78 research outputs found

    Variability and stability of tuber yield of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.)

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    The objective of this paper was to estimate the genetic and ecological variation as well as the stability of tuber yield per plant, tuber number per plant and tuber size of Jerusalem artichoke based on the results of a variety trial carried out with 20 different Jerusalem artichoke varieties during the period of 1994-2000. Significant genetic as well as ecological variation was observed for all of the traits studied. The most promising varieties showing high tuber yield combined with high yield stability were 'BT-4', 'Violet Rennes' and 'UKR 4/82'. It is encouraging that the highest yielding varieties exhibited a rather stable performance over environments

    Yield component analysis and diversity in Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.)

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the variability and mutual dependence of the tuber weight per plant, tuber number per plant, average tuber weight and total sugars content in the tubers of 20 Jerusalem artichoke genotypes included in a varietal trial conducted in the period 1994-2008. The variability of tuber weight per plant, tuber number per plant and average tuber weight was significantly affected by environmental conditions, while the total sugars content in the tubers depended primarily on the genotype. As the tuber weight per plant increased, the content of total sugars in the tubers decreased. Maximum tuber weight per plant was achieved with the genotype BT-4 and highest contents of total sugars in tubers were found in the genotypes Violet Rennes, UKR 5/82 and Topianca

    Uticaj agroklimatskih uslova na sadržaj glavnih kanabinoida u industrijskoj konoplji (Cannabis sativa L.)

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    In a six-year field experiment eight industrial hemp varieties were examined for ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) contents. The study analyzed the influence of growing degree days (GDD), soil temperature at 5 cm, air humidity, and growing season precipitation on the levels of the main cannabinoids in this crop. Agroclimatic conditions do not influence THC and CBD contents in industrial hemp in the same way. THC synthesis and accumulation are under the significant positive influence of GDD and air humidity and under the negative influence of precipitation, while soil temperature at 5 cm has no significant effect on it. Soil temperature at 5 cm has a significant positive effect on the CBD content, as do GDD. Precipitation has a negative influence on the CBD content of industrial hemp, while air humidity has no influence on it.U poljskim ogledima je tokom šest godina osam sorti industrijske konoplje ispitivano na sadržaj ∆9-tetrahidrokanabinola (THC) i kanabidiola (CBD). Analiziran je uticaj sume temperatura (growing degree days GDD), temperature zemljišta na 5 cm, vlažnosti vazduha i sume padavina tokom vegetacionog perioda na sadržaj glavnih kanabinoida. Agroklimatski uslovi ne utiču u istoj meri na sadržaj THC i CBD u industrijskoj konoplji. Sinteza i akumulacija THC protiče pod značajnim pozitivnim uticajem GDD i vlažnosti vazduha i negativnim uticajem sume padavina. Temperatura zemljišta na 5 cm nema značajnog efekta na sadržaj THC, ali zato signifikantno utiče na sadržaj CBD, isto kao i GDD. Suma padavina ima izražen negativan efekat, dok je uticaj vlažnosti vazduha na sadržaj CBD u industrijskoj konoplji zanemarljiv

    Ocena opštih i posebnih kombinacionih sposobnosti za komponente prinosa sirka metlaša [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench]

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    By hand crossing of six selected male sterile lines of broomcorn as male parents with six inbred lines as pollinators, by line x tester design, 36 experimental F1 hybrids have been produced. Experimental hybrids along with their parental lines were tested in comparative field experiments. General combining ability for each line and specific combining ability for all hybrid combinations were estimated. The interrelation between the value of lines "per se" and mean value of all hybrids of that line were calculated. The result obtained indicate that nonaditive gene effect is dominant for all yield components. The best performing hybrids came from parents superior for that characteristic. Because of strong effect of specific combining ability lower quality parents can also produced a good hybrid combination.Izvršena su ručna ukrštanja šest odabranih muško−sterilnih linija sirka metlaša u svojstvu majki sa šest inbred linija u svojstvu oprašivača. Ukrštanja su rađena po planu linija x tester, pri čemu je dobijeno 36 eksperimentalnih F1 hibrida, koji su sledeće godine ispitivani zajedno sa roditeljima u komparativnim ogledima. Procenjene su opšte kombinacione sposobnosti za komponente prinosa roditeljskih linija i posebne kombinacione sposobnosti za hibridne kombinacije. Utvrđena je međuzavisnost između linija "per se" i prosečne vrednosti svih hibrida tih linija. Rezultati su pokazali da je neaditivan efekat gena jači od aditivnog za sve praćene osobine. Hibridi najboljih performansi vode poreklo od superiornijih roditelja. Usled izraženog uticaja posebnih kombinacionih sposobnosti i lošiji roditelji mogu u određenim kombinacijama dati dobre hibride

