3 research outputs found

    Integraci贸n curricular de las competencias informacionales en procesos formativos de pregrado en la universidad cubana actual

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    The need and importance of the formation of information competencies in Cuban universities has been exposed in the scientific literature and in normative documents of the Ministry of Higher Education. Previous research reveals insufficiencies in the integration of information competencies into the academic curriculum of undergraduate degree programs in Cuban contemporary university. The analysis of the literature evidenced that one of the fundamental causes is related to the insufficiency of proposals that guarantee the transversality and convergence of the formation of information competencies in the undergraduate training processes. Therefore, this research aims to establish that curricular strategies, by guaranteeing transversality and convergence at the level of the entire curriculum, constitute a suitable variant for the curricular integration of information competencies into the academic curriculum of undergraduate degree programs in Cuban contemporary university. In the research, a review of the literature published in three Cuban scientific journals recognized in several studies as the most productive in topics of information competencies-ALFIN and in the ALFIN / IberoAmerican Wiki-Repository-Cuba, was carried out. Related to the formation of information competencies in undergraduate training processes in Cuban universities; similarly, foreign investigations on the subject were consulted. The systematization allowed an approach to the Cuban and international experiences on the integration of the formation of informational competences in the university curricula

    Integraci贸n curricular de las competencias informacionales en procesos formativos de pregrado en la universidad cubana actual

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    The need and importance of the formation of information competencies in Cuban universities has been exposed in the scientific literature and in normative documents of the Ministry of Higher Education. Previous research reveals insufficiencies in the integration of information competencies into the academic curriculum of undergraduate degree programs in Cuban contemporary university. The analysis of the literature evidenced that one of the fundamental causes is related to the insufficiency of proposals that guarantee the transversality and convergence of the formation of information competencies in the undergraduate training processes. Therefore, this research aims to establish that curricular strategies, by guaranteeing transversality and convergence at the level of the entire curriculum, constitute a suitable variant for the curricular integration of information competencies into the academic curriculum of undergraduate degree programs in Cuban contemporary university. In the research, a review of the literature published in three Cuban scientific journals recognized in several studies as the most productive in topics of information competencies-ALFIN and in the ALFIN / IberoAmerican Wiki-Repository-Cuba, was carried out. Related to the formation of information competencies in undergraduate training processes in Cuban universities; similarly, foreign investigations on the subject were consulted. The systematization allowed an approach to the Cuban and international experiences on the integration of the formation of informational competences in the university curricula

    Competencias informacionales en la formaci贸n de ingenieros inform谩ticos en Cuba/Training information competencies in informatics science and computer science engineering careers in Cuba. Notes for a theoretical and methodological conception

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    El trabajo muestra los resultados de un estudio sobre la formaci贸n de competencias informacionales en las carreras de Ingenier铆a Inform谩tica en Cuba, en 茅l se evidencia que, aunque reconocen como objeto de trabajo los procesos de gesti贸n de la informaci贸n y el conocimiento, los futuros ingenieros poseen insuficiente desarrollo de competencias informacionales. El an谩lisis de los planes de estudio reflej贸 que las competencias informacionales constituyen exigencias inherentes a la profesi贸n del ingeniero inform谩tico, y deber铆an prepararlos no solo para que se relacionen con la informaci贸n, sino para dise帽ar e implantar sistemas de informaci贸n en las organizaciones. Su objetivo es revelar nuevas relaciones y cualidades de la formaci贸n de competencias informacionales en las ingenier铆as inform谩ticas