17,565 research outputs found

    Laying Down the Foundations for International Student Journey. Students as Academic Partners Project Report.

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    The aim of this project was to explore the lived experiences of being an international student studying at a University within the UK and to make recommendations for future provision. There are increasing numbers of international students studying at Universities within the UK. Positive learning environments and arrangements are the responsibility of the host University and international students’ needs should be taken into consideration. This project was led by international students in collaboration with academic staff. It involved a qualitative exploration of international student perspectives and their experiences of studying within the UK. Ten international students completed a questionnaire that was designed by international students. Respondents were asked questions in relation to three areas: coming to the UK, arriving in the UK and studying in the UK

    Factoring in a Dissipative Quantum Computer

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    We describe an array of quantum gates implementing Shor's algorithm for prime factorization in a quantum computer. The array includes a circuit for modular exponentiation with several subcomponents (such as controlled multipliers, adders, etc) which are described in terms of elementary Toffoli gates. We present a simple analysis of the impact of losses and decoherence on the performance of this quantum factoring circuit. For that purpose, we simulate a quantum computer which is running the program to factor N = 15 while interacting with a dissipative environment. As a consequence of this interaction randomly selected qubits may spontaneously decay. Using the results of our numerical simulations we analyze the efficiency of some simple error correction techniques.Comment: plain tex, 18 pages, 8 postscript figure

    Indeterminate-length quantum coding

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    The quantum analogues of classical variable-length codes are indeterminate-length quantum codes, in which codewords may exist in superpositions of different lengths. This paper explores some of their properties. The length observable for such codes is governed by a quantum version of the Kraft-McMillan inequality. Indeterminate-length quantum codes also provide an alternate approach to quantum data compression.Comment: 32 page

    Judging the impact of leadership-development activities on school practice

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    The nature and effectiveness of professional-development activities should be judged in a way that takes account of both the achievement of intended outcomes and the unintended consequences that may result. Our research project set out to create a robust approach that school staff members could use to assess the impact of professional-development programs on leadership and management practice without being constrained in this judgment by the stated aims of the program. In the process, we identified a number of factors and requirements relevant to a wider audience than that concerned with the development of leadership and management in England. Such an assessment has to rest upon a clear understanding of educational leadership,a clearly articulated model of practice, and a clear model of potential forms of impact. Such foundations, suitably adapted to the subject being addressed, are appropriate for assessing all teacher professional development

    Spatially resolved spectroscopy of monolayer graphene on SiO2

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    We have carried out scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements on exfoliated monolayer graphene on SiO2_2 to probe the correlation between its electronic and structural properties. Maps of the local density of states are characterized by electron and hole puddles that arise due to long range intravalley scattering from intrinsic ripples in graphene and random charged impurities. At low energy, we observe short range intervalley scattering which we attribute to lattice defects. Our results demonstrate that the electronic properties of graphene are influenced by intrinsic ripples, defects and the underlying SiO2_2 substrate.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, extended versio

    Purifying two-bit quantum gates and joint measurements in cavity QED

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    Using a cavity QED setup we show how to implement a particular joint measurement on two atoms in a fault tolerant way. Based on this scheme, we illustrate how to realize quantum communication over a noisy channel when local operations are subject to errors. We also present a scheme to perform and purify a universal two-bit gate.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 figures include

    On the origin of ambiguity in efficient communication

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    This article studies the emergence of ambiguity in communication through the concept of logical irreversibility and within the framework of Shannon's information theory. This leads us to a precise and general expression of the intuition behind Zipf's vocabulary balance in terms of a symmetry equation between the complexities of the coding and the decoding processes that imposes an unavoidable amount of logical uncertainty in natural communication. Accordingly, the emergence of irreversible computations is required if the complexities of the coding and the decoding processes are balanced in a symmetric scenario, which means that the emergence of ambiguous codes is a necessary condition for natural communication to succeed.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Cryptography using larger alphabets

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    Like all of quantum information theory, quantum cryptography is traditionally based on two level quantum systems. In this letter, a new protocol for quantum key distribution based on higher dimensional systems is presented. An experimental realization using an interferometric setup is also proposed. Analyzing this protocol from the practical side, one finds an increased key creation rate while keeping the initial laser pulse rate constant. Analyzing it for the case of intercept/resend eavesdropping strategy, an increased error rate is found compared to two dimensional systems, hence an advantage for the legitimate users to detect an eavesdropper.Comment: 12 pages, 2 (eps) figure

    Robust long-distance entanglement and a loophole-free Bell test with ions and photons

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    Two trapped ions that are kilometers apart can be entangled by the joint detection of two photons, each coming from one of the ions, in a basis of entangled states. Such a detection is possible with linear optical elements. The use of two-photon interference allows entanglement distribution without interferometric sensitivity to the path length of the photons. The present method of creating entangled ions also opens up the possibility of a loophole-free test of Bell's inequalities.Comment: published versio

    Quantum Cryptography with Coherent States

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    The safety of a quantum key distribution system relies on the fact that any eavesdropping attempt on the quantum channel creates errors in the transmission. For a given error rate, the amount of information that may have leaked to the eavesdropper depends on both the particular system and the eavesdropping strategy. In this work, we discuss quantum cryptographic protocols based on the transmission of weak coherent states and present a new system, based on a symbiosis of two existing ones, and for which the information available to the eavesdropper is significantly reduced. This system is therefore safer than the two previous ones. We also suggest a possible experimental implementation.Comment: 20 pp. Revtex, Figures available from the authors upon request, To be published in PRA (March 95
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