8 research outputs found

    A Peroxisomal Lon Protease and Peroxisome Degradation by Autophagy Play Key Roles in Vitality of Hansenula polymorpha Cells

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    In eukaryote cells various mechanisms exist that are responsible for the removal of non-functional proteins. Here we show that in the yeast Hansenula polymorpha (H. polymorpha) a peroxisomal Lon protease, Pln, plays a role in degradation of unfolded and non-assembled peroxisomal matrix proteins. In addition, we demonstrate that whole peroxisomes are constitutively degraded by autophagy during normal vegetative growth of WT cells. Deletion of both H. polymorpha PLN and ATG1, required for autophagy, resulted in a significant increase in peroxisome numbers, paralleled by a decrease in cell viability relative to WT cells. Also, in these cells and in cells of PLN and ATG1 single deletion strains, the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species had increased relative to WT controls. The enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species may be related to an uneven distribution of peroxisomal catalase activities in the mutant cells, as demonstrated by cytochemistry. We speculate that in the absence of HpPln or autophagy unfolded and non-assembled peroxisomal matrix proteins accumulate, which can form aggregates and lead to an imbalance in hydrogen peroxide production and degradation in some of the organelles.

    The relevance of the non-canonical PTS1 of peroxisomal catalase

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    AbstractCatalase is sorted to peroxisomes via a C-terminal peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (PTS1), which binds to the receptor protein Pex5. Analysis of the C-terminal sequences of peroxisomal catalases from various species indicated that catalase never contains the typical C-terminal PTS1 tripeptideā€SKL, but invariably is sorted to peroxisomes via a non-canonical sorting sequence. We analyzed the relevance of the non-canonical PTS1 of catalase of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha (ā€SKI). Using isothermal titration microcalorimetry, we show that the affinity of H. polymorpha Pex5 for a peptide containing ā€SKI at the C-terminus is 8-fold lower relative to a peptide that has a C-terminal ā€SKL. Fluorescence microscopy indicated that green fluorescent protein containing the ā€SKI tripeptide (GFP-SKI) has a prolonged residence time in the cytosol compared to GFP containing ā€SKL. Replacing the ā€SKI sequence of catalase into ā€SKL resulted in reduced levels of enzymatically active catalase in whole cell lysates together with the occurrence of catalase protein aggregates in the peroxisomal matrix. Moreover, the cultures showed a reduced growth yield in methanol-limited chemostats. Finally, we show that a mutant catalase variant that is unable to properly fold mislocalizes in protein aggregates in the cytosol. However, by replacing the PTS1 into ā€SKL the mutant variant accumulates in protein aggregates inside peroxisomes. Based on our findings we propose that the relatively weak PTS1 of catalase is important to allow proper folding of the enzyme prior to import into peroxisomes, thereby preventing the accumulation of catalase protein aggregates in the organelle matrix

    Peroxisomal housekeeping processes and cell vitality

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    Eukaryotic cells differ from prokaryotic ones in that they contain specific membrane bound compartments, the organelles. The advantage of this compartmentalization is obviously the creation of unique microenvironments with specific (bio)chemical properties, which increase the efficiency of certain cellular processes. Specialized functions of the cell can be handled with high efficiency by adaptation of these organelles to prevailing cellular needs. One of the important modes to achieve this is to precisely control the abundance and function of the organelles, a process termed organelle homeostasis. In addition, for optimal functioning, the quality of the organelles and their contents is continuously controlled and, when necessary, improved by repair or degradation of non-functional components. This process is termed organellar housekeeping. The research detailed in this thesis deals with the identification and characterization of housekeeping processes related to peroxisomes.

    Preserving organelle vitality: peroxisomal quality control mechanisms in yeast

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    Cellular proteins and organelles such as peroxisomes are under continuous quality control. Upon synthesis in the cytosol, peroxisomal proteins are kept in an import-competent state by chaperones or specific proteins with an analogous function to prevent degradation by the ubiquitinā€“proteasome system. During protein translocation into the organelle, the peroxisomal targeting signal receptors (Pex5, Pex20) are also continuously undergoing quality control to enable efficient functioning of the translocon (RADAR pathway). Even upon maturation of peroxisomes, matrix enzymes and peroxisomal membranes remain subjected to quality control. As a result of their oxidative metabolism, peroxisomes are producers of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which may damage proteins and lipids. To counteract ROS-induced damage, yeast peroxisomes contain two important antioxidant enzymes: catalase and an organelle-specific peroxiredoxin. Additionally, a Lon-type protease has recently been identified in the peroxisomal matrix, which is capable of degrading nonfunctional proteins. Finally, cellular housekeeping processes keep track of the functioning of peroxisomes so that dysfunctional organelles can be quickly removed via selective autophagy (pexophagy). This review provides an overview of the major processes involved in quality control of yeast peroxisomes.

    Absence of the peroxiredoxin Pmp20 causes peroxisomal protein leakage and necrotic cell death

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    We analyzed the role of the peroxisomal peroxiredoxin Pmp20 of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Cells of a PMP20 disruption strain (pmp20) grew normally on substrates that are not metabolized by peroxisomal enzymes, but showed a severe growth defect on methanol, the metabolism of which involves a hydrogen peroxide producing peroxisomal oxidase. This growth defect was paralleled by leakage of peroxisomal matrix proteins into the cytosol. Methanol-induced pmp20 cells accumulated enhanced levels of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation products. Moreover, the fatty acid composition of methanol-induced pmp20 cells differed relative to WT controls, suggesting an effect on fatty acid homeostasis. Plating assays and FACS-based analysis of cell death markers revealed that pmp20 cells show loss of clonogenic efficiency and membrane integrity, when cultured on methanol. We conclude that the absence of the peroxisomal peroxiredoxin leads to loss of peroxisome membrane integrity and necrotic cell death.