244 research outputs found

    Detecting a stochastic background of gravitational radiation: Signal processing strategies and sensitivities

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    We analyze the signal processing required for the optimal detection of a stochastic background of gravitational radiation using laser interferometric detectors. Starting with basic assumptions about the statistical properties of a stochastic gravity-wave background, we derive expressions for the optimal filter function and signal-to-noise ratio for the cross-correlation of the outputs of two gravity-wave detectors. Sensitivity levels required for detection are then calculated. Issues related to: (i) calculating the signal-to-noise ratio for arbitrarily large stochastic backgrounds, (ii) performing the data analysis in the presence of nonstationary detector noise, (iii) combining data from multiple detector pairs to increase the sensitivity of a stochastic background search, (iv) correlating the outputs of 4 or more detectors, and (v) allowing for the possibility of correlated noise in the outputs of two detectors are discussed. We briefly describe a computer simulation which mimics the generation and detection of a simulated stochastic gravity-wave signal in the presence of simulated detector noise. Numerous graphs and tables of numerical data for the five major interferometers (LIGO-WA, LIGO-LA, VIRGO, GEO-600, and TAMA-300) are also given. The treatment given in this paper should be accessible to both theorists involved in data analysis and experimentalists involved in detector design and data acquisition.Comment: 81 pages, 30 postscript figures, REVTE

    Gravitino Dark Matter in the CMSSM and Implications for Leptogenesis and the LHC

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    In the framework of the CMSSM we study the gravitino as the lightest supersymmetric particle and the dominant component of cold dark matter in the Universe. We include both a thermal contribution to its relic abundance from scatterings in the plasma and a non--thermal one from neutralino or stau decays after freeze--out. In general both contributions can be important, although in different regions of the parameter space. We further include constraints from BBN on electromagnetic and hadronic showers, from the CMB blackbody spectrum and from collider and non--collider SUSY searches. The region where the neutralino is the next--to--lightest superpartner is severely constrained by a conservative bound from excessive electromagnetic showers and probably basically excluded by the bound from hadronic showers, while the stau case remains mostly allowed. In both regions the constraint from CMB is often important or even dominant. In the stau case, for the assumed reasonable ranges of soft SUSY breaking parameters, we find regions where the gravitino abundance is in agreement with the range inferred from CMB studies, provided that, in many cases, a reheating temperature \treh is large, \treh\sim10^{9}\gev. On the other side, we find an upper bound \treh\lsim 5\times 10^{9}\gev. Less conservative bounds from BBN or an improvement in measuring the CMB spectrum would provide a dramatic squeeze on the whole scenario, in particular it would strongly disfavor the largest values of \treh\sim 10^{9}\gev. The regions favored by the gravitino dark matter scenario are very different from standard regions corresponding to the neutralino dark matter, and will be partly probed at the LHC.Comment: JHEP version, several improvements and update

    Can induced gravity isotropize Bianchi I, V, or IX Universes?

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    We analyze if Bianchi I, V, and IX models in the Induced Gravity (IG) theory can evolve to a Friedmann--Roberson--Walker (FRW) expansion due to the non--minimal coupling of gravity and the scalar field. The analytical results that we found for the Brans-Dicke (BD) theory are now applied to the IG theory which has ωâ‰Ș1\omega \ll 1 (ω\omega being the square ratio of the Higgs to Planck mass) in a cosmological era in which the IG--potential is not significant. We find that the isotropization mechanism crucially depends on the value of ω\omega. Its smallness also permits inflationary solutions. For the Bianch V model inflation due to the Higgs potential takes place afterwads, and subsequently the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) ends with an effective FRW evolution. The ordinary tests of successful cosmology are well satisfied.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. D1

    An accelerated closed universe

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    We study a model in which a closed universe with dust and quintessence matter components may look like an accelerated flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe at low redshifts. Several quantities relevant to the model are expressed in terms of observed density parameters, ΩM\Omega_M and ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda}, and of the associated density parameter ΩQ\Omega_Q related to the quintessence scalar field QQ.Comment: 11 pages. For a festschrift honoring Alberto Garcia. To appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Brane Interaction as the Origin of Inflation

