of regional population, land use, economic and other terms, from 2001 to 2015/2031. Finally, some conclusions are drawn, both about the implications of the results for such remote rural regions, and the usefulness of this type of modelling exercise for policy analysis of multifunctionality and rural development.modelling, multifunctionality, input-output, systems dynamics, rural policy, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Public Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,


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    With demographic change, many rural regions in Germany face the challenge to ensure an appropriate provision of basic services, also for the increasing share of immobile population groups. Among others, the growing number of old and very old people will increase the demand for medical care. Although, on the whole health care in Germany is very good, in some rural areas its provision tends to be difficult. This paper presents findings of an empirical study on older people’s mobility options, obstacles that constrain the access to health care and related needs. In-depth interviews were conducted with elderly men and women living in Holzminden, a district in Lower Saxony already massively affected by demographic ageing and shrinking. The analysis reveals high car dependency among the elderly; those who cannot drive are highly dependent to be given a ride to all kinds of activities, including medical appointments. Satisfaction with family doctors is high but many will soon retire and might not find a successor. Access to medical specialists and emergency care turns out to be more complicated. Despite low accessibility, most appreciate the advantages of rural living and nearly none considers leaving the countryside. Yet, those who do not have family living close-by they can call on might be forced to leave rural home once not able to drive anymore.Rural health care, demographic change, accessibility, medical care, LĂ€ndliche Gesundheitsversorgung, demographischer Wandel, Erreichbarkeit, medizinische Versorgung, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Industrial Organization, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Land Economics/Use,


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    With the latest reform of EU Structural Policy, the Highlands and Islands have been excluded from further support by Structural Funds beyond 2013, but the new Scottish Rural Development Programme has increased CAP Pillar 2 expenditures in Scotland. A modified version of a system dynamics model constructed for an EU-wide case-study project (TOP-MARD) was used to simulate the effects of these and other policy changes in Caithness and Sutherland (C&S), a remote rural area in Northern Scotland. Several alternative modelling scenarios were developed, mostly relating to reconfigurations of Pillar 2 spending within the area. The modelling results, i.e. projections from 2001 to 2021, are discussed in terms of agricultural employment, regional population, and economic trends. It is shown that by targeting Pillar 2 money to non-agricultural rural development measures instead of to farm investments, less favoured area or agrienvironmental schemes, the long-term trends in severe depopulation, ageing and deindustrialisation in the area can be alleviated but not avoided. Finally, some conclusions are drawn, both about the implications of the results for sustainability in C&S, and in general for future sustainable rural development policy.rural development, CAP reform, Scotland, Pillar 2, regional modelling, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Q01, Q18, R23, R50,

    Berechnung von Kosten fĂŒr Maßnahmen zum Schutz von gefĂ€hrdeten Maculinea-Arten

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    Ziel dieses Beitrags ist die Kostenberechnung fĂŒr Maßnahmen zum Schutz von gefĂ€hrdeten Maculinea- Arten.Die Ergebnisse dieser agrarökonomischen Berechnungen fließen in die Bestimmung effizienter Kompensationszahlungen zum Schutz von Maculinea-Arten ein, die wiederum auf den Vorarbeiten von JOHST ET AL. 2002 beruhen. Die Kosten werden auf der Basis der Deckungsbeitragsrechnung ermittelt. In Kombination mit SchĂ€tzungen ĂŒber voraussichtliche Ertragseinbußen können die damit verbundenen Kosten verschiedener Maßnahmen ermittelt und verglichen werden. Neben der Darstellung welche Ertragseinbußen auftreten, wird in diesem Beitrag zusĂ€tzlich untersucht wie die Produkte der Extensivierung einer ökonomisch effizienten Verwendung zugefĂŒhrt werden kann. Auf der Grundlage dieser AusfĂŒhrungen wird im Einzelnen berechnet, welche Zahlungen notwendig sind, um Landwirte in einer bestimmten Region dazu zu veranlassen, an einem ein- bis dreijĂ€hrigem Programm teilzunehmen, in dem sie sich verpflichten im ersten Jahr auf einem ca. 1 ha großen StĂŒck Land an einem bestimmten Termin zu mĂ€hen (und sonst nicht) und im zweiten Jahr sowie im zweiten und dritten Jahr auf dem entsprechenden Land ĂŒberhaupt keine Mahd (Alternative 1) oder eine ortsĂŒbliche Nutzung (Alternative 2) durchzufĂŒhren. Es werden Zahlungen fĂŒr unterschiedliche Mahdtermine berechnet ab dem 1. Juni bis Ende August (also 1. Juniwoche, 2. Juniwoche, 3. Juniwoche, etc. bis 4. Augustwoche)). ZusĂ€tzlich wird berechnet, welche Zahlungen notwendig sind, wenn im zweiten Jahr eine Mahd zum identischen Termin wie im ersten Jahr durchgefĂŒhrt werden soll. Die Kostenberechnungen werden fĂŒr die Westerwaldregion (Rheinland-Pfalz) auf Schlagebene mit Hilfe der Deckungsbeitragsrechnung durchgefĂŒhrt. --

    The Distribution of CAP Payments - Redistributional Injustice or Spatially Adapted policy?

