6,381 research outputs found
Comments on the non-conformal gauge theories dual to Ypq manifolds
We study the infrared behavior of the entire class of Y(p,q) quiver gauge
theories. The dimer technology is exploited to discuss the duality cascades and
support the general belief about a runaway behavior for the whole family. We
argue that a baryonic classically flat direction is pushed to infinity by the
appearance of ADS-like terms in the effective superpotential. We also study in
some examples the IR regime for the L(a,b,c) class showing that the same
situation might be reproduced in this more general case as well.Comment: 48 pages, 27 figures; updated reference
Comments on Anomalies and Charges of Toric-Quiver Duals
We obtain a simple expression for the triangle `t Hooft anomalies in quiver
gauge theories that are dual to toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds. We utilize the
result and simplify considerably the proof concerning the equivalence of
a-maximization and Z-minimization. We also resolve the ambiguity in defining
the flavor charges in quiver gauge theories. We then compare coefficients of
the triangle anomalies with coefficients of the current-current correlators and
find perfect agreement.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure
Near-flat space limit and Einstein manifolds
We study the near-flat space limit for strings on AdS(5)xM(5), where the
internal manifold M(5) is equipped with a generic metric with U(1)xU(1)xU(1)
isometry. In the bosonic sector, the limiting sigma model is similar to the one
found for AdS(5)xS(5), as the global symmetries are reduced in the most general
case. When M(5) is a Sasaki-Einstein space like T(1,1), Y(p,q) and L(p,q,r),
whose dual CFT's have N=1 supersymmetry, the near-flat space limit gives the
same bosonic sector of the sigma model found for AdS(5)xS(5). This indicates
the generic presence of integrable subsectors in AdS/CFT.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur
R-charges from toric diagrams and the equivalence of a-maximization and Z-minimization
We conjecture a general formula for assigning R-charges and multiplicities
for the chiral fields of all gauge theories living on branes at toric
singularities. We check that the central charge and the dimensions of all the
chiral fields agree with the information on volumes that can be extracted from
toric geometry. We also analytically check the equivalence between the volume
minimization procedure discovered in hep-th/0503183 and a-maximization, for the
most general toric diagram. Our results can be considered as a very general
check of the AdS/CFT correspondence, valid for all superconformal theories
associated with toric singularities.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures; minor correction
Pedagogy of peers: Cultivating writing retreats as communities of academic writing practice
Pressure related to research publication output continues, heightened by growing numbers of early career academics. Writing retreats, designed around the pedagogy of community of practice, have potential to initiate early career academics into core academic practices including peer review, and draw them into the community of âacademics as writersâ. However, a series of four semi-structured writing retreats based on this pedagogy revealed that supporting novice writersâ trajectory of progress from peripheral through to expert participation is challenging. Careful attention must be paid to balancing the design of the retreat, the âconstructionâ of the retreat community of practice and the engagement of participants on retreat. Skilfully managed, these writing retreats can support academic writing development, and deliver benefits to academics, from novice to established, that include enhanced research publication output, strengthened academic identity as writers and a motivated community of practice extending beyond the writing retreats
The Toric Phases of the Y^{p,q} Quivers
We construct all connected toric phases of the recently discovered
quivers and show their IR equivalence using Seiberg duality. We also compute
the R and global U(1) charges for a generic toric phase of .Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure
On the pp-wave limit and the BMN structure of new Sasaki-Einstein spaces
We construct the pp-wave string associated with the Penrose limit of
and families of Sasaki-Einstein geometries. We identify
in the dual quiver gauge theories the chiral and the non-chiral operators that
correspond to the ground state and the first excited states. We present an
explicit identification in a prototype model of .Comment: 21 pages, JHEP format, 5 figures, acknowledgement correcte
From Sasaki-Einstein spaces to quivers via BPS geodesics: Lpqr
The AdS/CFT correspondence between Sasaki-Einstein spaces and quiver gauge
theories is studied from the perspective of massless BPS geodesics. The
recently constructed toric Lpqr geometries are considered: we determine the
dual superconformal quivers and the spectrum of BPS mesons. The conformal
anomaly is compared with the volumes of the manifolds. The U(1)^2_F x U(1)_R
global symmetry quantum numbers of the mesonic operators are successfully
matched with the conserved momenta of the geodesics, providing a test of
AdS/CFT duality. The correspondence between BPS mesons and geodesics allows to
find new precise relations between the two sides of the duality. In particular
the parameters that characterize the geometry are mapped directly to the
parameters used for a-maximization in the field theory. The analysis simplifies
for the special case of the Lpqq models, which are shown to correspond to the
known "generalized conifolds". These geometries can break conformal invariance
through toric deformations of the complex structure.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX. v2: One more figure. References added,
typos correcte
Zonotopes and four-dimensional superconformal field theories
The a-maximization technique proposed by Intriligator and Wecht allows us to
determine the exact R-charges and scaling dimensions of the chiral operators of
four-dimensional superconformal field theories. The problem of existence and
uniqueness of the solution, however, has not been addressed in general setting.
In this paper, it is shown that the a-function has always a unique critical
point which is also a global maximum for a large class of quiver gauge theories
specified by toric diagrams. Our proof is based on the observation that the
a-function is given by the volume of a three dimensional polytope called
"zonotope", and the uniqueness essentially follows from Brunn-Minkowski
inequality for the volume of convex bodies. We also show a universal upper
bound for the exact R-charges, and the monotonicity of a-function in the sense
that a-function decreases whenever the toric diagram shrinks. The relationship
between a-maximization and volume-minimization is also discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, reference added, typos corrected, version
published in JHE
Cascading Quivers from Decaying D-branes
We use an argument analogous to that of Kachru, Pearson and Verlinde to argue
that cascades in L^{a,b,c} quiver gauge theories always preserve the form of
the quiver, and that all gauge groups drop at each step by the number M of
fractional branes. In particular, we demonstrate that an NS5-brane that sweeps
out the S^3 of the base of L^{a,b,c} destroys M D3-branes.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; v2: references adde
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