137 research outputs found

    Relation between hair cortisol concentration and meat quality

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    Oral session 1[EN] Currently, consumers’ concerns about their own health and animal welfare are in crescendo. For this reason, it is necessary to direct the cattle fattening period towards systems that seek the highest level of animal welfare and the highest quality of meat possible. This work aims to evaluate the relationship between the cortisol in hair (used as a welfare indicator) and the fatty acid content (used as an indicator for meat quality) depending on the forage provided during the fattening period

    De Labiatarum ibericarum hybridis novitates, 3

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    Novelties on hybrids of Iberian Labiatae: In the framework of our studies on Iberian Labiatae, and as an advance to the fourth volume of Flora valentina,several new hybrids of Teucrium (5 nothospecies) and Sideritis (2 nothosubspecies) are here described, mostly occurring in the littoral areas of the Valencian Community (eastern Spain)

    Mejoramiento barrial en Itaca

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    La propuesta se basa principalmente en dos ejes: la ordenación del territorio de una forma natural, eficiente y ordenada, con una ocupación del espacio y expectativas de mejora progresivas a partir de unos centros de servicios comunes entorno al agua; y el desarrollo y conexión de los centros de producción, tanto los ya existentes en Matola y los previstos en entorno inmediato, como los propuestos en la actuación

    Telephone Monitoring of Isolated Patients With Suspected COVID-19 Disease in Primary Care: Prospective Cohort Study.

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    Objective: Isolation of suspected cases of COVID-19 has been shown effective in reducing disease transmission and monitoring these patients from primary care allows to detect complications. The objective of this study is to determine the evolution of a cohort of patients with suspected COVID-19, and to analyse the factors associated with hospital admissions due to their unfavourable evolution. Methods: Prospective cohort study. A cohort of 166 patients with COVID-19 symptoms was selected and was followed-up by telephone calls during 14 days of home isolation. Results: By the end of the follow-up, a hospital admission had taken place in 14.7% of patients. The mean survival time until admission among diabetics was 12.6, 10.9 days for chronic kidney diseases, and 9.3 days in immunocompromised patients. Immunosuppression was a risk factor for admission over 50 years of age. Conclusion: Hospital admissions for suspected cases of COVID-19 are associated with diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and immunosuppression. Telephone monitoring of these patients from primary care allows for home isolation and early detection of disease complications.post-print774 K

    Usefulness of non-skin samples in the PCR diagnosis of Mpox (Monkeypox)

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    Cases of mpox have been reported in several European countries, including Spain. Our objective was to evaluate the usefulness of serum and nasopharyngeal samples for diagnosis of mpox. The presence of MPXV DNA was studied using real-time PCR (CerTest Biotec, Zaragoza, Spain) in 106 samples from 50 patients: 32 skin, 31 anogenital, 25 sera, and 18 nasopharyngeal/pharyngeal, in the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Zaragoza (Spain). Sixty-three samples from twenty-seven patients were MPXV PCR-positive. The real-time PCR Ct values in the anogenital and skin samples were lower than serum and nasopharyngeal samples. More than 90% of anogenital (95.7%), serum (94.4%), and skin (92.9%) samples were real-time PCR-positive. Eighteen (66.7%) of the twenty-seven patients who were MPXV PCR-positive had antecedents or presented with one to three sexually transmitted infection (STI) agents. Our results indicate that the use of serum samples can help facilitate the diagnosis of MPXV infections

    Telephone Monitoring of Isolated Patients With Suspected COVID-19 Disease in Primary Care: Prospective Cohort Study

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    Objective: Isolation of suspected cases of COVID-19 has been shown effective in reducing disease transmission and monitoring these patients from primary care allows to detect complications. The objective of this study is to determine the evolution of a cohort of patients with suspected COVID-19, and to analyse the factors associated with hospital admissions due to their unfavourable evolution. Methods: Prospective cohort study. A cohort of 166 patients with COVID-19 symptoms was selected and was followed-up by telephone calls during 14 days of home isolation. Results: By the end of the follow-up, a hospital admission had taken place in 14.7% of patients. The mean survival time until admission among diabetics was 12.6, 10.9 days for chronic kidney diseases, and 9.3 days in immunocompromised patients. Immunosuppression was a risk factor for admission over 50 years of age. Conclusion: Hospital admissions for suspected cases of COVID-19 are associated with diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and immunosuppression. Telephone monitoring of these patients from primary care allows for home isolation and early detection of disease complications

    La utilización del portafolio discente interdisciplinar como metodología en la evaluación de la asignatura de meteorología, climatología y contaminación atmosférica de grado en ciencias ambientales

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    El portafolio discente interdisciplinar se ha empleado como metodología de evaluación formativa y sumativa en la asignatura Meteorología, Climatología y Contaminación atmosférica de tercer curso del Grado de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad de Alcalá.El conjunto de evidencias que proporciona esta metodología de trabajo, aparte de su significado básico (aportaciones de muy distinta índole que permiten al alumno y a los demás ver y valorar el esfuerzo, los logros, las dificultades), requiere y estimula de una manera peculiar la coordinación y planificación docente que permite intercambios y enriquecimiento didáctico en términos de estrategias docentes, flexibilidad y toma de decisiones de cada uno de los docentes implicados, proporcionando una visión integradora, plural, implicada, responsable, autodisciplinada y cooperativa del aprendizaje en Ciencias Ambientales.The interdisciplinary learner portfolio methodology has been used as formative and summative assessment in Meteorology, Climatology and Air Pollution third year course of the Bachelor of Environmental Science at University of Alcalá. The collection of various forms of evidence of achievement of learning outcomes provides apart from its basic meaning (learning outcomes that allow students and others to assess the efforts, achievements, difficulties,strengths and weaknesses) requires and strongly encourages the coordination and planning of teaching that allows exchanges and educational enrichment in terms of strategies, flexibility, assessment decision of each of the teachers involved, thus providing a comprehensive, plural, involved, responsible, selfdisciplined and cooperative learning view in Environmental Science