    Razvoj sortimenta sirka metlaša u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad

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    Broomcorn breeding program at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad has been in continuation since 1952. According to the demand of broomcorn and broom producers, in several cycles during this period, five generations of breeders have exploited wealthy genetic collection and created 11 broomcorn cultivars. In the beginning, the primary target was creation of European dwarf type cultivars. This phase has resulted in three cultivars 'Bački biser', 'Neoplanta' and 'Panonija'. Next phase, which was crowned with cultivars 'Sava', 'Tisa', 'Jumak' and 'Jantar', was focused on higher yield and better quality of broomcorn brushes. Contemporary cultivars 'Reform' and 'Neoplanta plus' which preserve good agro-technological traits of former cultivars, are selected to early maturity and fiber fineness. Selection of new cultivars 'Tan Sava' and 'No. 5' was concentrated on elimination of red coloration of panicles and even earlier maturity. Newly selected inbred lines tolerant to plant diseases and with positive panicle exertion are presently tested as parental lines in experimental hybrids.U Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad program oplemenjivanja sirka metlaša u kontinuitetu traje od 1952. godine. Polazeći od zahteva proizvođača sirka i metli, tokom ovog perioda pet generacija oplemenjivača je u nekoliko ciklusa stvorilo 11 sorti koristeći bogatu genetsku kolekciju. U samom početku primarni cilj je bio stvaranje sorti u tipu evropskog niskog sirka iz čega su proizišle tri najstarije sorte 'Bački biser', 'Neoplanta' i 'Panonija'. Sledeća faza koja je krunisana sortama 'Sava', 'Tisa', 'Jumak' i 'Jantar' odnosila se na povećanje prinosa i poboljšanje kvaliteta sirkove slame. Sada gajene sorte 'Reform' i 'Neoplanta plus' pored očuvanja povoljnih agrotehnoloških osobina selekcionisane su na ranozrelost, odnosno finoću slame. Kod sorti koje su u priznavanju 'Tan Sava' i 'No. 5', akcenat je dat na odstranjenju crvenog bojenja metlice i na još izraženije skraćenje vegetacionog perioda. Novostvorene linije, otporne prema bolestima i sa eksponiranom metlicom, kao roditeljske komponente testiraju se u eksperimentalnim hibridima

    Dostignuća u oplemenjivanju sirka metlaša

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    Broomcorn (Sorghum bicolor L) Moench) is an industrial crop grown for its panicles used as the basic raw material in manufacturing of corn brooms. Broomcorn breeding in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad lasts from 1952 until today. This period of time could be devided into three cycles of breeding (first: 1952-1967; second: 1968-1986 and third drom 1987 until present). One of the most important tasks has been the creation of dwarf cultivars with short stalk. The improvement of the quality of the panicle (appearance of the panicle, panicle color, brush length, brush number per panicle i brush fineness) attracted special attention. The breeding for suitability to machine harvest is based on lenghtening of the peduncle. The breeding for disease resistance is focused on anthracnosis (Colletotricbum graminicola (Ces) G.W.Wils) and Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus (MDMV). Creating F1 hybrid cultivars is the latest trend in broomcorn breeding enabled by the utilization cytoplasmic-genic male sterility. A large collection of broomcorn germplasm is maintained serving as the genetic basis for further breeding as well as to preserve the available genetic resources of broomcorn.Sirak metlaš (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) je industrijska biljka koja se gaji zbog metlice kao osnovne sirovine za proizvodnju sirkovih metli. Oplemenjivanje sirka metlaša u Naučnom institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad odvija se neprekidno od 1952. godine. U ovom periodu razlikuju se tri cuklusa oplemenjivanja (prvi: 1952-1967; drugi: 1968-1986 i treći: 1987 do danas). Jedan od najvažnijih zadataka oplemenjivanje je bio stvaranje tzv. patuljastih sorti sa niskim sablom. Oplemenjivanju na kvalitet metlica (izgled metlice, boja metlice, dužina peteljki, broj peteljki i finoća peteljki) posvećena je posebna pažnja. Oplemenjivanje na lakoću žetve metlica se odvija stvaranjem sorti sa eksponiranom metlicom što se postiže produživanjem drške metlice. U okviru oplemenjivanja na otpornost prema bolestima najvažnije mesto zauzimaju antraknoza (prouzrokovač (Colletotricbum graminicola Ces) G.W.Wils) i virus mozaične kržljavosti kukuruza (VMKK). Stvaranje F1 hibridnih sorti je savremeni trend u oplemenjivanju sirka metlaša koji je omogućen korišćenjem citoplzmatsko-genetske muške sterilnosti. Kolekcija germplazme sirka metlaša služi kao izvorni materijal za oplemenjivanje i u cilju očuvanja genetičkih resursa sirka metlaša

