318 research outputs found

    Dimer-Quadrupolar Quantum Phase Transition in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Heisenberg Model with Biquadratic Interaction

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    The quasi-one-dimensional S=1 Heisenberg antiferromagnet with a biquadratic term is investigated at zero temperature by quantum Monte Carlo simulation. As the magnitude of the inter-chain coupling is increased, the system undergoes a phase transition from a spontaneously dimerized phase to a N\'eel ordered or spin nematic phase. The numerical results suggest the possibility of an unconventional second-order transition in which the symmetry group characterizing one phase is not a subgroup of the other.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    One-dimensional phase transitions in a two-dimensional optical lattice

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    A phase transition for bosonic atoms in a two-dimensional anisotropic optical lattice is considered. If the tunnelling rates in two directions are different, the system can undergo a transition between a two-dimensional superfluid and a one-dimensional Mott insulating array of strongly coupled tubes. The connection to other lattice models is exploited in order to better understand the phase transition. Critical properties are obtained using quantum Monte Carlo calculations. These critical properties are related to correlation properties of the bosons and a criterion for commensurate filling is established.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Mott Transition and Spin Structures of Spin-1 Bosons in Two-Dimensional Optical Lattice at Unit Filling

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    We study the ground state properties of spin-1 bosons in a two-dimensional optical lattice, by applying a variational Monte Carlo method to the S=1 Bose-Hubbard model on a square lattice at unit filling. A doublon-holon binding factor introduced in the trial state provides a noticeable improvement in the variational energy over the conventional Gutzwiller wave function and allows us to deal effectively with the inter-site correlations of particle densities and spins. We systematically show how spin-dependent interactions modify the superfluid-Mott insulator transitions in the S=1 Bose-Hubbard model due to the interplay between the density and spin fluctuations of bosons. Furthermore, regarding the magnetic phases in the Mott region, the calculated spin structure factor elucidates the emergence of nematic and ferromagnetic spin orders for antiferromagnetic (U2>0U_2>0) and ferromagnetic (U2<0U_2<0) couplings, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Journal of the Physical Society of Japa

    Variational Monte Carlo analysis of the Hubbard model with a confining potential: one-dimensional fermionic optical lattice systems

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    We investigate the one-dimensional Hubbard model with a confining potential, which may describe cold fermionic atoms trapped in an optical lattice. Combining the variational Monte Carlo simulations with the new stochastic reconfiguration scheme proposed by Sorella, we present an efficient method to systematically treat the ground state properties of the confined system with a site-dependent potential. By taking into account intersite correlations as well as site-dependent on-site correlations, we are able to describe the coexistence of the metallic and Mott insulating regions, which is consistent with other numerical results. Several possible improvements of the trial states are also addressed.Comment: 7 pages, 15 figures; removed unnecessary graphs (p.8-p.32 in the old version are removed

    Crack Front Waves and the dynamics of a rapidly moving crack

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    Crack front waves are localized waves that propagate along the leading edge of a crack. They are generated by the interaction of a crack with a localized material inhomogeneity. We show that front waves are nonlinear entities that transport energy, generate surface structure and lead to localized velocity fluctuations. Their existence locally imparts inertia, which is not incorporated in current theories of fracture, to initially "massless" cracks. This, coupled to crack instabilities, yields both inhomogeneity and scaling behavior within fracture surface structure.Comment: Embedded Latex file including 4 figure

    Disorder Induced Phases in Higher Spin Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chains

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    Extensive DMRG calculations for spin S=1/2 and S=3/2 disordered antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains show a rather distinct behavior in the two cases. While at sufficiently strong disorder both systems are in a random singlet phase, we show that weak disorder is an irrelevant perturbation for the S=3/2 chain, contrary to what expected from a naive application of the Harris criterion. The observed irrelevance is attributed to the presence of a new correlation length due to enhanced end-to-end correlations. This phenomenon is expected to occur for all half-integer S > 1/2 chains. A possible phase diagram of the chain for generic S is also discussed.Comment: 6 Pages and 6 figures. Final version as publishe