    Evolution of a Cohort of COVID-19 Infection Suspects Followed-Up from Primary Health Care

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    Diagnosis and home follow-up of patients affected by COVID-19 is being approached by primary health care professionals through telephone consultations. This modality of teleconsultation allows one to follow the evolution of patients and attend early to possible complications of the disease. The purpose of the study was to analyze the evolution of a cohort of patients with suspected SARS-CoV-2 disease followed by primary care professionals and to determine the factors that are associated with hospital admission. A prospective cohort study was carried out on 166 patients selected by consecutive sampling that showed symptoms compatible with COVID-19. The follow-up was approached via telephone for 14 days analyzing hospitalization and comorbidities of the patients. There were 75% of the hospitalized patients that were male (p = 0.002), and 70.8% presented comorbidities (p < 0.001). In patients with diabetes, the risk of hospitalization was 4.6-times larger, in hypertension patients it was 3.3-times, those suffering from renal insufficiency 3.8-times, and immunosuppressed patients 4.8-times (IC 95%: 1.9–11.7). In 86.7% of the cases, clinical deterioration was diagnosed in the first seven days of the infection, and 72% of healing was reached from day seven to fourteen. Monitoring from primary care of patients with COVID-19 allows early diagnosis of clinical deterioration and detection of comorbidities associated with the risk of poor evolution and hospital admission

    Academic evaluation, management and satisfaction of clinical practicums among undergraduate students: Software CliPrAS@UB

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    Aim/objective: To determine the development of competency acquisition, the satisfaction of the agents involved and recording incidents with a digital platform CliPrAS @UB on the Clinical Placements I and II courses in the second and third years of the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. Background: The teaching of clinical practice subjects requires an analysis of the competence evolution, a management structure and an analysis of the satisfaction of the agents involved in the subject. Design: Prospective, analytical, observational cohort study. Methods: The study was carried out in a public university center in Barcelona with 387 students distributed in nine centers of the network of Health Institutions. Results: An increase of 2.32 points was observed in the competence dimensions of Professional Practice and with a reduction in the average score in the skills of care provision, therapeutic communication and professional development of more than 0.08 points. Regarding the seminars, a reduction of the average global score of 0.58 points was observed. Conclusions: The use of the CliPrAS @ UB computer platform has improved the implementation of the mandatory documents, the recording of incidents and the overall satisfaction of the students

    Heme oxygenase 1 and 2 common genetic variants and risk for essential tremor

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    Varios informes sugirieren que una función hemo oxigenasa 1 y 2 de los genes HMOX HMOX1 y 2 modifican el riesgo de desarrollar la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP). Porque el temblor esencial (ET) y PD comparten fenotipo y, probablemente, unos factores etiológicos semejantes, analizamos si tales genes están relacionados con el riesgo de desarrollar ET. Se analizó la distribución de las frecuencias genotípicas y alélicas de los HMOX1 rs2071746, HMOX1 rs2071747, HMOX2 rs2270363 y rs1051308 HMOX2 polimorfismos de nucleótido único, así como la presencia de variaciones de número de copias de estos genes en 202 sujetos con ET familiar y 747 controles sanos. Las frecuencias alélicas de rs2071746T y R1051308G ET fueron significativamente menores en los pacientes que en los controles. Ninguno de los polimorfismos estudiados influyeron en el comienzo de la enfermedad. El presente estudio sugiere una débil asociación entre HMOX1 rs2071746 y rs1051308 HMOX2 polimorfismo y el riesgo de desarrollar ET en la población española.Several reports suggested a role of heme oxygenase genes 1 and 2 (HMOX1 and HMOX2) in modifying the risk to develop Parkinson disease (PD). Because essential tremor (ET) and PD share phenotypical and, probably, etiologic factors of the similarities, we analyzed whether such genes are related with the risk to develop ET. We analyzed the distribution of allelic and genotype frequencies of the HMOX1 rs2071746, HMOX1 rs2071747, HMOX2 rs2270363, and HMOX2 rs1051308 single nucleotide polymorphisms, as well as the presence of copy number variations of these genes in 202 subjects with familial ET and 747 healthy controls. Allelic frequencies of rs2071746T and rs1051308G were significantly lower in ET patients than in controls. None of the studied polymorphisms influenced the disease onset. The present study suggests a weak association between HMOX1 rs2071746 and HMOX2 rs1051308 polymorphisms and the risk to develop ET in the Spanish population.T• Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria: Ayudas PI12/00241, PI12/00324 y RETICS RD12/0013/0002 • Junta de Extremadura: Ayuda GR10068 • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: Ayudas SAF2006-10126 (2006–2009) y SAF2010-22329-C02-01 (2011–2013) • Parcialmente financiado Fondos FEDER – Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalpeerReviewe