32,516 research outputs found

    Eavesdropping without quantum memory

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    In quantum cryptography the optimal eavesdropping strategy requires that the eavesdropper uses quantum memories in order to optimize her information. What happens if the eavesdropper has no quantum memory? It is shown that the best strategy is actually to adopt the simple intercept/resend strategy.Comment: 9 pages LaTeX, 3 figure

    General polygamy inequality of multi-party quantum entanglement

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    Using entanglement of assistance, we establish a general polygamy inequality of multi-party entanglement in arbitrary dimensional quantum systems. For multi-party closed quantum systems, we relate our result with the monogamy of entanglement to show that the entropy of entanglement is an universal entanglement measure that bounds both monogamy and polygamy of multi-party quantum entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum identification system

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    A secure quantum identification system combining a classical identification procedure and quantum key distribution is proposed. Each identification sequence is always used just once and new sequences are ``refuelled'' from a shared provably secret key transferred through the quantum channel. Two identification protocols are devised. The first protocol can be applied when legitimate users have an unjammable public channel at their disposal. The deception probability is derived for the case of a noisy quantum channel. The second protocol employs unconditionally secure authentication of information sent over the public channel, and thus it can be applied even in the case when an adversary is allowed to modify public communications. An experimental realization of a quantum identification system is described.Comment: RevTeX, 4 postscript figures, 9 pages, submitted to Physical Review

    Heralded single-photon generation using imperfect single-photon sources and a two-photon-absorbing medium

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    We propose a setup for a heralded, i.e. announced generation of a pure single-photon state given two imperfect sources whose outputs are represented by mixtures of the single-photon Fock state 1\ket{1} with the vacuum 0\ket{0}. Our purification scheme uses beam splitters, photodetection and a two-photon-absorbing medium. The admixture of the vacuum is fully eliminated. We discuss two potential realizations of the scheme.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures (LaTeX). In version v2 we have slightly modified our setup so as to increase the success probability of single-photon generation by a factor of two. In addition, in an appendix we discuss alternative realizations of single-photon generation without a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Three new figures have been added. Version v3 is a revised version published in Phys. Rev. A. It contains numerous minor corrections and clarifications. A new figure has been added in order to clarify our convention regarding labelling the field modes. The action of the beam splitters in the Schroedinger picture is introduced. A new reference has been include

    Towards Communication-Efficient Quantum Oblivious Key Distribution

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    Oblivious Transfer, a fundamental problem in the field of secure multi-party computation is defined as follows: A database DB of N bits held by Bob is queried by a user Alice who is interested in the bit DB_b in such a way that (1) Alice learns DB_b and only DB_b and (2) Bob does not learn anything about Alice's choice b. While solutions to this problem in the classical domain rely largely on unproven computational complexity theoretic assumptions, it is also known that perfect solutions that guarantee both database and user privacy are impossible in the quantum domain. Jakobi et al. [Phys. Rev. A, 83(2), 022301, Feb 2011] proposed a protocol for Oblivious Transfer using well known QKD techniques to establish an Oblivious Key to solve this problem. Their solution provided a good degree of database and user privacy (using physical principles like impossibility of perfectly distinguishing non-orthogonal quantum states and the impossibility of superluminal communication) while being loss-resistant and implementable with commercial QKD devices (due to the use of SARG04). However, their Quantum Oblivious Key Distribution (QOKD) protocol requires a communication complexity of O(N log N). Since modern databases can be extremely large, it is important to reduce this communication as much as possible. In this paper, we first suggest a modification of their protocol wherein the number of qubits that need to be exchanged is reduced to O(N). A subsequent generalization reduces the quantum communication complexity even further in such a way that only a few hundred qubits are needed to be transferred even for very large databases.Comment: 7 page

    Indeterminate-length quantum coding

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    The quantum analogues of classical variable-length codes are indeterminate-length quantum codes, in which codewords may exist in superpositions of different lengths. This paper explores some of their properties. The length observable for such codes is governed by a quantum version of the Kraft-McMillan inequality. Indeterminate-length quantum codes also provide an alternate approach to quantum data compression.Comment: 32 page

    Health care homes: Lessons from the diabetes care project

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    Analytic Expressions for Geometric Measure of Three Qubit States

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    A new method is developed to derive an algebraic equations for the geometric measure of entanglement of three qubit pure states. The equations are derived explicitly and solved in cases of most interest. These equations allow oneself to derive the analytic expressions of the geometric entanglement measure in the wide range of the three qubit systems, including the general class of W-states and states which are symmetric under permutation of two qubits. The nearest separable states are not necessarily unique and highly entangled states are surrounded by the one-parametric set of equally distant separable states. A possibility for the physical applications of the various three qubit states to quantum teleportation and superdense coding is suggested from the aspect of the entanglement.Comment: 6 pages, no figure, PRA versio

    Factoring in a Dissipative Quantum Computer

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    We describe an array of quantum gates implementing Shor's algorithm for prime factorization in a quantum computer. The array includes a circuit for modular exponentiation with several subcomponents (such as controlled multipliers, adders, etc) which are described in terms of elementary Toffoli gates. We present a simple analysis of the impact of losses and decoherence on the performance of this quantum factoring circuit. For that purpose, we simulate a quantum computer which is running the program to factor N = 15 while interacting with a dissipative environment. As a consequence of this interaction randomly selected qubits may spontaneously decay. Using the results of our numerical simulations we analyze the efficiency of some simple error correction techniques.Comment: plain tex, 18 pages, 8 postscript figure

    Quantum key distribution via quantum encryption

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    A quantum key distribution protocol based on quantum encryption is presented in this Brief Report. In this protocol, the previously shared Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs act as the quantum key to encode and decode the classical cryptography key. The quantum key is reusable and the eavesdropper cannot elicit any information from the particle Alice sends to Bob. The concept of quantum encryption is also discussed.Comment: 4 Pages, No Figure. Final version to appear in PR