1,406 research outputs found

    Organizational Water Footprint to Support Decision Making: a Case Study for a German Technological Solutions Provider for the Plumbing Industry

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    With water scarcity representing an increasing threat to humans, the environment and the economy, companies are interested in exploring how their operations and supply chains affect water resources globally. To allow for systematically compiling the water footprint at the company level, the organizational water footprint method based on ISO 14046 and ISO/TS 14072 was developed. This paper presents the first complete organizational water scarcity footprint case study carried out for Neoperl GmbH, a German company that offers innovative solutions regarding drinking water for the plumbing industry. The cradle-to-gate assessment for one year includes, besides facility-based production activities, purchased materials, electricity and fuels, and supporting activities, such as company vehicles and infrastructure. Neoperl’s total freshwater consumption amounts to approximately 110,000 m3, 96% thereof being attributable to the supply chain, with freshwater consumption through purchased metals playing the predominant role. Metals (mainly stainless steel and brass) are major hotspots, also when considering the water scarcity-related local impacts resulting from freshwater consumption, which mainly affect China and Chile. These results can be used to improve the company’s supply chain water use in cooperation with internal and external stakeholders by means of, e.g., sustainable purchase strategies or eco-design options to substitute water intensive materials.BMBF, 02WGR1429, GROW - Verbundprojekt WELLE: Wasserfußabdruck für Unternehmen - Lokale Maßnahmen in Globalen WertschöpfungskettenDFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität Berli

    pyMANGA: A modular, open and extendable software platform for modeling of forest and vegetation dynamics

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    Agent-based vegetation models are a widely used tool in ecology, for example, to understand and predict the response of vegetation to environmental change. Models are based on well-established descriptions of processes such as vegetation establishment, growth and mortality. However, they are often developed from scratch, which can be inefficient. Here we present pyMANGA, a free and open-source platform for plant growth modelers. pyMANGA's modular design allows for the combination of different concepts and theories of how plants establish, grow or compete in response to above- and below-ground resource availability. New or alternative modules describing, e.g., competition or facilitation, can be easily added. The interchangeability of modules supports the systematic testing of different hypotheses, e.g., on dominant processes in soil-plant feedback loops. Here we further present the thorough benchmarking strategy to maintain the platform and how pyMANGA can be used to compare models with different levels of abstraction and complexity

    Kratten i skolesekken - Om nye utfordringer for utdanningssektoren i møtet med den digitale verden

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    Bakgrunn og formål for oppgaven Stort sett alle i vårt samfunn er en del av den digitale verden. Skolens oppgave er å forsikre at alle utvikler evnen til å beherske de digitale hjelpemidlene som eksisterer i dag. Bakgrunnen for denne oppgaven finner sitt grunnlag i en observasjon av utviklingen av nye teknologier, hvilke utfordringer disse kan føre med seg og hvordan samfunnet nå er inne i en digitaliseringsprosess. En rekke problemer melder seg raskt på, blant annet spørsmål knyttet til personvernet og hvordan dette beskyttes i skolen. Like relevant er også dannelsesperspektivene som kan beskrive menneskets møte med det digitale. Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke hvordan den offentlige forvaltningen for utdanningssektoren fremstiller og forholder seg til den videre utviklingen av ny teknologi. Problemstilling Hvilke nye utfordringer står utdanningssektoren ovenfor i møtet med den digitale verden? Teoretisk rammeverk og metode Oppgaven referer til en rekke teorier som sier noe om samfunnsutvikling, dannelse og ny teknologi. Teksten er en dokumentanalyse av utvalgte dokumenter og det legges til grunn et sosialkonstruktivistisk perspektiv i analysen, med innslag av hermeneutisk tenkning. Konklusjon Personvern er på mange måter fremstilt som hovedproblemet i møtet med den digitale verden, spesielt i en eventuell implementering av ny teknologi i skolen. Utfra de utvalgte dokumentene kan man også tolke at dannelsesperspektivene mangler og at disse ofte blir stående i skyggen av et større kompetansebegrep. Gjennom analysen av funnene kan man også oppfatte at det kastes lys på det verdisettet vi ønsker å bygge samfunnet på i fremtiden, dette ved å rette oppmerksomheten mot utviklingen av menneskevennlig teknologi

    Organizational water footprint

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    Freshwater is a vital resource for humans and ecosystems but is scarce in many regions around the world. Organizations measure and manage direct water use at their premises but usually neglect the indirect water use associated with global supply chains – even though the latter can be higher by several orders of magnitude. As of 2015, there was no standardized life-cycle-based approach for analysing the water consumption of an organization. Against this background, the BMBF funded research project “Water Footprint for Organizations – Local Measures in Global Supply Chains (WELLE)” has been launched by TU Berlin, Evonik, German Copper Institute, Neoperl, thinkstep and Volkswagen. The project aims to support organizations in determining their complete Organizational Water Footprint, identifying local hotspots in global supply chains and taking action to reduce their water use and mitigate water stress at critical basins. Within the WELLE project a method for analysing an Organizational Water Footprint has been developed, which analyses an organization’s water use and resulting local impacts throughout its entire value chain. In other words, the Organizational Water Footprint considers not only the direct water use at production facilities, but also the water used indirectly for energy generation and raw material production (upstream in the supply chain) as well as water use during the use and end-of-life phases of products (downstream). The Organizational Water Footprint method builds on two environmental assessment frameworks which have been identified as suitable for the purpose of this project: Water Footprint (ISO 14046, 2014 and Organizational Life Cycle Assessment (UNEP 2015). To support stakeholders in conducting Organizational Water Footprint studies, this guidance document was developed, which presents the method in a clear and concise way by illustrating each step with a practical example. By analysing their Water Footprints, organizations can determine water use and resulting local impacts at premises and “beyond the fence” along global supply chains. In this way they can reduce water risks and contribute to a more sustainable use of the world’s limited freshwater resources

