3 research outputs found

    Perturbing HIV-1 Ribosomal Frameshifting Frequency Reveals a cis Preference for Gag-Pol Incorporation into Assembling Virions

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    HIV-1 virion production is driven by Gag and Gag-Pol (GP) proteins, with Gag forming the bulk of the capsid and driving budding, while GP binds Gag to deliver the essential virion enzymes protease, reverse transcriptase, and integrase. Virion GP levels are traditionally thought to reflect the relative abundances of GP and Gag in cells (;1:20), dictated by the frequency of a 21 programmed ribosomal frameshifting (PRF) event occurring in gag-pol mRNAs. Here, we exploited a panel of PRF mutant viruses to show that mechanisms in addition to PRF regulate GP incorporation into virions. First, we show that GP is enriched ;3-fold in virions relative to cells, with viral infectivity being better maintained at subphysiological levels of GP than when GP levels are too high. Second, we report that GP is more efficiently incorporated into virions when Gag and GP are synthesized in cis (i.e., from the same gag-pol mRNA) than in trans, suggesting that Gag/GP translation and assembly are spatially coupled processes. Third, we show that, surprisingly, virions exhibit a strong upper limit to trans-delivered GP incorporation; an adaptation that appears to allow the virus to temper defects to GP/Gag cleavage that may negatively impact reverse transcription. Taking these results together, we propose a "weighted Goldilocks"scenario for HIV-1 GP incorporation, wherein combined mechanisms of GP enrichment and exclusion buffer virion infectivity over a broad range of local GP concentrations. These results provide new insights into the HIV-1 virion assembly pathway relevant to the anticipated efficacy of PRF-targeted antiviral strategies.National Institutes of Health R01AI110221, P01CA022332, R35GM118131, T32GM00834

    Discovery, Prevalence, and Persistence of Novel Circular Single-Stranded DNA Viruses in the Ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata

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    Gelatinous zooplankton, such as ctenophores and jellyfish, are important components of marine and brackish ecosystems and play critical roles in aquatic biogeochemistry. As voracious predators of plankton, ctenophores have key positions in aquatic food webs and are often successful invaders when introduced to new areas. Gelatinous zooplankton have strong impacts on ecosystem services, particularly in coastal environments. However, little is known about the factors responsible for regulating population dynamics of gelatinous organisms, including biological interactions that may contribute to bloom demise. Ctenophores are known to contain specific bacterial communities and a variety of invertebrate parasites and symbionts; however, no previous studies have examined the presence of viruses in these organisms. Building upon recent studies demonstrating a diversity of single-stranded DNA viruses that encode a replication initiator protein (Rep) in aquatic invertebrates, this study explored the presence of circular, Rep-encoding single-stranded DNA (CRESS-DNA) viruses in the ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata collected from the Skidaway River Estuary and Savannah River in Georgia, USA. Using rolling circle amplification followed by restriction enzyme digestion, this study provides the first evidence of viruses in ctenophores. Investigation of four CRESS-DNA viruses over an 8-month period using PCR demonstrated temporal trends in viral prevalence and indicated that some of the viruses may persist in ctenophore populations throughout the year. Although future work needs to examine the ecological roles of these ctenophore-associated viruses, this study indicates that viral infection may play a role in population dynamics of gelatinous zooplankton

    B cells infected with Type 2 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) have increased NFATc1/NFATc2 activity and enhanced lytic gene expression in comparison to Type 1 EBV infection.

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    Humans are infected with two distinct strains (Type 1 (T1) and Type 2 (T2)) of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) that differ substantially in their EBNA2 and EBNA 3A/B/C latency genes and the ability to transform B cells in vitro. While most T1 EBV strains contain the "prototype" form of the BZLF1 immediate-early promoter ("Zp-P"), all T2 strains contain the "Zp-V3" variant, which contains an NFAT binding motif and is activated much more strongly by B-cell receptor signalling. Whether B cells infected with T2 EBV are more lytic than cells infected with T1 EBV is unknown. Here we show that B cells infected with T2 EBV strains (AG876 and BL5) have much more lytic protein expression compared to B cells infected with T1 EBV strains (M81, Akata, and Mutu) in both a cord blood-humanized (CBH) mouse model and EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). Although T2 LCLs grow more slowly than T1 LCLs, both EBV types induce B-cell lymphomas in CBH mice. T1 EBV strains (M81 and Akata) containing Zp-V3 are less lytic than T2 EBV strains, suggesting that Zp-V3 is not sufficient to confer a lytic phenotype. Instead, we find that T2 LCLs express much higher levels of activated NFATc1 and NFATc2, and that cyclosporine (an NFAT inhibitor) and knockdown of NFATc2 attenuate constitutive lytic infection in T2 LCLs. Both NFATc1 and NFATc2 induce lytic EBV gene expression when combined with activated CAMKIV (which is activated by calcium signaling and activates MEF2D) in Burkitt Akata cells. Together, these results suggest that B cells infected with T2 EBV are more lytic due to increased activity of the cellular NFATc1/c2 transcription factors in addition to the universal presence of the Zp-V3 form of BZLF1 promoter