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    We reanalyze brane inflation with brane-brane interactions at an angle, which include the special case of brane-anti-brane interaction. If nature is described by a stringy realization of the brane world scenario today (with arbitrary compactification), and if some additional branes were present in the early universe, we find that an inflationary epoch is generically quite natural, ending with a big bang when the last branes collide. In an interesting brane inflationary scenario suggested by generic string model-building, we use the density perturbation observed in the cosmic microwave background and the coupling unification to find that the string scale is comparable to the GUT scale.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, JHEP forma

    Potential-density pairs for axisymmetric galaxies: the influence of scalar fields

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    We present a formulation for potential-density pairs to describe axisymmetric galaxies in the Newtonian limit of scalar-tensor theories of gravity. The scalar field is described by a modified Helmholtz equation with a source that is coupled to the standard Poisson equation of Newtonian gravity. The net gravitational force is given by two contributions: the standard Newtonian potential plus a term stemming from massive scalar fields. General solutions have been found for axisymmetric systems and the multipole expansion of the Yukawa potential is given. In particular, we have computed potential-density pairs of galactic disks for an exponential profile and their rotation curves.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, corrected version to the one that will appear in Gen. Relativ. Gravit., where a small typo in eq. (13) is presen

    A mathematical analysis of the evolution of perturbations in a modified Chaplygin gas model

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    One approach in modern cosmology consists in supposing that dark matter and dark energy are different manifestations of a single `quartessential' fluid. Following such idea, this work presents a study of the evolution of perturbations of density in a flat cosmological model with a modified Chaplygin gas acting as a single component. Our goal is to obtain properties of the model which can be used to distinguish it from another cosmological models which have the same solutions for the general evolution of the scale factor of the universe, without the construction of the power spectrum. Our analytical results, which alone can be used to uniquely characterize the specific model studied in our work, show that the evolution of the density contrast can be seen, at least in one particular case, as composed by a spheroidal wave function. We also present a numerical analysis which clearly indicates as one interesting feature of the model the appearence of peaks in the evolution of the density constrast.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Characteristics of Cosmic Time

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    The nature of cosmic time is illuminated using Hamilton-Jacobi theory for general relativity. For problems of interest to cosmology, one may solve for the phase of the wavefunctional by using a line integral in superspace. Each contour of integration corresponds to a particular choice of time hypersurface, and each yields the same answer. In this way, one can construct a covariant formalism where all time hypersurfaces are treated on an equal footing. Using the method of characteristics, explicit solutions for an inflationary epoch with several scalar fields are given. The theoretical predictions of double inflation are compared with recent galaxy data and large angle microwave background anisotropies.Comment: 20 pages, RevTex using Latex 2.09, Submitted to Physical Review D Two figures included in fil

    Non-minimally Coupled Tachyonic Inflation in Warped String Background

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    We show that the non-minimal coupling of tachyon field to the scalar curvature, as proposed by Piao et al, with the chosen coupling parameter does not produce the effective potential where the tachyon field can roll down from T=0 to large TT along the slope of the potential. We find a correct choice of the parameters which ensures this requirement and support slow-roll inflation. However, we find that the cosmological parameter found from the analysis of the theory are not in the range obtained from observations. We then invoke warped compactification and varying dilaton field over the compact manifold, as proposed by Raeymaekers, to show that in such a setup the observed parameter space can be ensured.Comment: minor typos corrected and references adde

    Double Inflation in Supergravity and the Large Scale Structure

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    The cosmological implication of a double inflation model with hybrid + new inflations in supergravity is studied. The hybrid inflation drives an inflaton for new inflation close to the origin through supergravity effects and new inflation naturally occurs. If the total e-fold number of new inflation is smaller than ∌60\sim 60, both inflations produce cosmologically relevant density fluctuations. Both cluster abundances and galaxy distributions provide strong constraints on the parameters in the double inflation model assuming Ω0=1\Omega_0=1 standard cold dark matter scenario. The future satellite experiments to measure the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background will make a precise determination of the model parameters possible.Comment: 19 pages (RevTeX file
