108 research outputs found

    Active Collaborative Filtering

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    Collaborative filtering (CF) allows the preferences of multiple users to be pooled to make recommendations regarding unseen products. We consider in this paper the problem of online and interactive CF: given the current ratings associated with a user, what queries (new ratings) would most improve the quality of the recommendations made? We cast this terms of expected value of information (EVOI); but the online computational cost of computing optimal queries is prohibitive. We show how offline prototyping and computation of bounds on EVOI can be used to dramatically reduce the required online computation. The framework we develop is general, but we focus on derivations and empirical study in the specific case of the multiple-cause vector quantization model.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2003

    Out-of-Sample Extension for Dimensionality Reduction of Noisy Time Series

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    This paper proposes an out-of-sample extension framework for a global manifold learning algorithm (Isomap) that uses temporal information in out-of-sample points in order to make the embedding more robust to noise and artifacts. Given a set of noise-free training data and its embedding, the proposed framework extends the embedding for a noisy time series. This is achieved by adding a spatio-temporal compactness term to the optimization objective of the embedding. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first method for out-of-sample extension of manifold embeddings that leverages timing information available for the extension set. Experimental results demonstrate that our out-of-sample extension algorithm renders a more robust and accurate embedding of sequentially ordered image data in the presence of various noise and artifacts when compared to other timing-aware embeddings. Additionally, we show that an out-of-sample extension framework based on the proposed algorithm outperforms the state of the art in eye-gaze estimation

    Generalized Bayesian Posterior Expectation Distillation for Deep Neural Networks

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    In this paper, we present a general framework for distilling expectations with respect to the Bayesian posterior distribution of a deep neural network classifier, extending prior work on the Bayesian Dark Knowledge framework. The proposed framework takes as input "teacher" and student model architectures and a general posterior expectation of interest. The distillation method performs an online compression of the selected posterior expectation using iteratively generated Monte Carlo samples. We focus on the posterior predictive distribution and expected entropy as distillation targets. We investigate several aspects of this framework including the impact of uncertainty and the choice of student model architecture. We study methods for student model architecture search from a speed-storage-accuracy perspective and evaluate down-stream tasks leveraging entropy distillation including uncertainty ranking and out-of-distribution detection.Comment: Accepted at UAI '2

    Learning Shallow Detection Cascades for Wearable Sensor-Based Mobile Health Applications

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    The field of mobile health aims to leverage recent advances in wearable on-body sensing technology and smart phone computing capabilities to develop systems that can monitor health states and deliver just-in-time adaptive interventions. However, existing work has largely focused on analyzing collected data in the off-line setting. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to learning shallow detection cascades developed explicitly for use in a real-time wearable-phone or wearable-phone-cloud systems. We apply our approach to the problem of cigarette smoking detection from a combination of wrist-worn actigraphy data and respiration chest band data using two and three stage cascades

    Integrating Propositional and Relational Label Side Information for Hierarchical Zero-Shot Image Classification

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    Zero-shot learning (ZSL) is one of the most extreme forms of learning from scarce labeled data. It enables predicting that images belong to classes for which no labeled training instances are available. In this paper, we present a new ZSL framework that leverages both label attribute side information and a semantic label hierarchy. We present two methods, lifted zero-shot prediction and a custom conditional random field (CRF) model, that integrate both forms of side information. We propose benchmark tasks for this framework that focus on making predictions across a range of semantic levels. We show that lifted zero-shot prediction can dramatically outperform baseline methods when making predictions within specified semantic levels, and that the probability distribution provided by the CRF model can be leveraged to yield further performance improvements when making unconstrained predictions over the hierarchy

    Integrating Physiological Time Series and Clinical Notes with Deep Learning for Improved ICU Mortality Prediction

