7 research outputs found

    Academic Philistinism? The Challenges of Contemporary Artistic Research Inside Academia. Semi-structured Interviews with Visual Art Students in Brazil

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    The objectives of this research are twofold, firstly, to analyse how departments of art and art practitioners are integrated within academia, and to scrutinise this coexistence, by focusing on emerging issues due to the nature of Art as “specific knowledge” thus, an assessment of its eventual mismatch within the generic framework of a traditional academic context. Consequently, this article exposes both frictions and dilemmas witnessed, as well as elaborates on the specificities of the Art knowledge and associated visual creativity and thinking. The study used qualitative analysis to explore the topic of the integration of art departments within academic settings. In this article, ten Visual Art students from three Brazilian universities are interviewed between May and August of 2022 about their perspectives on their studies and whether they advocate artistic research. The results shed light on how artistic practice is viewed as research and demonstrate how the traditional research outcome affects art students in their art production, academic and artistic identities, and perceptions and expectations


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    International audienceThe year 2017 has been dominated by a series of events and challenges, which among them the oil market is still challenged by high stocks and slow prices development. The overall events can be resumed to: a) OPEC and allied nations are trying to make gains in curbing oil output, not only they extend their cuts, but they also adhere to them, b) US oil production will keep growing and keep costs down, and c) oil demand growth is recently strengthening. This paper intends to answer the question: what is the current state of the oil and gas industry and where is it heading? Since July 2014, the oil market is in a contango situation, i.e., a situation where the future price is above the expected future spot price. The market structure has been benefiting American manufacturers for almost 3 years, and this is the order that OPEC is currently trying to subvert. Much of the oil and gas industry has survived tough years with weak demand and low prices. This article describes first the evolution of the price of gas and oil in the main oil markets and second the rebalancing of the market that can push the price level upwards affecting positively the future equilibrium of many countries

    La créativité dans la réhabilitation urbaine: Le Viaduc des Arts à Paris

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    International audienceIn this article, the example of urban transformations around a section of the Vincennes line has a very revealing and unique character. Our choice was based on the study of just one case of the Viaduc des Arts in France because of its richness in data related to the development of urban rehabilitation approaches. In this context, this paper first briefly reviews a theoretical framework allowing a descriptive reading of the modes of action in terms of urban production, tourism, image of the city. The article then draws on an analysis of the creative rehabilitating the abandoned Viaduct on Avenue Daumesnil in the 12th arrondissement. This will highlight the creative solutions that have been applied to convert it into a green space of relaxation and culture but also its contribution to the "City branding" of Paris. An essential argument of the article is that the impact of the Viaduc des Arts project is: social, economic, urban, cultural and ecological faith that actively contributes to the image of the city of Paris. This encourages the constant renewal of the objectives, methods and means of action in the territories to be renewed.Dans cet article, l'exemple des transformations urbaines autour de la ligne de Vincennes a un caractère très révélateur et unique. Notre choix a été basé sur l'étude d'un seul cas qui est le Viaduc des Arts en France, en raison de sa richesse en données liées au développement d'approches de réhabilitation urbaine. Dans cette optique, ce document revient d’abord brièvement sur un cadre théorique permettant une lecture analytique des modes d’action en matière de production de l’urbain, du tourisme, de l’image et de l’imagibilité de la ville. L’article prend ensuite appui sur une analyse de la problématique de réhabilitation du Viaduc abandonné de l’avenue Daumesnil au 12e arrondissement, et vise à mettre en évidence les solutions qui ont été appliquées pour le reconvertir en un espace vert de détente et de culture mais aussi son apport à l’imagibilité de la ville de Paris. Un argument essentiel constitue le fil rouge de l’article, soit: l’impact du projet du Viaduc des Arts est à la fois social, économique, urbain, culturel et écologique qui contribue activement au ‘City branding’ de la ville de Paris. Ceci incite à toujours renouveler les objectifs, les méthodes et les moyens d'action sur les territoires à renouveler


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    International audienceAfter the discovery of oil in the Norwegian coast, many uncertainties were raised in the public administration and environmentalists but Farouk Al-Kasim came up with innovative ideas on how to handle the present and future of the oil industry. Farouk Al-Kasim is considered as one of the fathers of the Norwegian oil model; a rare example of good governance among the major oil-producing countries. The Norwegian model has to take accountability on first, the expertise of Farouk Al-Kasim, second, the state's institutional capacity and third, the political stability and government transparency. This article focuses on how Norway managerial structure could affect the state's economy, and refers to the oil market of Norway. It also shows how Norway success depends on its initial institutions and a package of innovative and sustainable strategies. The paper concludes that good governance has been affecting the economic and political equilibrium of Norway economy. This article describes how the policy and management decisions taken in the past have a great impact on the present and are expected to positively affect the future equilibrium of Norway


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    International audienceMany oil-based countries failed to boost their economy development despite the long period of high oil prices going from 2002 to 2014. 12 years of inflated prices were marked by a more or less stagnated economy. While possessing large oil and shale gas resources for decades, many oil-based countries were and are still suffering from an economic collapse. This situation was long called the resource curse. The combination of oil price volatility, the pressure on agricultural and manufacturing sectors, the development of inequalities, and the disincentive effects of tax and weak institutions all result in a failure of policies and a growth collapse. After July 2014, the global market changed after the rapid and most uncommon decrease in oil prices since the 1980s. The demand for oil crumpled around the world, but mainly in the US where oil production increased to the point of making it in competition with the biggest oil producers; both Saudi Arabia and Russia. The US changed its energy mix making it more dependable on domestic gas, and shale gas production more specifically. With all these changes, many governments are catching up and the experts have shifted their attention to the role of institutions. The institutional component is now a lead to government development success. Even though shale gas is being criticized for its environmental and technical issues, it raised the attention back to the " institution-economy connection " , which is claimed to work better than the " oil-economy development ". By analyzing the case studies of some oil-based countries, this paper concludes that the identification of a natural resource as a curse or a blessing will highly depend on the quality of institution itself

    Blockchain in Dubai: Toward a Sustainable Digital Future

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