    Formiranje jezgra kolekcije sirka metlaša

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    From the broomcorn germplasm that is collected and maintained in the Institute of field and vegetable crops Novi Sad (includes 450 genotypes) core collection was separated. First there was done stratification based on stalk height and fiber length, and then from every formed group of genotypes was selected proportionally to height of group and their geographical origin. Formed core collection counted 54 genotypes, which represents 12 % of based collection. Formed core was compared with based collection for variation of their teen quantitative traits. Cluster analysis was used for formatting dendogram of phenotypic differences in core collection. Depends on trait, core collection includes 68-100 % variation of basic collection and can be representatively used in sorghum breeding program.Iz germplazme sirka metlaša u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad koja broji 450 genotipova izdvojeno je jezgro kolekcije. Najpre je urađena stratifikacija na bazi visine stabla i dužine peteljki metlice a zatim su iz pojedinih grupa proporcionalno njihovoj veličini odabrani genotipovi na bazi geografske pripadnosti. Formirano jezgro kolekcije broji 54 genotipa, što predstavlja 12 % od osnovne germplazme. Formirano jezgro je upoređeno sa osnovnom kolekcijom u pogledu varijacije trinaest kvantitativnih osobina. Uz primenu klaster analize formiran je dendogram fenotipskih razlika jezgra kolekcije. Pošto formirano jezgro, u zavisnosti od osobine, obuhvata 68-100 % varijacije osnovne kolekcije, možemo tvrditi da ono u potpunosti reprezentuje kolekciju genotipova sirka metlaša

    Varijabilnost komponenti visine u germplazmi sirka metlaša [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]

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    The examination of height components variability (stalk height, length of panicle and panicle excretion) in broomcorn germplasm was carried out. The two-year experiment encompassed the collection of 450 broomcorn genotypes. Considering its origin and volume it represents a world broomcorn collection, which includes local populations, grown and perspective varieties of different origin, as well as, a breeding material. Broomcorn germplasm was characterized with high variability for all examined components of height. The highest variability was recorded in the stalk height (43.99%), panicle exertion (39.08%) and the lowest in the panicle length (13.60%). The stalk height, panicle length and panicle exertion varied from 30.6 to 298.0 cm, 50.2 to 117.0 cm and from -29.6 to 23.6 cm, respectively. Broomcorn panicle is harvested manually in practice, so the concept of selection is based on low height varieties with medium long and exerted panicles. Based on obtained results perspective genotypes, not exploited before in breeding programmes, can be selected.U radu je izvršeno ispitivanje varijabilnosti komponenti visine (visina stabla, dužina metlice i eksponiranost metlice) u germplazmi sirka metlaša. Dvogodišnji ogled je obuhvatao kolekciju od 450 genotipova. S obzirom na njeno poreklo i obim može se tvrditi da se radi o svetskoj kolekciji sirka metlaša, koja obuhvata lokalne autohtone populacije, priznate i perspektivne sorte različitog porekla, kao i materijal proizišao iz programa oplemenjivanja. Germplazma sirka metlaša se odlikuje širokom varijabilnošću za ispitivane komponente visine. U najvećoj meri varira visina stabla (43,99%), zatim eksponiranost metlice (39,08%) a najmanje dužina metlice (13,60%).Visina stabla se kreće u intervalu 30,6-298,0 cm, dužina metlice 50,2-117,0 cm a eksponiranost metlice -29,6-23,6 cm. Pošto se u praksi metlice sirka metlaša skidaju ručno, koncepcija selekcije se uglavnom bazira na stvaranju niskih sorti sa srednjedugačkom eksponiranom metlicom. Na osnovu rezultata ispitivanja mogu se izdvojiti perspektivni genotipovi koji do sada nisu bili eksploatisani u okviru programa oplemenjivanja

