4,522 research outputs found

    Wetting and contact-line effects for spherical and cylindrical droplets on graphene layers: A comparative molecular-dynamics investigation

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    In Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, interactions between water molecules and graphitic surfaces are often modeled as a simple Lennard-Jones potential between oxygen and carbon atoms. A possible method for tuning this parameter consists of simulating a water nanodroplet on a flat graphitic surface, measuring the equilibrium contact angle, extrapolating it to the limit of a macroscopic droplet and finally matching this quantity to experimental results. Considering recent evidence demonstrating that the contact angle of water on a graphitic plane is much higher than what was previously reported, we estimate the oxygen-carbon interaction for the recent SPC/Fwwater model. Results indicate a value of about 0.2 kJ/mol, much lower than previous estimations. We then perform simulations of cylindrical water filaments on graphitic surfaces, in order to compare and correlate contact angles resulting from these two different systems. Results suggest that modified Young's equation does not describe the relation between contact angle and drop size in the case of extremely small systems and that contributions different from the one deriving from contact line tension should be taken into account.Comment: To be published on Physical Review E (http://pre.aps.org/

    Polarization forces in water deduced from single molecule data

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    Intermolecular polarization interactions in water are determined using a minimal atomic multipole model constructed with distributed polarizabilities. Hydrogen bonding and other properties of water-water interactions are reproduced to fine detail by only three multipoles μH\mu_H, μO\mu_O, and θO\theta_O and two polarizabilities αO\alpha_O and αH\alpha_H, which characterize a single water molecule and are deduced from single molecule data.Comment: 4 revtex pages, 3 embedded color PS figure

    Perspective: How good is DFT for water?

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    Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) has become established as an indispensable tool for investigating aqueous systems of all kinds, including those important in chemistry, surface science, biology and the earth sciences. Nevertheless, many widely used approximations for the exchange-correlation (XC) functional describe the properties of pure water systems with an accuracy that is not fully satisfactory. The explicit inclusion of dispersion interactions generally improves the description, but there remain large disagreements between the predictions of different dispersion-inclusive methods. We present here a review of DFT work on water clusters, ice structures and liquid water, with the aim of elucidating how the strengths and weaknesses of different XC approximations manifest themselves across this variety of water systems. Our review highlights the crucial role of dispersion in describing the delicate balance between compact and extended structures of many different water systems, including the liquid. By referring to a wide range of published work, we argue that the correct description of exchange-overlap interactions is also extremely important, so that the choice of semi-local or hybrid functional employed in dispersion-inclusive methods is crucial. The origins and consequences of beyond-2-body errors of approximate XC functionals are noted, and we also discuss the substantial differences between different representations of dispersion. We propose a simple numerical scoring system that rates the performance of different XC functionals in describing water systems, and we suggest possible future developments

    Cooling rate, heating rate and aging effects in glassy water

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    We report a molecular dynamics simulation study of the properties of the potential energy landscape sampled by a system of water molecules during the process of generating a glass by cooling, and during the process of regenerating the equilibrium liquid by heating the glass. We study the dependence of these processes on the cooling/heating rates as well as on the role of aging (the time elapsed in the glass state). We compare the properties of the potential energy landscape sampled during these processes with the corresponding properties sampled in the liquid equilibrium state to elucidate under which conditions glass configurations can be associated with equilibrium liquid configurations.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. E (rapid comunication

    Formation energy and interaction of point defects in two-dimensional colloidal crystals

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    The manipulation of individual colloidal particles using optical tweezers has allowed vacancies to be created in two-dimensional (2d) colloidal crystals, with unprecedented possibility of real-time monitoring the dynamics of such defects (Nature {\bf 413}, 147 (2001)). In this Letter, we employ molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to calculate the formation energy of single defects and the binding energy between pairs of defects in a 2d colloidal crystal. In the light of our results, experimental observations of vacancies could be explained and then compared to simulation results for the interstitial defects. We see a remarkable similarity between our results for a 2d colloidal crystal and the 2d Wigner crystal (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 86}, 492 (2001)). The results show that the formation energy to create a single interstitial is 1212% - 28% lower than that of the vacancy. Because the pair binding energies of the defects are strongly attractive for short distances, the ground state should correspond to bound pairs with the interstitial bound pairs being the most probable.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetic friction due to vortex fluctuation

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    We use Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulation to study a magnetic tip-sample interaction. Our interest is to understand the mechanism of heat dissipation when the forces involved in the system are magnetic in essence. We consider a magnetic crystalline substrate composed of several layers interacting magnetically with a tip. The set is put thermally in equilibrium at temperature T by using a numerical Monte Carlo technique. By using that configuration we study its dynamical evolution by integrating numerically the equations of motion. Our results suggests that the heat dissipation in this system is closed related to the appearing of vortices in the sample.Comment: 6 pages, 41 figure

    Physics of the liquid-liquid critical point

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    Within the inherent structure (IS) thermodynamic formalism introduced by Stillinger and Weber [F. H. Stillinger and T. A. Weber, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 25}, 978 (1982)] we address the basic question of the physics of the liquid-liquid transition and of density maxima observed in some complex liquids such as water by identifying, for the first time, the statistical properties of the potential energy landscape (PEL) responsible for these anomalies. We also provide evidence of the connection between density anomalies and the liquid-liquid critical point. Within the simple (and physically transparent) model discussed, density anomalies do imply the existence of a liquid-liquid transition.Comment: Physical Review Letters, in publicatio

    High frequency longitudinal and transverse dynamics in water

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    High-resolution, inelastic x-ray scattering measurements of the dynamic structure factor S(Q,\omega) of liquid water have been performed for wave vectors Q between 4 and 30 nm^-1 in distinctly different thermodynamic conditions (T= 263 - 420 K ; at, or close to, ambient pressure and at P = 2 kbar). In agreement with previous inelastic x-ray and neutron studies, the presence of two inelastic contributions (one dispersing with Q and the other almost non-dispersive) is confirmed. The study of their temperature- and Q-dependence provides strong support for a dynamics of liquid water controlled by the structural relaxation process. A viscoelastic analysis of the Q-dispersing mode, associated with the longitudinal dynamics, reveals that the sound velocity undergoes the complete transition from the adiabatic sound velocity (c_0) (viscous limit) to the infinite frequency sound velocity (c_\infinity) (elastic limit). On decreasing Q, as the transition regime is approached from the elastic side, we observe a decrease of the intensity of the second, weakly dispersing feature, which completely disappears when the viscous regime is reached. These findings unambiguously identify the second excitation to be a signature of the transverse dynamics with a longitudinal symmetry component, which becomes visible in the S(Q,\omega) as soon as the purely viscous regime is left.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure
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