450 research outputs found

    Probing the spin polarization in ferromagnets

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    The emission of correlated electrons from an itinerant ferromagnet following the impact of a polarized electron beam is analyzed in terms of irreducible tensorial parameters that can be measured. Under favorable conditions, specified in this work, these parameters are related to the spin polarization in the ferromagnet. The formal results are illustrated by numerical studies of the polarized electron pair emission from a Fe(110) surface and a novel technique for the investigation of magnetic properties of ferromagnets is suggested

    Many-body scattering theory of electronic systems

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    This work reviews recent advances in the analytical treatment of the continuum spectrum of correlated few-body non-relativistic Coulomb systems. The exactly solvable two-body problem serves as an introduction to the non-separable three-particle system. For the latter case we discuss the existence of an approximate separability of the long and the short-range dynamics which is exposed in an appropriately chosen curvilinear coordinates. The three-body wave functions of the long-ranged part of the Hamiltonian are derived and methods are presented to account approximately for the short-ranged dynamics. Furthermore, we present a generalization of the methods employed for the derivation of the three-body wave functions to the scattering states of NN charged particles. To deal with thermodynamic properties of finite systems we develop and discuss a recent Green function methodology designed for the non-perturbative regime. In addition, we give a brief account on how thermodynamic properties and critical phenomena can be exposed in finite interacting systems

    Local control of ultrafast dynamics in magnetic nanoparticles

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    Using the local control theory we derive analytical expressions for magnetic field pulses that steer the magnetization of a monodomain magnetic nanoparticle to a predefined state. Finite-temperature full numerical simulations confirm the analytical results and show that a magnetization switching or freezing is achievable within few precessional periods and that the scheme is exploitable for fast thermal switching

    Nonlinear magneto-optical response to light carrying orbital angular momentum

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    We predict a non-thermal magneto-optical effect for magnetic insulators subject to intense light carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM). Using a classical approach to second harmonic generation in non-linear media with specific symmetry properties we predict a significant nonlinear contribution to the local magnetic field triggered by light with OAM. The resulting magnetic field originates from the displacement of electrons driven by the electrical field (with amplitude E0E_0) of the spatially inhomogeneous optical pulse, modeled here as a Laguerre-Gaussian beam carrying OAM. In particular, the symmetry properties of the irradiated magnet allow for magnetic field responses which are second-order (∼E02\sim E_0^2) and fourth-order (∼E04\sim E_0^4) in electric-field strength and have opposite signs. For sufficiently high laser intensities, terms ∼E04\sim E_0^4 dominate and generate magnetic field strengths which can be as large as several Tesla. Moreover, changing the OAM of the laser beam is shown to determine the direction of the total light-induced magnetic field, which is further utilized to study theoretically the non-thermal magnetization dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Multipolar, Polarization Shaped High Harmonic Generation by Intense Vector Beams

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    High harmonic generation (HHG) is a manifestation of the strongly nonlinear response of matter to intense laser fields and has, as the basis for coherent XUV sources a variety of applications. Recently, HHG from atoms in a phase and polarization structured laser was demonstrated and interpreted based on the transverse electric field component of the driving pulse. Here we point out that as dictated by Maxwell equations, such fields have a longitudinal component which in general has a fundamental influence on the charge dynamics. For instance, its interplay with the transversal field component enables endowing the emitted radiation locally with circular polarization and a defined polarity. It is shown that the time-dependent Stokes parameters defining the polarization state of HHG can be tuned by varying the waist of the driving field which in turn, changes the ratio between the longitudinal and transverse electric-field components of the driving laser. In addition, employing a multipole expansion of the produced harmonics exposes the specific multipolar character and the relation to the spatial structure of the driving field polarization states. The scheme proposed here allows a full polarization control of the emitted harmonics by only one driving laser. A tighter focusing of the driving pulse renders possible the emission of harmonics with both even and odd spatial symmetry. The underlying mechanism is due to the fundamental interplay between the transverse and longitudinal components of the laser's electromagnetic vector potential. The ratio between those components is controllable by just focusing the laser spot, pointing to an accessible tool for polarization and polarity control of the high harmonics.Comment: 7 pages, 5 pictures, submitted to PRL, accepted at PR

    Chargeless spin current for switching and coupling of domain walls in magnetic nanowires

