10 research outputs found

    Lunar IceCube: Development of Thermal Management System

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    Design of a thermal control system for Lunar IceCube faced several challenges. Firstly, components have vastly different requirements for operational temperature range and heat dissipation. Secondly, the spacecraft does not have enough external surface to reject waste heat by traditionally designed thermal control system. Thirdly, integration of components into a single thermal control system represents a challenge due to several factors: namely, thermal interference between components due to high packing density; incompatibility of some components which are made by different vendors. The paper discusses a successful solution of the mentioned above problems. It shows that customization of thermal control systems for each group of components with similar thermal requirements enables successful resolution of thermal challenges

    NGC 5291: Implications for the Formation of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies

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    The possible formation and evolution of dwarf irregular galaxies from material derived from perturbed evolved galaxies is addressed via an HI study of a likely example, the peculiar system NGC 5291. This system, located in the western outskirts of the cluster Abell 3574, contains the lenticular galaxy NGC 5291 which is in close proximity to a disturbed companion and is flanked by an extensive complex of numerous knots extending roughly 4\u27 north and 4\u27 south of the galaxy. In an initial optical and radio study, Longmore et al. (1979, MNRAS, 188, 285) showed that these knots have the spectra of vigorous star-forming regions, and suggested that some may in fact be young dwarf irregular galaxies. High resolution 21-cm line observations taken with the VLA are presented here and reveal that the H I distribution associated with this system encompasses not only the entire N-S complex of optical knots, but also forms an incomplete ring or tail that extends approximately 3\u27 to the west. The HI associated with NGC 5291 itself shows a high velocity range; the Seashell is not detected. The formation mechanism for this unusual system is unclear and two models-a large, low-luminosity ram-swept disk, and a ram-swept interaction-are discussed. The HI in the system contains numerous concentrations, mostly along the N-S arc of the star-forming complexes, which generally coincide with one or more optical knots; the larger HI features contain several X 109 M0 of gas. Each of the knots is compared to a set of criteria designed to determine if these objects are bound against their own internal kinetic energy and are tidally stable relative to the host galaxy. An analysis of the properties of the H I concentrations surrounding the optical star-forming complexes indicates that at least the largest of these is a bound system; it also possesses a stellar component. It is suggested that this object is a genuinely young dwarf irregular galaxy that has evolved from the material associated with the system and that this entire complex contains several proto- or young dwarf irregular galaxies in various stages of development. We are therefore witnessing the early evolution of a number of genuinely young galaxies. Given the evident importance of the NGC 5291 system as a \u27\u27nursery\u27\u27 for young galaxies, careful modeling is required if we are to understand this remarkable galaxy

    The Development and Testing of a 21 m Earth Station and Radio Telescope at Morehead State University for Research and Education

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    The Space Science Center at Morehead State University (Morehead, KY, U.S.A.) has developed a 21 meter full-motion antenna system that serves as: 1.) a ground station capable of tracking Earth-orbiting satellites in a variety of orbital configurations 2.) a test bed for advanced RF systems, and 3.) a radio telescope for astronomical research. The 21 m also serves as an active laboratory for students engaged in space science, engineering, telecommunications electronics, and astrophysics. The instrument primarily supports undergraduate student research projects in observational astrophysics, hardware and software design related to radio astronomy observations, telecommunication systems, and space systems operation. The 21 m is engaged in radio observations of microvariability in active galactic nuclei (AGNs), observations of transient events, (i.e. radio afterglow of Gamma Ray Bursts) and surveys (i.e. kinematic surveys of atomic hydrogen in the Milky Way Galaxy). In Earth station mode, the 21 m is capable of tracking a variety of satellites including LEOs, MEOs, GEOs, and lunar orbiting and fly-by spacecraft. A major goal of this project is to assist in the development of a workforce for the space operations industry. The 21 m was brought on-line in 2006 and currently operates two receivers: an L-band receiver (1.4-1.7 GHz) covering the “water hole” and a Ku-band receiver (11.2-12.7 GHz) for continuum observations and satellite mission support. Other frequency bands (including an S-band 2.2-2.5 GHz receiver for satellite mission support and a 6 cm (C-band) feed for radio astronomy research) are in the development stages. The 21 m will serve as the primary Earth station for the KySat-1 and -2 orbital missions, as an Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) Earth station for NASA’s PharmaSat mission, and as an Earth station for future NASA (and potentially ESA) missions

    NASA Wallops Flight Facility-Morehead State Ground Network For Small Satellite Mission Operations

