10 research outputs found

    L’identité insulaire dans la campagne présidentielle de 2004 à Taiwan

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    La campagne présidentielle de 2004 à Taiwan opposait l’alliance du Kuomintang, du Parti du peuple et du Nouveau Parti d’une part, à celle du Parti démocratique progressiste et de l’Alliance pour l’union de Taiwan (TSU) de l’autre. Basé sur des matériaux iconographiques, cet article examine la taiwanisation de l’île, sous quatre aspects : la consolidation de l’identité locale ; la capacité de l’île à faire face aux défis ; le Président Chen Shui-bian en tant que figure identitaire ; l’hostilité et la méfiance envers la Chine continentale

    L’identité insulaire dans la campagne présidentielle de 2004 à Taiwan

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    La campagne présidentielle de 2004 à Taiwan opposait l’alliance du Kuomintang, du Parti du peuple et du Nouveau Parti d’une part, à celle du Parti démocratique progressiste et de l’Alliance pour l’union de Taiwan (TSU) de l’autre. Basé sur des matériaux iconographiques, cet article examine la taiwanisation de l’île, sous quatre aspects : la consolidation de l’identité locale ; la capacité de l’île à faire face aux défis ; le Président Chen Shui-bian en tant que figure identitaire ; l’hostilité et la méfiance envers la Chine continentale

    Chinese-style Democracy as a Political Project for Meaning-Construction: Old Wine in a New Bottle?

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    Drawn from the textual data in the online and printed media from mainland China and Hong Kong, this article aims to identify and feature how Chinese-style democracy is constructed by engaging in discourse analysis, arguing that China-style democracy is not a political experiment aiming to critically reflect upon the weaknesses of democracy in conceptual and procedural aspects, and not a creative project focusing on how the Chinese experiences can refresh and reframe the conventional wisdom. Instead, it is a meaning-construction project surrounding the following themes explored: (1) negative Western democracy versus positive Chinese-style democracy in terms of efficiency, (2) Western democracy as the symbol of political failure, such as street politics, domestic struggles, chaos, (3) positivity of Chinese-style democracy with China’s rise brought by reform and opening-up since 1978, and (4) perverting the language of Western democracy to construct Chinese-style democracy, such as rule of law, human rights. Specialty, uniqueness and adaption, in the main, are the common ground during the process of meaning reconstruction, with the intention to conduct the political performance for an undemocratic, illiberal and autocratic regime

    Localisation in the 2004 Presidential Election Campaign in Taiwan

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    The 2004 presidential election campaign in Taiwan brought head to head the political alliance of the Kuomintang (KMT), the People’s First Party (PFP) and the New Party (NP) on one side, and of the Democracy Progressive Party (DPP) and the Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) on the other. Adopting an iconographic approach, this article looks at four aspects of “Taiwanisation”: a stronger Taiwan identity, the island’s ability to face political challenges arising from democratisation and political unrest, Chen Shui-bian as the symbol of Taiwan, and the Taiwanese hostility towards and distrust of mainland China

    Scholarism and Hong Kong Federation of Students: Comparative Analysis of Their Developments after the Umbrella Movement

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    This article aims to examine the features of, and difficulties in, the development of Scholarism and Hong Kong Federation of Students after the Umbrella Movement (2014). This article first introduces the emergence of both organizations, aiming to provide the necessary background to their features, notably student activism, politicization, and issue-based reasons in launching campaigns. This is followed by an analysis of the difficulties faced by both organizations with reference to leadership, orientation, organizational capacity and networking, as reflected in the disappointment and disillusionment of a significant number of participants during the movement. The article then moves on to investigate the possible methods adopted by both organizations to consolidate their strengths in light of the above weaknesses, focusing on the buttressing of accountability and reform. In conclusion, the reorganization of student power is of key concern during the process in face of the increasing political intervention of the Beijing authorities and political decay of the Hong Kong government

    L'identité insulaire dans la campagne présidentielle taiwanaise de 2004 [Une approche iconographique]

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    Wai Kwok Wong Benson, Fière Stéphane. L'identité insulaire dans la campagne présidentielle taiwanaise de 2004 [Une approche iconographique]. In: Perspectives chinoises, n°84, 2004. pp. 49-56