    Extra-curricular physical activity and socioeconomic status in Italian adolescents

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    BACKGROUND: The relationship between physical activity and health status has been thoroughly investigated in several studies, while the relation between physical activity and socio-economic status (SES) is less investigated. The aim of this study was to measure the extra-curricular physical activity of adolescents related to the socio-economic status (SES) of their families. METHODS: The survey was carried out by submitting an anonymous questionnaire to junior high school students in the following Regions: Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, during the school year 2002–2003. Extra-curriculum physical activity was evaluated considering whether or not present and hours of activity weekly conducted. 2411 students agreed to participate in the study. RESULTS: Participants were 1121 males (46.5%) and 1290 females (53.5%), aged between 11 and 17 years (median age: 12 years). 71.1% of the students reported to practice extra-curricular physical activity. Parents' educational levels and work activities play an important role in predicting students' physical activity, with the more remunerative activities and higher educational levels being more predictive. CONCLUSION: The results confirm the relationship between adolescents' physical activity and their families' SES. In particular, a positive relationship between participation in extra-curricular physical activity and their families high SES was found. These data will be useful for school administrators and for politicians in order to reduce the gap between adolescents from the least and most disadvantaged families

    The Loop Algorithm

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    A review of the Loop Algorithm, its generalizations, and its relation to some other Monte Carlo techniques is given. The loop algorithm is a Quantum Monte Carlo procedure which employs nonlocal changes of worldline configurations, determined by local stochastic decisions. It is based on a formulation of quantum models of any dimension in an extended ensemble of worldlines and graphs, and is related to Swendsen-Wang algorithms. It can be represented directly on an operator level, both with a continuous imaginary time path integral and with the stochastic series expansion (SSE). It overcomes many of the difficulties of traditional worldline simulations. Autocorrelations are reduced by orders of magnitude. Grand-canonical ensembles, off-diagonal operators, and variance reduced estimators are accessible. In some cases, infinite systems can be simulated. For a restricted class of models, the fermion sign problem can be overcome. Transverse magnetic fields are handled efficiently, in contrast to strong diagonal ones. The method has been applied successfully to a variety of models for spin and charge degrees of freedom, including Heisenberg and XYZ spin models, hard-core bosons, Hubbard, and tJ-models. Due to the improved efficiency, precise calculations of asymptotic behavior and of quantum critical exponents have been possible.Comment: Third Edition, July 2002. (78 pages, 11 figures). To appear in Adv.Phys. Updated. New chapter on Operator Formulation, with continuous time and with SS

    A Molecular and Co-Evolutionary Context for Grazer Induced Toxin Production in Alexandrium tamarense

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    Marine dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium are the proximal source of neurotoxins associated with Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning. The production of these toxins, the toxin biosynthesis and, thus, the cellular toxicity can be influenced by abiotic and biotic factors. There is, however, a lack of substantial evidence concerning the toxins' ecological function such as grazing defense. Waterborne cues from copepods have been previously found to induce a species-specific increase in toxin content in Alexandrium minutum. However, it remains speculative in which context these species-specific responses evolved and if it occurs in other Alexandrium species as well. In this study we exposed Alexandrium tamarense to three copepod species (Calanus helgolandicus, Acartia clausii, and Oithona similis) and their corresponding cues. We show that the species-specific response towards copepod-cues is not restricted to one Alexandrium species and that co-evolutionary processes might be involved in these responses, thus giving additional evidence for the defensive role of phycotoxins. Through a functional genomic approach we gained insights into the underlying molecular processes which could trigger the different outcomes of these species-specific responses and consequently lead to increased toxin content in Alexandrium tamarense. We propose that the regulation of serine/threonine kinase signaling pathways has a major influence in directing the external stimuli i.e. copepod-cues, into different intracellular cascades and networks in A. tamarense. Our results show that A. tamarense can sense potential predating copepods and respond to the received information by increasing its toxin production. Furthermore, we demonstrate how a functional genomic approach can be used to investigate species interactions within the plankton community