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    Intensive Care Unit Electronic Health Records (ICU EHRs) store multimodal data about patients including clinical notes, sparse and irregularly sampled physiological time series, lab results, and more. To date, most methods designed to learn predictive models from ICU EHR data have focused on a single modality. In this paper, we leverage the recently proposed interpolation-prediction deep learning architecture(Shukla and Marlin 2019) as a basis for exploring how physiological time series data and clinical notes can be integrated into a unified mortality prediction model. We study both early and late fusion approaches and demonstrate how the relative predictive value of clinical text and physiological data change over time. Our results show that a late fusion approach can provide a statistically significant improvement in mortality prediction performance over using individual modalities in isolation.Comment: Presented at ACM Conference on Health, Inference and Learning (Workshop Track), 202

    A Survey on Principles, Models and Methods for Learning from Irregularly Sampled Time Series

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    Irregularly sampled time series data arise naturally in many application domains including biology, ecology, climate science, astronomy, and health. Such data represent fundamental challenges to many classical models from machine learning and statistics due to the presence of non-uniform intervals between observations. However, there has been significant progress within the machine learning community over the last decade on developing specialized models and architectures for learning from irregularly sampled univariate and multivariate time series data. In this survey, we first describe several axes along which approaches to learning from irregularly sampled time series differ including what data representations they are based on, what modeling primitives they leverage to deal with the fundamental problem of irregular sampling, and what inference tasks they are designed to perform. We then survey the recent literature organized primarily along the axis of modeling primitives. We describe approaches based on temporal discretization, interpolation, recurrence, attention and structural invariance. We discuss similarities and differences between approaches and highlight primary strengths and weaknesses.Comment: Presented at NeurIPS 2020 Workshop: ML Retrospectives, Surveys & Meta-Analyses (ML-RSA

    Group Sparse Priors for Covariance Estimation

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    Recently it has become popular to learn sparse Gaussian graphical models (GGMs) by imposing l1 or group l1,2 penalties on the elements of the precision matrix. Thispenalized likelihood approach results in a tractable convex optimization problem. In this paper, we reinterpret these results as performing MAP estimation under a novel prior which we call the group l1 and l1,2 positivedefinite matrix distributions. This enables us to build a hierarchical model in which the l1 regularization terms vary depending on which group the entries are assigned to, which in turn allows us to learn block structured sparse GGMs with unknown group assignments. Exact inference in this hierarchical model is intractable, due to the need to compute the normalization constant of these matrix distributions. However, we derive upper bounds on the partition functions, which lets us use fast variational inference (optimizing a lower bound on the joint posterior). We show that on two real world data sets (motion capture and financial data), our method which infers the block structure outperforms a method that uses a fixed block structure, which in turn outperforms baseline methods that ignore block structure.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2009

    Modeling Irregularly Sampled Clinical Time Series

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    While the volume of electronic health records (EHR) data continues to grow, it remains rare for hospital systems to capture dense physiological data streams, even in the data-rich intensive care unit setting. Instead, typical EHR records consist of sparse and irregularly observed multivariate time series, which are well understood to present particularly challenging problems for machine learning methods. In this paper, we present a new deep learning architecture for addressing this problem based on the use of a semi-parametric interpolation network followed by the application of a prediction network. The interpolation network allows for information to be shared across multiple dimensions during the interpolation stage, while any standard deep learning model can be used for the prediction network. We investigate the performance of this architecture on the problems of mortality and length of stay prediction.Comment: Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) Workshop at NeurIPS 2018 arXiv:cs/010120

    Interpolation-Prediction Networks for Irregularly Sampled Time Series

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    In this paper, we present a new deep learning architecture for addressing the problem of supervised learning with sparse and irregularly sampled multivariate time series. The architecture is based on the use of a semi-parametric interpolation network followed by the application of a prediction network. The interpolation network allows for information to be shared across multiple dimensions of a multivariate time series during the interpolation stage, while any standard deep learning model can be used for the prediction network. This work is motivated by the analysis of physiological time series data in electronic health records, which are sparse, irregularly sampled, and multivariate. We investigate the performance of this architecture on both classification and regression tasks, showing that our approach outperforms a range of baseline and recently proposed models.Comment: International Conference on Learning Representations. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1812.0053
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