6 research outputs found

    ABO histo-blood groups and Rh systems in relation to malignant tumors of the digestive tract in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The distribution of ABO blood groups and the Rhesus factor was analyzed in 279 patients who suffered from malignant tumors of the digestive system. Patients were registered retrospectively in the Gastroenterohepatology Clinic, Clinical Center, University of Sarajevo over a discontinuous period of 88 months. From the results obtained, it was concluded that: (a) men became ill from gastric cancer significantly more frequently than women; (b) the frequency of liver carcinoma was three times higher than the global frequency and the frequency neighboring ethnic groups; and (c) patients with blood group B and patients with RhD(-) exhibited a significantly higher proportion of disease.Analizirana je distribucija krvnih grupa ABO sistema i Rezus faktora kod 279 pacijenata obolelih od malignih tumora digestivnog sistema. Pacijenti su registrovani retrospektivno u GastroenterohepatoloÅ”koj klinici Kliničkog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu u diskontinuitetu tokom 88 meseci (1987-1998). Na osnovu analizirane populacije pacijenata zaključeno je da: (a) muÅ”karci značajno čeŔće oboljevaju od kancera želuca u odnosu na žene; (b) učestalost karcinoma jetre je tri puta veća upoređenju sa učestaloŔću ovog oboljenja u svetu i susednim zemljama; (c) pacijenti sa V krvnom grupom i pacijenti sa RhD(-) su u značajnom stepenu čeŔći u ispitivanoj populaciji obolelih od očekivanog.Projekat ministarstva br. 143010 i 14301

    ABO histo-blood groups and Rh systems in relation to malignant tumors of the digestive tract in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The distribution of ABO blood groups and the Rhesus factor was analyzed in 279 patients who suffered from malignant tumors of the digestive system. Patients were registered retrospectively in the Gastroenterohepatology Clinic, Clinical Center, University of Sarajevo over a discontinuous period of 88 months. From the results obtained, it was concluded that: (a) men became ill from gastric cancer significantly more frequently than women; (b) the frequency of liver carcinoma was three times higher than the global frequency and the frequency neighboring ethnic groups; and (c) patients with blood group B and patients with RhD(-) exhibited a significantly higher proportion of disease.Analizirana je distribucija krvnih grupa ABO sistema i Rezus faktora kod 279 pacijenata obolelih od malignih tumora digestivnog sistema. Pacijenti su registrovani retrospektivno u GastroenterohepatoloÅ”koj klinici Kliničkog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu u diskontinuitetu tokom 88 meseci (1987-1998). Na osnovu analizirane populacije pacijenata zaključeno je da: (a) muÅ”karci značajno čeŔće oboljevaju od kancera želuca u odnosu na žene; (b) učestalost karcinoma jetre je tri puta veća upoređenju sa učestaloŔću ovog oboljenja u svetu i susednim zemljama; (c) pacijenti sa V krvnom grupom i pacijenti sa RhD(-) su u značajnom stepenu čeŔći u ispitivanoj populaciji obolelih od očekivanog.Projekat ministarstva br. 143010 i 14301

    ABO histo-blood groups and Rh systems in relation to malignant tumors of the digestive tract in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The distribution of ABO blood groups and the Rhesus factor was analyzed in 279 patients who suffered from malignant tumors of the digestive system. Patients were registered retrospectively in the Gastroenterohepatology Clinic, Clinical Center, University of Sarajevo over a discontinuous period of 88 months. From the results obtained, it was concluded that: (a) men became ill from gastric cancer significantly more frequently than women; (b) the frequency of liver carcinoma was three times higher than the global frequency and the frequency neighboring ethnic groups; and (c) patients with blood group B and patients with RhD(-) exhibited a significantly higher proportion of disease

    From drop impact physics to spray cooling models: a critical review

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