116 research outputs found

    On the pion-nucleon coupling constant

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    In view of persisting misunderstanding about the determination of the pion-nucleon coupling constants in the Nijmegen multienergy partial-wave analyses of pp, np, and pbar-p scattering data, we present additional information which may clarify several points of discussion. We comment on several recent papers addressing the issue of the pion-nucleon coupling constant and criticizing the Nijmegen analyses.Comment: 19 pages, Nijmegen preprint THEF-NYM-92-0

    Angle-dependent normalization of neutron-proton differential cross sections

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    Systematic errors in the database of npnp differential cross sections below 350 MeV are studied. By applying angle-dependent normalizations with the help of the energy-dependent Nijmegen partial-wave analysis PWA93 the χ2\chi^2-values of some seriously flawed data sets can be reduced significantly at the expense of a few degrees of freedom. It turns out that in these special cases the renormalized data sets can be made statistically acceptable such that they do not have to be discarded any longer in partial-wave analyses of the two-nucleon scattering data.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; expanded versio

    Baryon-Baryon Interactions

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    After a short survey of some topics of interest in the study of baryon-baryon scattering, the recent Nijmegen energy dependent partial wave analysis (PWA) of the nucleon-nucleon data is reviewed. In this PWA the energy range for both pp and np is now 0 < Tlab < 350 MeV and a chi^2_{d.o.f.}=1.08 was reached. The implications for the pion-nucleon coupling constants are discussed. Comments are made with respect to recent discussions around this coupling constant in the literature. In the second part, we briefly sketch the picture of the baryon in several, more or less QCD-based, quark-models that have been rather prominent in the literature. Inspired by these pictures we constructed a new soft-core model for the nucleon-nucleon interaction and present the first results of this model in a chi^2 -fit to the new multi-energy Nijmegen PWA. With this new model we succeeded in narrowing the gap between theory and experiment at low energies. For the energies Tlab = 25-320 MeV we reached a record low chi^2_{p.d.p.} = 1.16. We finish the paper with some conclusions and an outlook describing the extension of the new model to baryon-baryon scattering.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX and one postscript figure included. Invited talk presented at the XIVth European Conference of Few-Body Problems in Physics, Amsterdam, August 23-28, 199

    pi-NN Coupling Constants from NN Elastic Data between 210 and 800 Mev

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    High partial waves for pppp and npnp elastic scattering are examined critically from 210 to 800 MeV. Non-OPE contributions are compared with predictions from theory. There are some discrepancies, but sufficient agreement that values of the πNN\pi NN coupling constants g02g_0^2 for π0\pi ^0 exchange and gc2g^2_{c} for charged π\pi exchange can be derived. Results are g02=13.91±0.13±0.07g^2_0 = 13.91 \pm 0.13 \pm 0.07 and gc2=13.69±0.15±0.24g^2_c = 13.69 \pm 0.15 \pm 0.24, where the first error is statistical and the second is an estimate of the likely systematic error, arising mostly from uncertainties in the normalisation of total cross sections and dσ/dΩd\sigma/d\Omega.Comment: 21 pages of LaTeX, UI-NTH-940

    Multipair contributions to the spin response of nuclear matter

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    We analyse the effect of non-central forces on the magnetic susceptibility of degenerate Fermi systems. These include the presence of contributions from transitions to states containing more than one quasiparticle-quasihole pair, which cannot be calculated within the framework of Landau Fermi-liquid theory, and renormalization of the quasiparticle magnetic moment, as well as explicit non-central contributions to the quasiparticle interaction. Consequently, the relationship between the Landau parameters and the magnetic susceptibility for Fermi systems with non-central forces is considerably more complicated than for systems with central forces. We use sum-rule arguments to place a lower bound on the contribution to the static susceptibility coming from transitions to multipair states

    Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of A6A\leq6 Nuclei

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    The energies of 3H^{3}H, 3He^{3}He, and 4He^{4}He ground states, the 32{\frac{3}{2}}^{-} and 12{\frac{1}{2}}^{-} scattering states of 5He^{5}He, the ground states of 6He^{6}He, 6Li^{6}Li, and 6Be^{6}Be and the 3+3^{+} and 0+0^{+} excited states of 6Li^{6}Li have been accurately calculated with the Green's function Monte Carlo method using realistic models of two- and three-nucleon interactions. The splitting of the A=3A=3 isospin T=12T=\frac{1}{2} and A=6A=6 isospin T=1T=1, Jπ=0+J^{\pi} = 0^{+} multiplets is also studied. The observed energies and radii are generally well reproduced, however, some definite differences between theory and experiment can be identified.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    proton-deuteron elastic scattering above the deuteron breakup

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    The complex Kohn variational principle and the (correlated) hyperspherical harmonics method are applied to study the proton-deuteron elastic scattering at energies above the deuteron breakup threshold. Results for the elastic cross section and various elastic polarization observables have been obtained by fully taking into account the long-range effect of the Coulomb interaction and using a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction model. Detailed comparison between the theoretical predictions and the accurate and abundant proton-deuteron experimental data can now be performed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Phenomenological Lambda-Nuclear Interactions

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    Variational Monte Carlo calculations for Λ4H{_{\Lambda}^4}H (ground and excited states) and Λ5He{_{\Lambda}^5}He are performed to decipher information on Λ{\Lambda}-nuclear interactions. Appropriate operatorial nuclear and Λ{\Lambda}-nuclear correlations have been incorporated to minimize the expectation values of the energies. We use the Argonne υ18\upsilon_{18} two-body NN along with the Urbana IX three-body NNN interactions. The study demonstrates that a large part of the splitting energy in Λ4H{_{\Lambda}^4}H (0+1+0^+-1^+) is due to the three-body Λ{\Lambda} NN forces. Λ17O_{\Lambda}^{17}O hypernucleus is analyzed using the {\it s}-shell results. Λ\Lambda binding to nuclear matter is calculated within the variational framework using the Fermi-Hypernetted-Chain technique. There is a need to correctly incorporate the three-body Λ{\Lambda} NN correlations for Λ\Lambda binding to nuclear matter.Comment: 18 pages (TeX), 2 figure

    Role of heavy-meson exchange in pion production near threshold

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    Recent calculations of ss-wave pion production have severely underestimated the accurately known ppppπ0pp\rightarrow pp\pi^0\ total cross section near threshold. In these calculations, only the single-nucleon axial-charge operator is considered. We have calculated, in addition to the one-body term, the two-body contributions to this reaction that arise from the exchange of mesons. We find that the inclusion of the scalar σ\sigma-meson exchange current (and lesser contributions from other mesons) increases the cross section by about a factor of five, and leads to excellent agreement with the data. The results are neither very sensitive to changes in the distorting potential that generates the NNNN wave function, nor to different choices for the meson-nucleon form factors. We argue that ppppπ0pp\rightarrow pp\pi^0\ data provide direct experimental evidence for meson-exchange contributions to the axial current.Comment: 28 Pages, IU-NTC #93-0