323 research outputs found

    Simplified SUSY at the ILC

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    At the ILC, one has the possibility to search for SUSY in an model-independent way: The corner-stone of SUSY is that sparticles couple as particles. This is independent of the mechanism responsible for SUSY breaking. Any model will have one Lightest SUSY Particle (LSP), and one Next to Lightest SUSY Particle (NLSP). In models with conserved R-parity, the NLSP must decay solely to the LSP and the SM partner of the NLSP. Therefore, studying NLSP production and decay can be regarded as a "simplified model without simplification": Any SUSY model will have such a process. The NLSP could be any sparticle: a slepton, an electroweak-ino, or even a squark. However, since there are only a finite number of sparticles, one can systematically search for signals of all possible NLSP:s. This way, the entire space of models that have a kinematicall y reachable NLSP can be covered. For any NLSP, the "worst case" can be determined, since the SUSY principle allows to calculate the cross-section once the NLSP nature and mass are given. The region in the LSP-NLSP mass-plane where the "worst case" could be discovered or excluded experimentally can be found by estimating background and efficiency at each point in the plane. From experience at LEP, it is expected that the lower signal-to background ratio will indeed be found for models with conserved R-parity. In this document, we show that at the ILC, such a program is possible, as it was at LEP. No loop-holes are left, even for difficult or non-standard cases: whatever the NLSP is it will be detectable.Comment: Whitepaper contributed to Snowmass Community Summer Study 2013. 11 pages, 5 figure

    Is Tolerance Good or Bad for Growth?

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    We investigate to what extent tolerance, as measured by attitudes toward different types of neighbors, affects economic growth. Data from the World Values Survey enable us to investigate tolerance–growth relationships for 54 countries. We provide estimates based on cross-sectional as well as panel-data regressions. In addition we test for robustness with respect to model specification and sample composition. Unlike previous studies, by Richard Florida and others, we find that tolerance toward homosexuals is negatively related to growth. For tolerance toward people of a different race, we do not find robust results, but the sign of the estimated coefficients is positive, suggesting that inclusion of people irrespective of race makes good use of productive capacity. We propose mechanisms to explain these divergent findings, which clarify why different kinds of tolerance may be of different economic importance.Tolerance; Growth; Diversity; Human Capital; Creativity; Innovatio

    Is Tolerance Good or Bad for Growth?

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    We investigate to what extent tolerance, as measured by attitudes toward different types of neighbors, affects economic growth. Data from the World Values Survey enable us to investigate tolerance–growth relationships for 54 countries. We provide estimates based on cross-sectional as well as panel-data regressions. In addition we test for robustness with respect to model specification and sample composition. Unlike previous studies, by Richard Florida and others, we find that tolerance toward homosexuals is negatively related to growth. For tolerance toward people of a different race, we do not find robust results, but the sign of the estimated coefficients is positive, suggesting that inclusion of people irrespective of race makes good use of productive capacity. We propose mechanisms to explain these divergent findings, which clarify why different kinds of tolerance may be of different economic importance.Tolerance; Growth; Diversity; Human Capital; Creativity; Innovation

    Generating the full SM at linear colliders

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    Future linear e+e−e^+e^- colliders aim for extremely high precision measurements. To achieve this, not only excellent detectors and well controlled machine conditions are needed, but also the best possible estimate of backgrounds. To avoid that lacking channels and too low statistics becomes a major source of systematic errors in data-MC comparisons, all SM channels with the potential to yield at least a few events under the full lifetime of the projects need to be generated, with statistics largely exceeding that of the real data. Also machine conditions need to be accurately taken into account. This includes beam-polarisation, interactions due to the photons inevitably present in the highly focused beams, and coherent interactions of whole bunches. This endeavour has already been partly achieved in preparing design documents for both the ILC and CLIC: Comprehensive samples of fully simulated and reconstructed events are available for use. In this contribution, we present how the generation of physics events at linear colliders is categorised and organised, and the tools used. Also covered is how different aspects of machine conditions, different sources of spurious interactions (such as beam-induced backgrounds) are treated and the tools involved for these aspects.Comment: 40th International Conference on High Energy physics - ICHEP2020. Talk given on behalf of the generator group (LCGG) of the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC

    Search for new particles at the ILC

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    The LHC experiments have searched for and excluded many proposed Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) theories. However, there are many scenarios where LHC has little or no sensitivity. Electron-positron colliders offers a different avenue for searches for such phenomena.In this talk, we will review the expectations for searches for number of BSM models at the International Linear Collider (ILC). We will discuss new Higgs-like scalars, indirect BSM via Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) fits, mono-photons, and SUSY in strongly or moderately compressed models.Comment: Contribution to the 41st International Conference on High Energy physics - ICHEP2022. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.0992

    Trust and Growth: A Shaky Relationship

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    We conduct an extensive robustness analysis of the relationship between trust and growth by investigating a later time period and a bigger sample than in previous studies. In addition to robustness tests that focus on model uncertainty, we systematize the investigation of outlier influence on the results by using the robust estimation technique Least Trimmed Squares. We find that when outliers (especially China) are removed, the trust-growth relationship is no longer robust. On average, the trust coefficient is half as large as in previous findings.Trust; Growth; Robustness; Social Capital; Outliers
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