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    The initial elements of a Ground Network (GN) have been established to support a growing need for high data rate from university, commercial, and government-developed CubeSats transmitting over government licensed frequencies. The NASA Wallops-Morehead Ground Network (NWMGN) currently consists of two large-aperture Earth Stations: 1.) the Wallops UHF Radar CubeSat Ground Station (located at NASA Wallops Flight Facility Virginia USA, and 2.) the Morehead State University 21-Meter Ground Station (Morehead, KY, USA). The Wallops 18-Meter diameter UHF-Band and the Morehead State 21-Meter diameter antenna form the basis of the NWMGN that currently operates at UHF-band and S-band. The Wallops UHF Radar is one of only two dishes with similar capability at UHF Band (380 to 480 MHz) in the U.S. The Morehead State University 21-Meter system currently is able to support satellite science missions operating at S-band (2.2-2.4 GHz) and X-band (7.0 -7.8 and 8.025 – 8.5 GHz) and Ku-(11.2-12.7 GHz) with most mission operation support occurring at S-band. The NWMGN provides comprehensive communications services for customers that operate small-scale space assets. These services include telemetry, commanding, and program tracking services for orbital missions. Analysis services including RF link modeling and simulation, coverage analysis, and ground station compatibility assessments are also offered by the NWMGN. These services can potentially be used during the mission design phase to facilitate the satellite developer\u27s achievement of the desired level of communications systems performance that ultimately drives data downlink rates, total data received, and telemetry and command functions. The Morehead ground station is capable of providing services to a wide variety of mission customers, at various low-earth orbits (LEO), geosynchronous orbits (GEO), highly elliptical orbits, Lagrange point orbits, Lunar, and inner solar system missions at multiple frequency bands through all phases of a mission’s lifetime. The significant gain of the two major elements of the NWMGN represent a major improvement in risk reduction and potential mission success to CubeSat and microsatellite operators by significantly increasing the RF link margin over the amateur radio ground stations which have been used for these missions. NWMGN services are contracted through the NASA Wallops Flight Facility. The NWMGN currently operates at UHF band and S- band with long term plans to offer ground operations services on both ground stations at X-band and potentially higher frequencies. NASA Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) has numerous ground station assets covering a wide variety of frequencies and supporting all types of science satellite missions, not just small ones. The Morehead State 21 Meter is an extremely capable system, having pointing and tracking specifications capable of supporting space assets in a wide range of Earth orbits, sufficient aperture (and therefore gain) to support missions to the Moon and the inner solar system, and excellent surface accuracy (RMS surface deformations)—good enough to potentially support Ka band missions. The technical capabilities of each of the ground stations and the network are described in this paper

    University-based Nanosatellite Missions and Ground Operations at Morehead State

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    The Space Science Center (Department of Earth and Space Sciences) at Morehead State University (MSU), Morehead, KY (USA) engages undergraduate students in the development and operation of nano- and microsatellite systems to provide real-world engineering opportunities and training experiences. The Space Science Center operates several ground stations, including low-bandwidth VHF/UHF systems and a 21-meter diameter, full motion, parabolic dish antenna system, to support these and other university-based small satellite missions. The MSU 21-m Space Tracking Antenna is capable of providing telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) services for a wide variety of space missions. The 21-m has the capacity to track satellites in low earth orbit (LEO) with extremely low transmission power, as well as satellites at geostationary, lunar, and Earth‐Sun Lagrangian orbits. The system currently operates at L‐, S‐, C-, X- and Ku‐bands. The instrument is primarily operated by undergraduate students who work in the associated laboratories to gain hands‐on training in RF systems and techniques. The 21-m is also used as a test bed for advanced RF systems developed by faculty and collaborators, and has been employed in a growing portfolio of satellite missions including serving as the primary ground station for KySat-1, a secondary ground station for EduSat, and as the primary high-bandwidth ground stations for Radio Auroral Explorer 2 (RAX2) and the Cosmic X-Ray Background NanoSatellite (CXBN) missions. The system has also been employed in the testing and calibration of the NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter synthetic aperture radar (mini-SAR) at X- and S-bands. The team is in the process of upgrading the system to incorporate automated operations and to become Space Link Extension (SLE) compliant. This paper describes the current nanosatellite missions managed by the Space Science Center and the ground operations components of these missions (including the challenges and constraints imposed by the university-based non-commercial structure), all of which are designed to train undergraduate students as the next workforce in support of the ground operations and satellite development industries

    A University-Based Ground Station: The 21 m Antenna at Morehead State University

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    The Space Science Center (Department of Earth and Space Sciences) at Morehead State University (MSU), Morehead, KY (USA) operates a 21 meter diameter, full motion, research quality, parabolic dish antenna system, built under contract for MSU by Vertex-RSI, one of the premier fabrication corporations for high gain antennas. This system, referred to as the MSU 21 m Space Tracking Antenna, is engaged in ongoing research programs in radio astronomy and is also capable of operation in a satellite ground station mode, providing telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) services for a wide variety of satellite systems. The 21 m is used as a test bed for advanced RF systems developed by the faculty, students, and collaborators. This system has the capability of tracking fast moving, low transmitting power small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), as well as satellites at geostationary, lunar, and potentially Earth-Sun Lagrangian orbits. Currently configured for operation at L-,band and Ku-band, with feeds being implemented at S-band and near term plans for the development of a C-band system, with others planned. The instrument also serves as an active laboratory for students engaged in research and training in space science, electrical and mechanical engineering, telecommunications electronics, astrophysics, and space systems operation. The instrument is largely operated by undergraduate students who work in the associated laboratories to achieve hands-on training in RF systems and techniques. The instrument serves as the primary Earth station facility for the Kentucky Space Program which develops and operates small satellites (cubesats and other picosats) for education and workforce development. Cubesat (1 kg pico-class satellites) programs offer outstanding education and training experience at low cost. They have evolved into a highly flexible and useful platform, having been flown by numerous universities, NASA, and a number of aerospace companies. The 21 m supports the small satellite community and in particular cubesat programs. In addition to providing ground operations support for small satellite programs, the 21 m is currently engaged in a rigorous scientific program in fundamental research (radio observations of micro-variability in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and observations of transient events, (i.e. radio afterglow of Gamma Ray Bursts) and applied research (RF systems development). Current ongoing missions supported by the 21 m include the Kentucky Space program orbiting satellite (KySat-1), scheduled for launch in November 2010 as secondary payload on NASA’s Glory mission, and suborbital missions typically flown on sounding rockets from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility (Wallops Island, VA). Additional missions include supporting ongoing testing and calibration of the NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Mini-RF instrument, a multi-function payload that includes capabilities as a space based synthetic aperture radar and communication system, among others