6,138 research outputs found

    Near-flat space limit and Einstein manifolds

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    We study the near-flat space limit for strings on AdS(5)xM(5), where the internal manifold M(5) is equipped with a generic metric with U(1)xU(1)xU(1) isometry. In the bosonic sector, the limiting sigma model is similar to the one found for AdS(5)xS(5), as the global symmetries are reduced in the most general case. When M(5) is a Sasaki-Einstein space like T(1,1), Y(p,q) and L(p,q,r), whose dual CFT's have N=1 supersymmetry, the near-flat space limit gives the same bosonic sector of the sigma model found for AdS(5)xS(5). This indicates the generic presence of integrable subsectors in AdS/CFT.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur

    On the pp-wave limit and the BMN structure of new Sasaki-Einstein spaces

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    We construct the pp-wave string associated with the Penrose limit of Yp,qY^{p,q} and Lp,q,rL^{p,q,r} families of Sasaki-Einstein geometries. We identify in the dual quiver gauge theories the chiral and the non-chiral operators that correspond to the ground state and the first excited states. We present an explicit identification in a prototype model of L1,7,3L^{1,7,3}.Comment: 21 pages, JHEP format, 5 figures, acknowledgement correcte

    Implications of Hadron Collider Observables on Parton Distribution Function Uncertainties

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    Standard parton distribution function sets do not have rigorously quantified uncertainties. In recent years it has become apparent that these uncertainties play an important role in the interpretation of hadron collider data. In this paper, using the framework of statistical inference, we illustrate a technique that can be used to efficiently propagate the uncertainties to new observables, assess the compatibility of new data with an initial fit, and, in case the compatibility is good, include the new data in the fit.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Zonotopes and four-dimensional superconformal field theories

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    The a-maximization technique proposed by Intriligator and Wecht allows us to determine the exact R-charges and scaling dimensions of the chiral operators of four-dimensional superconformal field theories. The problem of existence and uniqueness of the solution, however, has not been addressed in general setting. In this paper, it is shown that the a-function has always a unique critical point which is also a global maximum for a large class of quiver gauge theories specified by toric diagrams. Our proof is based on the observation that the a-function is given by the volume of a three dimensional polytope called "zonotope", and the uniqueness essentially follows from Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the volume of convex bodies. We also show a universal upper bound for the exact R-charges, and the monotonicity of a-function in the sense that a-function decreases whenever the toric diagram shrinks. The relationship between a-maximization and volume-minimization is also discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, reference added, typos corrected, version published in JHE

    Comments on the non-conformal gauge theories dual to Ypq manifolds

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    We study the infrared behavior of the entire class of Y(p,q) quiver gauge theories. The dimer technology is exploited to discuss the duality cascades and support the general belief about a runaway behavior for the whole family. We argue that a baryonic classically flat direction is pushed to infinity by the appearance of ADS-like terms in the effective superpotential. We also study in some examples the IR regime for the L(a,b,c) class showing that the same situation might be reproduced in this more general case as well.Comment: 48 pages, 27 figures; updated reference

    On the pulsating strings in AdS_5 x T^{1,1}

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    We study the class of pulsating strings in AdS_5 x T^{1,1}. Using a generalized ansatz for pulsating string configurations we find new solutions of this class. Further we semiclassically quantize the theory and obtain the first correction to the energy. The latter, due to AdS/CFT correspondence, is supposed to give the anomalous dimensions of operators in the dual N=1 superconformal gauge field theory.Comment: 12 pages, improvements made, references adde

    Resistência parasitária e método FAMACHA como alternativa de controle de Haemonchus contortus em pequenos ruminantes no Nordeste brasileiro.

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    Neste documento descreve-se a situação atual da resistência parasitária no Nordeste do Brasil e o estágio atual da pesquisa na região sobre a validação do método FAMACHA, como alternativa de controle de Haemonchus contortus em pequenos ruminantes.bitstream/item/31711/1/UMT-Documentos-100.pd

    On semiclassical calculation of three-point functions in AdS_5 \times T^(1,1)

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    Recently there has been progress on the computation of two- and three-point correlation functions with two "heavy" states via semiclassical methods. We extend this analysis to the case of AdS_5 \times T^(1,1), and examine the suggested procedure for the case of several simple string solutions. By making use of AdS/CFT duality, we derive the relevant correlation functions of operators belonging to the dual gauge theory.Comment: 18 pages, added referenc

    A Test of the AdS/CFT Correspondence Using High-Spin Operators

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    In two remarkable recent papers, hep-th/0610248 and hep-th/0610251, the complete planar perturbative expansion was proposed for the universal function of the coupling, f(g), appearing in the dimensions of high-spin operators of the N=4 SYM theory. We study numerically the integral equation derived in hep-th/0610251, which implements a resummation of the perturbative expansion, and find a smooth function that approaches the asymptotic form predicted by string theory. In fact, the two leading terms at strong coupling match with high accuracy the results obtained for the semiclassical folded string spinning in AdS5AdS_5. This constitutes a remarkable confirmation of the AdS/CFT correspondence for high-spin operators, and equivalently for the cusp anomaly of a Wilson loop. We also make a numerical prediction for the third term in the strong coupling series.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; added references, corrected typo

    Marginal Deformations with U(1)^3 Global Symmetry

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    We generate new 11-dimensional supergravity solutions from deformations based on U(1)^3 symmetries. The initial geometries are of the form AdS_4 x Y_7, where Y_7 is a 7-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein space. We consider a general family of cohomogeneity one Sasaki-Einstein spaces, as well as the recently-constructed cohomogeneity three L^{p,q,r,s} spaces. For certain cases, such as when the Sasaki-Einstein space is S^7, Q^{1,1,1} or M^{1,1,1}, the deformed gravity solutions correspond to a marginal deformation of a known dual gauge theory.Comment: 28pp; Refs. added and to appear in JHE
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