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    This paper analyses the distributional equality of individual Scottish Government-administered payments in 2008 under CAP Pillars One (single farm payments) and Two (rural development measures) and in total, in terms of economic, social and spatial factors. The analysis shows that 94% of all payments were paid to claimants in core rural areas (94%) while only a few (5%) claimants resided in urban areas or outside of Scotland (1%). However, in both Pillars, claims made by urban residents were often higher than those made by rural dwellers. The Ordinary Least Squares spatial analysis shows that the level of payments was extremely dependent on the geographical location and natural conditions. Spatial factors describing the economic situation in the area of the claimant were significantly related to the level of the CAP amounts paid. Overall, the level of amounts paid was positively related to the natural, economic and social structures of the area of residence. The discussion tackles the question of whether the current system of farm income support by decoupled payments should be developed into a poverty payment system.Pillar One, Common Agricultural Policy, Gini-Coefficient, Rural-Urban distribution, distributional justice, Land Economics/Use, Q15, R14, R11,

    Stavovi ljudi starije ĆŸivotne dobi o zdravstvenoj skrbi u ruralnim područjima – studija slučaja iz sjeverne Njemačke

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    Germany’s population is decreasing and experiencing accelerated ageing. In 2060, more than a third of the population will be aged 65 years or older. With demographic change, many rural regions are struggling to ensure supply of appropriate public infrastructure while becoming less densely populated and experiencing an increasing share of immobile population groups. One of the major issues at stake is to maintain medical infrastructure at the necessary level. Although health care in Germany is still of very high standard in international comparison, in some rural areas its provision tends to be problematic. Demographic developments aggravate this situation because of two reasons: firstly, natural decline in population and rural depopulation will lead to changes in the rural spatial structure and have impact on the provision of health care; secondly, the growing proportion of older people will simultaneously increase the demand for medical care because, with advancing age, people seek medical treatment more often than at a young age. Even so, older people’s specific needs have long been and still are neglected in health care issues. This paper presents findings of an empirical study on older people’s mobility options, obstacles that constrain the access to health care and related needs.StanovniĆĄtvo Njemačke se smanjuje i ubrzano stari. Godine 2060. viĆĄe od trećine stanovnika bit će starije od 65 godina. Uz demografske promjene, mnoga ruralna područja sve teĆŸe osiguravaju adekvatnu javnu infrastrukturu, dok u isto vrijeme ta područja postaju sve rjeđe naseljene uz povećan udio prostorno slabo pokretljivih populacijskih grupa. Jedan je od glavnih problema kako odrĆŸati medicinsku infrastrukturu na prikladnoj razini. OdrĆŸavanje visokog standarda zdravstvene skrbi u Njemačkoj u ruralnim područjima zna biti problematično. Demografski trendovi oteĆŸavaju ovu situaciju iz dva razloga: kao prvo, prirodni pad stanovniĆĄtva i ruralna depopulacija dovest će do promjena u ruralnoj prostornoj strukturi i utjecat će na pruĆŸanje zdravstvene skrbi; kao drugo, rastući udio starog stanovniĆĄtva istovremeno će povećati potraĆŸnju za zdravstvenom skrbi jer stariji ljudi čeơće traĆŸe medicinsku pomoć. Unatoč tome, specifične potrebe ljudi starije ĆŸivotne dobi dugo su bile i joĆĄ uvijek jesu zanemarivane po pitanju zdravstvene skrbi. Ovaj rad predstavlja saznanja dobivena iz empirijskog istraĆŸivanja o mogućnostima mobilnosti ljudi starije ĆŸivotne dobi, preprekama koje im ograničavaju pristup zdravstvenoj skrbi i potrebama koje se na to odnose

    A model-based approach for designing cost-effective compensation payments for conservation of endangered species in real landscapes

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    An approach is present which integrates an economic and an ecological model for designing cost-effective compensation payments for conservation of endangered species in real landscapes. The approach is used to develop a cost-effective compensation payment scheme for conservation of an endangered butterfly species (Maculinea teleius) protected by the EU Habitats Directive in the region of Landau, Germany. The economic model determines the costs of relevant conservation measures mowing meadows at different times and frequencies - and the ecological model quantifies the effects of these mowing regimes on the butterfly population. By comparing the ecological effects of different mowing regimes, the cost-effective regime and the corresponding payments are determined as a function of the conservation budget. The results of the case study are used to analyse the effect of metapopulation dynamics on the cost-effectiveness of compensation payment schemes, to evaluate an existing scheme in the region of Landau and to draw conclusions for the institutional design of payment schemes. --Conservation,biodiversity,metapopulation,cost-effectiveness,ecological-economic modelling

    The relation between water use and pesticides – Some remarks on the influence of integrated farming practices

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    Agriculture is the main user of the world’s water resources. Due to increasing concern on water quality and quantity, there is a growing interest to use the scarce water resources in the most efficient way to feed the growing world population. By employing a meta-analysis, this paper shows that pesticide use in combination with other improved production technologies have tripled agricultural water use efficiency (WUE) in the last 30 years. Recently, the European Union banned several active substances, among these more than 20 pesticides formerly used in crop growing. By doing so the progress in WUE has been put into question. This paper argues that a sudden reduction of pesticides by 50 % would lead to a need for more than 55 million hectares of additional arable land and for more than 158 km3 of additional water. Furthermore, in such a case the global irrigated area would have to be increased by 4 %. As most studies on the worldwide potential of additional arable land show, this land does not exist. Therefore, there are strong arguments to invest even further into new water saving technologies including pesticides. Specific research is needed to clarify which countries would be affected most by a sudden restriction or even ban of pesticides.pesticides, water use efficiency, production technologies, food security, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics,
