16 research outputs found

    Unipolar resistive switching in metal oxide/organic semiconductor non-volatile memories as a critical phenomenon

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    Diodes incorporating a bilayer of an organic semiconductor and a wide bandgap metal oxide can show unipolar, non-volatile memory behavior after electroforming. The prolonged bias voltage stress induces defects in the metal oxide with an areal density exceeding 10(17) m(-2). We explain the electrical bistability by the coexistence of two thermodynamically stable phases at the interface between an organic semiconductor and metal oxide. One phase contains mainly ionized defects and has a low work function, while the other phase has mainly neutral defects and a high work function. In the diodes, domains of the phase with a low work function constitute current filaments. The phase composition and critical temperature are derived from a 2D Ising model as a function of chemical potential. The model predicts filamentary conduction exhibiting a negative differential resistance and nonvolatile memory behavior. The model is expected to be generally applicable to any bilayer system that shows unipolar resistive switching. (C) 2015 Author(s).Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI), BISTABLE [704]; Fundacao para Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) through the research Instituto de Telecommunicacoes (IT-Lx); project Memristor based Adaptive Neuronal Networks (MemBrAiNN) [PTDC/CTM-NAN/122868/2010]; European Community Seventh Framework Programme FP7', ONE-P [212311]; Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Gravity Program) [024.001.035]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Electrical conduction of LiF interlayers in organic diodes

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    An interlayer of LiF in between a metal and an organic semiconductor is commonly used to improve the electron injection. Here, we investigate the effect of moderate bias voltages on the electrical properties of Al/LiF/poly(spirofluorene)/Ba/Al diodes by systematically varying the thickness of the LiF layer (2-50 nm). Application of forward bias V below the bandgap of LiF (V < E-g similar to 14 V) results in reversible formation of an electrical double layer at the LiF/poly(spirofluorene) hetero-junction. Electrons are trapped on the poly(spirofluorene) side of the junction, while positively charged defects accumulate in the LiF with number densities as high as 10(25)/m(3). Optoelectronic measurements confirm the built-up of aggregated, ionized F centres in the LiF as the positive trapped charges. The charged defects result in efficient transport of electrons from the polymer across the LiF, with current densities that are practically independent of the thickness of the LiF layer. (C) 2015 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.Fundacao para Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) through the research Instituto de Telecommunicacoes (IT-Lx); project Memristor based Adaptive Neuronal Networks (MemBrAiNN) [PTDC/CTM-NAN/122868/2010]; KAU [71-100-35-HiCi]; European Community [212311]; ONE-P; Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science [024.001.035]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Unipolar resistive switching in metal oxide/organic semiconductor non-volatile memories as a critical phenomenon

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    Diodes incorporating a bilayer of an organic semiconductor and a wide bandgap metal oxide can show unipolar, non-volatile memory behavior after electroforming. The prolonged bias voltage stress induces defects in the metal oxide with an areal density exceeding 1017m-2. We explain the electrical bistability by the coexistence of two thermodynamically stable phases at the interface between an organic semiconductor and metal oxide. One phase contains mainly ionized defects and has a low work function, while the other phase has mainly neutral defects and a high work function. In the diodes, domains of the phase with a low work function constitute current filaments. The phase composition and critical temperature are derived from a 2D Ising model as a function of chemical potential. The model predicts filamentary conduction exhibiting a negative differential resistance and nonvolatile memory behavior. The model is expected to be generally applicable to any bilayer system that shows unipolar resistive switching.</p

    Opto-electronic characterization of electron traps upon forming polymer oxide memory diodes

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    Metal-insulator-polymer diodes where the insulator is a thin oxide (Al2O3) layer are electroformed by applying a high bias. The initial stage is reversible and involves trapping of electrons near the oxide/polymer interface. The rate of charge trapping is limited by electron transport through the polymer. Detrapping of charge stored can be accomplished by illuminating with light under short-circuit conditions. The amount of stored charge is determined from the optically induced discharging current transient as a function of applied voltage and oxide thickness. When the charge density exceeds 8 1017/m2, an irreversible soft breakdown transition occurs to a non-volatile memory diode

    Trapping of electrons in metal oxide-polymer memory diodes in the initial stage of electroforming

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    Metal oxide-polymer diodes require electroforming before they act as nonvolatile resistive switching memory diodes. Here we investigate the early stages of the electroforming process in Al/Al2O3 /polyspirofluorene /Ba/Al diodes using quasistatic capacitance-voltage measurements. In the initial stage, electrons are injected into the polymer and then deeply trapped near the polyspirofluorene-Al2O3 interface. For bias voltages below 6 V, the number of trapped electrons is found to be CoxideV/q with Coxide as the geometrical capacitance of the oxide layer. This implies a density of traps for the electrons at the polymer-metal oxide interface larger than 31017 m−2

