2,339 research outputs found

    Preservice Teacher Education: Alive and Well at Two-Year Colleges

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    Damped Lyman Alpha Systems at z<1.65: The Expanded SDSS HST Sample

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    We present results of our HST Cycle 11 Survey for low-redshift (z<1.65) DLAs in the UV spectra of quasars selected from the SDSS Early Data Release. These quasars have strong intervening MgII-FeII systems which are known signatures of high column density neutral gas. In total, UV observations of Ly-alpha absorption in 197 MgII systems with z<1.65 and rest equivalent width (REW) W2796 \ge 0.3A have now been obtained. The main results are: (1) 36(+/- 6)% of systems with W2796 \ge 0.5 A and FeII W2600 \ge 0.5 A are DLAs. This increases to 42(+/- 7)% for systems with W2796/W2600 0.1 A. (2) The mean N(HI) of MgII systems with 0.3 A \le W2796 < 0.6 A is a factor of ~36 lower than that of systems with W2796 \ge 0.6 A. (3) The DLA incidence per unit redshift is consistent with no evolution for z <~ 2 (Omega_L=0.7, Omega_M = 0.3), but exhibits significant evolution for z >~ 2. (4) Omega_{DLA} is constant for 0.5<z<5.0 to within the uncertainties. This is larger than Omega_{gas}(z=0) by a factor of ~2. (5) The slope of the N(HI) distribution does not change significantly with redshift. However, the low redshift distribution is marginally flatter due to the higher fraction of high N(HI) systems in our sample. (6) Finally, using the precision of MgII survey statistics, we find that there may be evidence of a decreasing Omega_{DLA} from z=0.5 to z=0. We reiterate the conclusion of Hopkins, Rao, & Turnshek that very high columns of neutral gas might be missed by DLA surveys because of their very small cross sections, and therefore, that Omega_{DLA} might not include the bulk of the neutral gas mass in the Universe. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 22 pages, 22 figure

    On the Connection Between Metal Absorbers and Quasar Nebulae

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    We establish a simple model for the distribution of cold gas around L* galaxies using a large set of observational constraints on the properties of strong MgII absorber systems. Our analysis suggests that the halos of L* galaxies are filled with cool gaseous clouds having sizes of order 1kpc and densities of ~10^{-2} cm^{-3}. We then investigate the physical effects of cloud irradiation by a quasar and study the resulting spectral signatures. We show that quasar activity gives rise to (i) extended narrow-line emission on ~100kpc scales and (ii) an anisotropy in the properties of the absorbing gas arising from the geometry of the quasar radiation field. Provided that quasars reside in halos several times more massive than those of L* galaxies, our model predictions appear to be in agreement with observations of narrow emission-line nebulae around quasars and the recent detections of ~100kpc cold gaseous envelopes around those objects, suggesting a common origin for these phenomena. We discuss the implications of our results for understanding absorption systems, probing quasar environments at high redshifts, and testing the quasar unification scheme.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures (ApJ submitted

    QSO Absorption Line Constraints on Intragroup High-Velocity Clouds

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    We show that the number statistics of moderate redshift MgII and Lyman limit absorbers may rule out the hypothesis that high velocity clouds are infalling intragroup material.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letters; revised version, more general and includes more about Braun and Burton CHVC

    Discovery of Damped Lyman-Alpha Systems at Redshifts Less Than 1.65 and Results on their Incidence and Cosmological Mass Density

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    We report results on the incidence and cosmological mass density of damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) systems at redshifts less that 1.65. We used HST and an efficient non-traditional (but unbiased) survey technique to discover DLA systems at redshifts z<1.65, where we observe the Lyman-alpha line in known MgII absorption-line systems. We uncovered 14 DLA lines including 2 serendipitously. We find that (1) The DLA absorbers are drawn almost exclusively from the population of MgII absorbers which have rest equivalent widths W(2796)>0.6A. (2) The incidence of DLA systems per unit redshift, n(DLA), is observed to decrease with decreasing redshift. (3) On the other hand, the cosmological mass density of neutral gas in low-redshift DLA absorbers, Omega(DLA), is observed to be comparable to that observed at high redshift. (4) The low-redshift DLA absorbers exhibit a significantly larger fraction of very high column density systems in comparison to determinations at both high redshift and locally.Comment: 47 pages in LaTeX - emulateapj style with included tables and encapsulated postscript figures. Accepted for Publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplements. Results unchanged, text revise

    The Absorption Signatures of Dwarf Galaxies: The z=1.04 Multicloud Weak MgII Absorber toward PG 1634+706

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    We analyze high resolution spectra of a multi--cloud weak [defined as W_r(MgII) < 0.3 A] absorbing system along the line of sight to PG 1634+706. This system gives rise to a partial Lyman limit break and absorption in MgII, SiII, CII, SiIII, SiIV, CIV, and OVI. The lower ionization transitions arise in two kinematic subsystems with a separation of ~150 km/s. Each subsystem is resolved into several narrow components, having Doppler widths of 3-10 kms. For both subsystems, the OVI absorption arises in a separate higher ionization phase, in regions dominated by bulk motions in the range of 30-40 km/s. The two OVI absorption profiles are kinematically offset by ~50 km/s with respect to each of the two lower ionization subsystem. In the stronger subsystem, the SiIII absorption is strong with a distinctive, smooth profile shape and may partially arise in shock heated gas. Moreover, the kinematic substructure of SiIV traces that of the lower ionization MgII, but may be offset by ~3 km/s. Based upon photoionization models, constrained by the partial Lyman limit break, we infer a low metallicity of ~0.03 solar for the low ionization gas in both subsystems. The broader OVI phases have a somewhat higher metallicity, and they are consistent with photoionization; the profiles are not broad enough to imply production of OVI through collisional ionization. Various models, including outer disks, dwarf galaxies, and superwinds, are discussed to account for the phase structure, metallicity, and kinematics of this absorption system. We favor an interpretation in which the two subsystems are produced by condensed clouds far out in the opposite extremes of a multi-layer dwarf galaxy superwind

    Lyman-alpha absorption around nearby galaxies

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    We have used STIS aboard HST to search for Lyman-alpha (Lya) absorption lines in the outer regions of eight nearby galaxies using background QSOs and AGN as probes. Lya lines are detected within a few hundred km/s of the systemic velocity of the galaxy in all cases. We conclude that a background line-of-sight which passes within 26-200 h-1 kpc of a foreground galaxy is likely to intercept low column density neutral hydrogen with log N(HI) >~ 13.0. The ubiquity of detections implies a covering factor of ~ 100% for low N(HI) gas around galaxies within 200 h-1 kpc. We discuss the difficulty in trying to associate individual absorption components with the selected galaxies and their neighbors, but show that by degrading our STIS data to lower resolutions, we are able to reproduce the anti-correlation of Lya equivalent width and impact parameter found at higher redshift. We also show that the equivalent width and column density of Lya complexes (when individual components are summed over ~ 1000 km/s) correlate well with a simple estimate of the volume density of galaxies brighter than M(B) = -17.5 at the same redshift as a Lya complex. We do not reject the hypothesis that the selected galaxies are directly responsible for the observed Lya lines, but our analysis indicates that absorption by clumpy intragroup gas is an equally likely explanation. (Abriged)Comment: Accepted for publication in Nov 20, 2002 issue of ApJ. Paper with all figures can be found at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~dvb/lyapaper.ps (preferable). Minor typos fixe
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