17 research outputs found

    How to Write System-specific, Static Checkers in Metal

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    This paper gives an overview of the metal language, which we have designed to make it easy to construct system-specific, static analyses. We call these analyses extensions because they act as the input to a generic analysis engine that runs the static analysis over a given source base. We also interchangeably refer to them as checkers because they check that a user-specified property holds in the source base and report any violations of that property. Note that checkers may not detect all violations of a specified property. Their goal is to find as many violations as possible with a minimum of false positive

    Using meta-level compilation to check FLASH protocol code

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    Building systems suchasOSkernels and embedded software is di cult. An important source of this di culty is the numerous rules they must obey: interrupts cannot be disabled for \too long, " global variables must be protected by locks, user pointers passed to OS code must be checked for safety before use, etc. A single violation can crash the system, yet typically these invariants are unchecked, existing only on paper or in the implementor's mind. This paper is a case study in how system implementors can use a new programming methodology, metalevel compilation (MC), to easily check suchinvariants. It focuses on using MC to check for errors in the code used to manage cache coherence on the FLASH shared memory multiprocessor. The only real practical method known for verifying such code is testing and simulation. We showthat simple, system-speci c checkers can dramatically improve this situation by statically pinpointing errors in the program source. These checkers can be written by implementors themselves and, by exploiting the system-speci c information this allows, can detect errors unreachable with other methods. The checkers in this paper found 34 bugs in FLASH code despite the care used in building it and the years of testing it has undergone. Many of these errors fall in the worst category of systems bugs: those that show up sporadically only after days of continuous use. The case study is interesting because it shows that the MC approach nds serious errors in well-tested, non-toy systems code. Further, the code to nd such bugs is usually 10-100 lines long, written in a few hours, and exactly locates errors that, if discovered during testing, would require several days of investigation by an experienced implementor. The paper presents8checkers we wrote, their applicationto ve di erent protocol implementations, and a discussion of the errors that we found.

    A System and Language for Building System-Specific, Static Analyses

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    This paper presents a novel approach to bug-finding analysis and an implementation of that approach. Our goal is to find as many serious bugs as possible. To do so, we designed a flexible, easy-to-use extension language for specifying analyses and an efficent algorithm for executing these extensions. The language, metal, allows the users of our system to specify a broad class of analyses in terms that resemble the intuitive description of the rules that they check. The system, xgcc, executes these analyses efficiently using a context-sensitive, interprocedural analysis

    How to write system-specific, static checkers in metal

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    Checking system rules using system-specific, programmer-written compiler extensions

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    Systems software such as OS kernels, embedded systems, and libraries must obey many rules for both correctness and performance. Common examples include "accesses to variable A must be guarded by lock B," "system calls must check user pointers for validity before using them," and "message handlers should free their buffers as quickly as possible to allow greater parallelism." Unfortunately, adherence to these rules is largely unchecked..

    An empirical study of operating systems errors

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    Bugs as Deviant Behavior: A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems Code

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    A major obstacle to finding program errors in a real system is knowing what correctness rules the system must obey. These rules are often undocumented or specified in an ad hoc manner. This paper demonstrates tech-niques that automatically extract such checking information from the source code itself, rather than the programmer, thereby avoiding the need for a priori knowledge of system rules. The cornerstone of our approach is inferring programmer "beliefs" that we then cross-check for contradictions. Beliefs are facts implied by code: a dereference of a pointer, p, implies a belief that p is non-null, a call to "unlock(1)" implies that 1 was locked, etc. For beliefs we know the programmer must hold, such as the pointer dereference above, we immediately flag contra

    Abstract Bugs as Deviant Behavior: A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems Code

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    A major obstacle to finding program errors in a real system is knowing what correctness rules the system must obey. These rules are often undocumented or specified in an ad hoc manner. This paper demonstrates techniques that automatically extract such checking information from the source code itself, rather than the programmer, thereby avoiding the need for a priori knowledge of system rules. The cornerstone of our approach is inferring programmer “beliefs ” that we then cross-check for contradictions. Beliefs are facts implied by code: a dereference of a pointer, p, implies a belief thatpis non-null, a call to “unlock(l) ” implies that l was locked, etc. For beliefs we know the programmer must hold, such as the pointer dereference above, we immediately flag contradictions as errors. For beliefs that the programmer may hold, we can assume these beliefs hold and use a statistical analysis to rank the resulting errors from most to least likely. For example, a call to “spin lock” followed once by a call to “spin unlock ” implies that the programmer may have paired these calls by coincidence. If the pairing happens 999 out of 1000 times, though, then it is probably a valid belief and the sole deviation a probable error. The key feature of this approach is that it requires no a priori knowledge of truth: if two beliefs contradict, we know that one is an error without knowing what the correct belief is. Conceptually, our checkers extract beliefs by tailoring rule “templates ” to a system – for example, finding all functions that fit the rule template “<a> must be paired with <b>. ” We have developed six checkers that follow this conceptual framework. They find hundreds of bugs in real systems such as Linux and OpenBSD. From our experience, they give a dramatic reduction in the manual effort needed to check a large system. Compared to our previous work [9], these template checkers find ten to one hundred times more rule instances and derive properties we found impractical to specify manually.