51 research outputs found

    Heavy-flavor hadronization mechanism from pp to AA collisions: a theoretical perspective

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    The interest in studying heavy-flavor hadronization in high-energy nuclear collisions is twofold. On one hand hadronization represents a source of systematic uncertainties in phenomenological attempts of extracting heavy-flavor transport coefficients in the Quark Gluon Plasma which one assumes to be produced in the collision. Hence, developing the most possible reliable model for this process is important to get a precise and accurate estimate of a fundamental property of hot QCD. On the other hand studying how hadronization changes in the presence of a dense medium of colored partons can be considered an issue of interest by itself. In particular, the observation of modifications of heavy-flavor hadronization in proton-proton collisions strongly suggests that also in this case a small droplet of Quark-Gluon Plasma can be formed. Here we try to provide a general overview on heavy-flavor hadronization, from pp to AA collisions, stressing the aspects and challenges common to all mechanisms proposed in the literature. Then, focusing on a particular model, we show how a consistent description of several observables involving heavy-flavor hadrons can be obtainedComment: Proceedings of the Hard Probes 2023 conferenc

    Real and imaginary-time quarkonium correlators in a hot plasma

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    The possibility of describing the behavior of a QQ‾Q\overline{Q} pair in a hot plasma in terms of an effective potential is investigated. It is shown that as long as medium effects can be embodied in a gaussian action, like in the QED case, the QQ‾Q\overline{Q} propagator obeys a closed temporal evolution equation whose large-time behavior is governed by an effective potential. The latter, beside screening, displays also an imaginary part related to collisions.Comment: Talk given at the 8-th Conference "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum", Mainz, Germany, 1-6 September 200

    How (non-) linear is the hydrodynamics of heavy ion collisions?

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    We provide evidence from full numerical solutions that the hydrodynamical evolution of initial density fluctuations in heavy ion collisions can be understood order-by-order in a perturbative series in deviations from a smooth and azimuthally symmetric background solution. To leading linear order, modes with different azimuthal wave numbers do not mix. Quadratic and higher order corrections are small and can be understood as overtones with corresponding wave numbers.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    A perturbative approach to the hydrodynamics of heavy ion collisions

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    Initial fluctuations in hydrodynamic fields such as energy density or flow velocity give access to understanding initial state and equilibration physics as well as thermodynamic and transport properties. We provide evidence that the fluid dynamic propagation of fluctuations of realistic size can be based on a background-fluctuation splitting and a systematic perturbative expansion in the fluctuating fields. Initial conditions are characterized by a Bessel-Fourier expansion for single events, event-by-event correlations and probability distributions. The evolution equations can be solved order-by-order in the expansion which allows to study the fluid dynamical propagation of single modes, the study of interaction effects between modes, the determination of the associated particle spectra and the generalization of the whole program to event-by-event correlations and distributions.Comment: poceedings of the XXIV Quark Matter conference (2014
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