    Lithium fluoride injection layers can form quasi-Ohmic contacts for both holes and electrons

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    Thin LiF interlayers are typically used in organic light-emitting diodes to enhance the electron injection. Here, we show that the effective work function of a contact with a LiF interlayer can be either raised or lowered depending on the history of the applied bias. Formation of quasi-Ohmic contacts for both electrons and holes is demonstrated by electroluminescence from symmetric LiF/polymer/LiF diodes in both bias polarities. The origin of the dynamic switching is charging of electrically induced Frenkel defects. The current density-electroluminescence-voltage characteristics can qualitatively be explained. The interpretation is corroborated by unipolar memristive switching and by bias dependent reflection measurements.</p

    Relation between the electroforming voltage in alkali halide-polymer diodes and the bandgap of the alkali halide

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    Electroforming of indium-tin-oxide/alkali halide/poly(spirofluorene)/Ba/Al diodes has been investigated by bias dependent reflectivity measurements. The threshold voltages for electrocoloration and electroforming are independent of layer thickness and correlate with the bandgap of the alkali halide. We argue that the origin is voltage induced defect formation. Frenkel defect pairs are formed by electron-hole recombination in the alkali halide. This self-accelerating process mitigates injection barriers. The dynamic junction formation is compared to that of a light emitting electrochemical cell. A critical defect density for electroforming is 10(25)/m(3). The electroformed alkali halide layer can be considered as a highly doped semiconductor with metallic transport characteristics. (C) 2014 Author(s)

    Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) 2015: advancing efficient methodologies through community partnerships and team science

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    It is well documented that the majority of adults, children and families in need of evidence-based behavioral health interventionsi do not receive them [1, 2] and that few robust empirically supported methods for implementing evidence-based practices (EBPs) exist. The Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) represents a burgeoning effort to advance the innovation and rigor of implementation research and is uniquely focused on bringing together researchers and stakeholders committed to evaluating the implementation of complex evidence-based behavioral health interventions. Through its diverse activities and membership, SIRC aims to foster the promise of implementation research to better serve the behavioral health needs of the population by identifying rigorous, relevant, and efficient strategies that successfully transfer scientific evidence to clinical knowledge for use in real world settings [3]. SIRC began as a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)-funded conference series in 2010 (previously titled the “Seattle Implementation Research Conference”; $150,000 USD for 3 conferences in 2011, 2013, and 2015) with the recognition that there were multiple researchers and stakeholdersi working in parallel on innovative implementation science projects in behavioral health, but that formal channels for communicating and collaborating with one another were relatively unavailable. There was a significant need for a forum within which implementation researchers and stakeholders could learn from one another, refine approaches to science and practice, and develop an implementation research agenda using common measures, methods, and research principles to improve both the frequency and quality with which behavioral health treatment implementation is evaluated. SIRC’s membership growth is a testament to this identified need with more than 1000 members from 2011 to the present.ii SIRC’s primary objectives are to: (1) foster communication and collaboration across diverse groups, including implementation researchers, intermediariesi, as well as community stakeholders (SIRC uses the term “EBP champions” for these groups) – and to do so across multiple career levels (e.g., students, early career faculty, established investigators); and (2) enhance and disseminate rigorous measures and methodologies for implementing EBPs and evaluating EBP implementation efforts. These objectives are well aligned with Glasgow and colleagues’ [4] five core tenets deemed critical for advancing implementation science: collaboration, efficiency and speed, rigor and relevance, improved capacity, and cumulative knowledge. SIRC advances these objectives and tenets through in-person conferences, which bring together multidisciplinary implementation researchers and those implementing evidence-based behavioral health interventions in the community to share their work and create professional connections and collaborations

    A Taxonomically-informed Mass Spectrometry Search Tool for Microbial Metabolomics Data

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    MicrobeMASST, a taxonomically-informed mass spectrometry (MS) search tool, tackles limited microbial metabolite annotation in untargeted metabolomics experiments. Leveraging a curated database of >60,000 microbial monocultures, users can search known and unknown MS/MS spectra and link them to their respective microbial producers via MS/MS fragmentation patterns. Identification of microbial-derived metabolites and relative producers, without a priori knowledge, will vastly enhance the understanding of microorganisms’ role in ecology and human health