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    The demonstration of the generation and control of a pure spin current (without net charge flow) by electric fields and/or temperature gradient has been an essential leap in the quest for low-power consumption electronics. The key issue of whether and how such a current can be utilized to drive and control information stored in magnetic domain walls (DWs) is still outstanding and is addressed here. We demonstrate that pure spin current acts on DWs in a magnetic stripe with an effective spin-transfer torque resulting in a mutual DWs separation dynamics and picosecond magnetization reversal. In addition, long-range (∼\sim mm) antiferromagnetic DWs coupling emerges. If one DW is pinned by geometric constriction, the spin current induces a dynamical spin orbital interaction that triggers an internal electric field determined by E⃗∼e^x⋅(n⃗1×n⃗2)\vec{E} \sim \hat{e}_{x} \cdot (\vec{n}_{1} \times \vec{n}_{2}) where n⃗1/2\vec{n}_{1/2} are the effective DWs orientations and e^x\hat{e}_{x} is their spatial separation vector. This leads to charge accumulation or persistent electric current in the wire. As DWs are routinely realizable and tuneable, the predicted effects bear genuine potential for power-saving spintronics devices

    All-Optical Generation and Tuning of Ultrafast Spin-Hall Current via Optical Vortices

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    Spin Hall effect, one of the cornerstones in spintronics refers to the emergence of an imbalance in the spin density transverse to a charge flow in a sample under voltage bias. This study points to a novel way for an ultrafast generation and tuning of a unidirectional nonlinear spin Hall current by means of subpicosecond laser pulses of optical vortices. When interacting with matter, the optical orbital angular momentum (OAM) carried by the vortex and quantified by its topological charge is transferred to the charge carriers. The residual spin-orbital coupling in the sample together with confinement effects allow exploiting the absorbed optical OAM for spatio-temporally controlling the spin channels. Both the non-linear spin Hall current and the dynamical spin Hall angle increase for a higher optical topological charge. The reason is the transfer of a higher amount of OAM and the enhancement of the effective spin-orbit interaction strength. No bias voltage is needed. We demonstrate that the spin Hall current can be all-optically generated in an open circuit geometry for ring-structured samples. These results follow from a full-fledged propagation of the spin-dependent quantum dynamics on a time-space grid coupled to the phononic environment. The findings point to a versatile and controllable tool for the ultrafast generation of spin accumulations with a variety of applications such as a source for ultrafast spin transfer torque and charge and spin current pulse emitter.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Accessing electronic correlations by half-cycle pulses and time-resolved spectroscopy

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    Ultrashort non-resonant electromagnetic pulses applied to effective one-electron systems may operate on the electronic state as a position or momentum translation operator. As derived here, extension to many-body correlated systems exposes qualitatively new aspects. For instance, to the lowest order in the electric field intensity the action of the pulse is expressible in terms of the two-body reduced density matrix enabling thus to probe various facets of electronic correlations. As an experimental realization we propose a pump-probe scheme in which after a weak, swift "kick" by the non-resonant pulse the survival probability for remaining in the initial state is measured. This probability we correlate to the two-body reduced density matrix. Since the strength of electronic correlation is bond-length sensitive, measuring the survival probability may allow for a direct insight into the bond-dependent two-body correlation in the ground state. As an illustration, full numerical calculations for two molecular systems are provided and different measures of electronic correlations are analyzed.Comment: 4 figure

    Negative differential magneto-resistance in ferromagnetic wires with domain walls

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    A domain wall in a ferromagnetic one-dimensional nanowire experiences current induced motion due to its coupling with the conduction electrons. When the current is not sufficient to drive the domain wall through the wire, or it is confined to a perpendicular layer, it nonetheless experiences oscillatory motion. In turn, this oscillatory motion of the domain wall can couple resonantly with the electrons in the system affecting the transport properties further. We investigate the effect of the coupling between these domain wall modes and the current electrons on the transport properties of the system and show that such a system demonstrates negative differential magnetoresistance due to the resonant coupling with the low-lying modes of the domain wall motion.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Efficient thermal energy harvesting using nanoscale magnetoelectric heterostructures

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    Thermomechanical cycles with a ferroelectric working substance convert heat to electrical energy. As shown here, magnetoelectrically coupled ferroelectric/ferromangtic composites (also called multiferroics) add new functionalities and allow for an efficient thermal energy harvesting at room temperature by exploiting the pyroelectric effect. By virtue of the magnetoelectric coupling, external electric and magnetic fields can steer the operation of these heat engines. Our theoretical predictions are based on a combination of Landau-Khalatnikov-Tani approach (with a Ginzburg-Landau-Devonshire potential) to simulate the ferroelectric dynamics coupled to the magnetic dynamics. The latter is treated via the electric-polarization-dependent Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. Performing an adapted Olsen cycle we show that a multiferroic working substance is potentially much more superior to sole ferroelectrics, as far as thermal energy harvesting using pyroelectric effect is concerned. Our proposal holds promise not only for low-energy consuming devices but also for cooling technology.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Accepted in Applied Physics Letter
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