9 research outputs found

    Manufacturing Execution System Integration through the Standardization of a Common Service Model for Cyber-Physical Production Systems

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    Digital transformation and artificial intelligence are creating an opportunity for innovation across all levels of industry and are transforming the world of work by enabling factories to embrace cutting edge Information Technologies (ITs) into their manufacturing processes. Manufacturing Execution Systems (MESs) are abandoning their traditional role of legacy executing middle-ware for embracing the much wider vision of functional interoperability enablers among autonomous, distributed, and collaborative Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS). In this paper, we propose a basic methodology for universally modeling, digitalizing, and integrating services offered by a variety of isolated workcells into a single, standardized, and augmented production system. The result is a reliable, reconfigurable, and interoperable manufacturing architecture, which privileges Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA) and its rich possibilities for information modeling at a higher level of the common service interoperability, along with Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) lightweight protocols at lower levels of data exchange. The proposed MES architecture has been demonstrated and validated in several use-cases at a research manufacturing laboratory of excellence for industrial testbeds

    Integrált robotikai kiszolgáló alrendszer fejlesztése és megvalósítása

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    A kutatóintézetünk kiber-fizikai minta-gyártórendszerénvégzett folyamatos fejlesztés legújabb eredménye egy lineáris szánrendszerrel bővített, nyílt forráskódú (open-source) projektből származó asztali robot (desktop robot). Az öttengelyes, párhuzamos megfogójú robot 3D nyomtatott elemekből álló váza a rendszer konkrét igényeinek megfelelően került áttervezésre. A cikk bemutatja a robot tervezésének és integrációjának folyamatát

    Preserving hands-on learning experience with physical equipment indistance learning—findings of a course pilot

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    Since 2016, SZTAKI and Fraunhofer Austria/TU Wien have been exploring possibilities of adding a cross-site dimension to learning factory courses. The pandemic situation has highlighted the relevance of certain collaboration practices, suggesting that real-time remote connection to processes and use of virtual models can recover a significant part of the hands-on experience students normally gain with physical equipment. This working assumption was successfully tested in a summer school course for layout and process planning in human–robot collaborative assembly, jointly organized by SZTAKI and Fraunhofer Austria in 2021. The paper recapitulates findings tat could be gained with the first limited run involving 8 students, highlights recognized issues, and presents opportunities for extending the course or adopting the practices in other learning factory scenarios