    FACS purification and transcriptome analysis of drosophila neural stem cells reveals a role for Klumpfuss in self-renewal

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    Drosophila neuroblasts (NBs) have emerged as a model for stem cell biology that is ideal for genetic analysis but is limited by the lack of cell-type-specific gene expression data. Here, we describe a method for isolating large numbers of pure NBs and differentiating neurons that retain both cell-cycle and lineage characteristics. We determine transcriptional profiles by mRNA sequencing and identify 28 predicted NB-specific transcription factors that can be arranged in a network containing hubs for Notch signaling, growth control, and chromatin regulation. Overexpression and RNA interference for these factors identify Klumpfuss as a regulator of self-renewal. We show that loss of Klumpfuss function causes premature differentiation and that overexpression results in the formation of transplantable brain tumors. Our data represent a valuable resource for investigating Drosophila developmental neurobiology, and the described method can be applied to other invertebrate stem cell lineages as well

    Preventing Civic Space Restrictions: an Exploratory Study of Successful Resistance Against NGO Laws

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    In many countries around the world, civil society organizations are facing increasing restrictions that constrain their autonomy, capacity and/or freedom of action. While the general phenomenon of shrinking civic space and the adoption of legal restrictions in particular have become more widespread since the early 2000s, there are also cases in which governmental attempts to adopt restrictive NGO laws have been frustrated, aborted or, at least, significantly mitigated as a consequence of domestic and/or international resistance. This PRIF Report takes a look at four such cases (Azerbaijan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan and Zambia) and identifies conditions and dynamics that help understand successful resistance against legal civic space restrictions

    Antibiotics for Preventing Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

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    Recurrent urinary tract infections are a common health problem. The only comprehensive synthesis on antibiotic prophylaxis in the last 15 years has been a guideline-embedded meta-analysis. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials published up to October 13, 2020, evaluating patients age ≥12 years with either ≥2 episodes of lower urinary tract infection (UTI) within 6 months or ≥3 in the past year. Placebo or antibiotics were allowed as comparators. Study quality was low. In the 11 placebo-controlled trials, the risk for developing UTI was 85% lower with prophylaxis in comparison with placebo (risk ratio [RR], 0.15; 95% CI, 0.08-0.29). In the 9 head-to-head trials, the efficacy of the antibiotic agents appeared similar: The pooled RR indicated no difference between nitrofurantoin and comparators (RR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.74-1.37), nor trimethoprim (+/- sulfamethoxazole; RR, 1.34; 95% CI, 0.89-2.03) or norfloxacin and comparators (RR, 1.17; 95% CI, 0.43-1.70). Studies comparing intermittent (postcoital) with continuous strategies revealed intermittent application to be equally effective

    Antibiotics for preventing recurrent urinary tract infection: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Recurrent urinary tract infections are a common health problem. The only comprehensive synthesis on antibiotic prophylaxis in the last 15 years has been a guideline-embedded meta-analysis. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials published up to October 13, 2020, evaluating patients age ≥12 years with either ≥2 episodes of lower urinary tract infection (UTI) within 6 months or ≥3 in the past year. Placebo or antibiotics were allowed as comparators. Study quality was low. In the 11 placebo-controlled trials, the risk for developing UTI was 85% lower with prophylaxis in comparison with placebo (risk ratio [RR], 0.15; 95% CI, 0.08-0.29). In the 9 head-to-head trials, the efficacy of the antibiotic agents appeared similar: The pooled RR indicated no difference between nitrofurantoin and comparators (RR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.74-1.37), nor trimethoprim (+/- sulfamethoxazole; RR, 1.34; 95% CI, 0.89-2.03) or norfloxacin and comparators (RR, 1.17; 95% CI, 0.43-1.70). Studies comparing intermittent (postcoital) with continuous strategies revealed intermittent application to be equally effective

    What makes internet therapy work?

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    Abstract Internet therapy is a novel treatment approach that is used to deliver cognitive behaviour therapy. Treatment components are mainly delivered in the form of texts presented via webpages, and support is provided via e-mail. A growing number of controlled trials suggest that Internet therapy works well when (a) a proper diagnosis is made before the treatment starts, (b) a comprehensive treatment is provided, (c) the treatment is user friendly and not overly technically advanced, and (d) support and a clear deadline are provided for the duration of the treatment. Several issues remain for exploration in future research, such as mediating and moderating mechanisms and the role of tailoring the intervention. Keywords: Internet therapy; guided self-help; web design; deadline effect Introductio
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