    Organsko oplemenjivanje - novi pravac u oplemenjivanju biljaka

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    Organic breeding is a new trend in plant breeding aimed at breeding of organic cultivars adapted to conditions and expectations of organic plant production. The best proof for the need of organic cultivars is the existence of interaction between the performances of genotypes with the kind of production (conventional or organic) (graph. 1). The adaptation to low-input conditions of organic production by more eddicient uptake and utilization of plant nutrients is especially important for organic cultivars. One of the basic mechanism of weed control in organic production is the competition of organic cultivars and weeds i.e. the enhanced ability of organic cultivars to suppress the weeds. Resistance/tolerance to diseases and pests is among the most important expectations toward the organic cultivars. In comparison with the methods of conventional plant breeding, in case of organic plant breeding limitations exist in choice of methods for creation of variability and selection classified as permitted, conditionally permitted and banned. The use of genetically modified organisms and their derivated along with induced mutations is not permitted in organic production. The use of molecular markers in organic plant breeding is the only permitted modern method of biotechnology. It is not permitted to patent the breeding material of organic plant breeding or the organic cultivars. .Organsko oplemenjivanje je novi pravac u oplemenjivanju biljaka čiji je cilj stvaranje tzv. organskih sorti poljoprivrednog bilja koje su prilagođene uslovima i zahtevima organske proizvodnje. Najbolji dokaz potrebe stvaranja organskih sorti je postojanje interakcije između performasni genotipova i načina proizvodnje (konvencionalni ili organski). Za organske sorte posebno je izražena potreba prilagođenosti low-input uslovima organske proizvodnje putem efikasnijeg usvajanja i korišćenja biljnih hraniva. Jedan od osnovnih mehanizama borbe protiv korova u organskoj proizvodnji je konkurentnost organskih sorti i korova tj. izražena moć ugušivanja korova od strane organske sorte. Otpornost/tolerantnost na bolesti i štetočine je među najvažnijim očekivanjima prema organskim sortama. U poređenju sa metodama konvencionalnog oplemenjivanja, u organskom oplemenjivanju biljaka postoje određena ograničenja pri izboru metode stvaranja varijabilnosti i selekcije koje se mogu svrstati u dozvoljene, uslovno dozvoljene i zabranjene. Upotreba genetički modifikovanih organizama ili njihovih derivata kao i indukovane mutacije u organskoj proizvodnji nije dozvoljena. Od metoda savremene biotehnologije u organskom oplemenjivanju jedino je dozvoljena metoda molekularnih markera. Patentiranje selekcionog materijala iz organskog oplemenjivanja ili organskih sorti nije dozvoljeno.

    Interakcija genotip x spoljna sredina za komponente prinosa sirka metlaša

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    The aim of this investigation was to study the ecological stability of yield components (weight of undressed and trashed panicle and seed weight per panicle) in fourteen varieties of broomcorn. Our current varieties was compared with our old, Hungarian and American varieties. Investigations were carried out under field conditions in a micro trial set up in a randomized block design providing five replications in seven ecologically different years. Stability parameters were computed using the model of Eberhart and Russell (1966). The results of this investigation showed that the genotypes differed in stability parameters for the characters studied. Variety Sava show good stability in all growing conditions. Variety Neoplanta plus was adapted to favorable and variety Reform to unfavorable conditions. Varieties with best performances in regard to yield components did not also show best stability.U radu je ispitivana stabilnost komponenti prinosa sada gajenih domaćih sorti strka metlaša upoređenju sa starim domaćim, mađarskim i američkim sortama. Sorta Sava je ispoljila dobru stabilnost u svim uslovima gajenja. Sorta Neoplanta plus se pokazala usko adaptirana povoljnim uslovima spoljne sredine. Sorta Reform je bila prosečno stabilna u nepovoljnim uslovima