7,680 research outputs found

    Towards an expanded model of litigation

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    Introduction: The call for contributions for this workshop describes the important new challenges for the legal search community this domain brings. Rather than just understanding the challenges this domain poses in terms of their technical properties, we would like to suggest that understanding these challenges as socio-technical challenges will be important. That is, as well as calling for research on a technical level to address these challenges we are also calling for work to understand the social practices of those involved in e-discovery (ED) and related legal work. A particularly interesting feature of this field is that it is likely that search technologies will (at least semi-)automate responsiveness review in the relatively near term and this will change the way that the work is organised and done in many ways – offering new possibilities for new ways of organising the work. As well as designing those technologies for automating responsiveness review we need to be envisioning how the work will be done in the future, how these technologies will impact the organisation of the case and so on. In this position paper we therefore outline the importance of understanding the wider social context of ED when designing tools and technologies to support and change the work. We would like to reinforce and expand on Conrad’s call for IR researchers to understand just what ED entails [2], include the stages that come both before and after core retrieval activities. The importance of considering the social aspects of work in the design of the technology has been established for some time. Ushering in this ‘turn to the social,’ and focusing on interface design, Gentner and Grudin [4] described how the GUI has already changed from an interface for engineers, representing the engineering model of the machine to one that supported single ‘everyman’ users (based on ideas from psychology). From then onwards the interface has evolved to support groups of users, taking into account the social and organisational contexts of use. This has particular resonance for the design of ED technologies: during ED in particular and the wider legal process there are often many lawyers involved – reviewing documents, determining issues, etc. Even if the way that their work is organised currently is not seen as collaborative in the traditional sense – with individual lawyers working on individual document sets to review them - their work needs to be coordinated and it seems likely that their work could be enhanced by, for example, knowledge of what their colleagues had found, how the case was shaping up, new key terms and facts turned up and so on. Work is often modelled for the purposes of design using process models, but this misses out on the richness and variety actually found when one examines how the work is carried out [3]. Technologies which strictly enforce the process models can often hinder the work, or end up being worked around as was the case with workflow systems since people interpret processes very flexibly to get the work done ([1], [3]). Other studies in other fields have found similar problems when systems are designed on for example cognitive models of how the work is done; they often do not take into account the situated nature of the work and thus they can be very difficult to use [5]. We believe, like [2], that a clear understanding of the social practices of ED is vital for the creation of high-quality, meaningful tools and technologies. We furthermore propose that work practice studies, to be used in combination with other methods, are a central part of getting the detailed understanding of the work practices central to designing useful and intelligent tools. Work practice studies would involve ethnographies, consisting primarily of observation, undertaken of practitioners engaging in the work of ED

    Characterization of qubit chains by Feynman probes

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    We address the characterization of qubit chains and assess the performances of local measurements compared to those provided by Feynman probes, i.e. nonlocal measurements realized by coupling a single qubit regis- ter to the chain. We show that local measurements are suitable to estimate small values of the coupling and that a Bayesian strategy may be successfully exploited to achieve optimal precision. For larger values of the coupling Bayesian local strategies do not lead to a consistent estimate. In this regime, Feynman probes may be exploited to build a consistent Bayesian estimator that saturates the Cram\'er-Rao bound, thus providing an effective characterization of the chain. Finally, we show that ultimate bounds to precision, i.e. saturation of the quantum Cram\'er-Rao bound, may be achieved by a two-step scheme employing Feynman probes followed by local measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Effectiveness of continence promotion for older women via community organisations: A cluster randomised trial

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    This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/Objectives: The primary objective of this cluster randomised controlled trial was to compare the effectiveness of the three experimental continence promotion interventions against a control intervention on urinary symptom improvement in older women with untreated incontinence recruited from community organisations. A second objective was to determine whether changes in incontinence-related knowledge and new uptake of risk-modifying behaviours explain these improvements. Setting: 71 community organisations across the UK. Participants: 259 women aged 60 years and older with untreated incontinence entered the trial; 88% completed the 3-month follow-up. Interventions: The three active interventions consisted of a single 60 min group workshop on (1) continence education (20 clusters, 64 women); (2) evidence-based self-management (17 clusters, 70 women); or (3) combined continence education and self-management (17 clusters, 61 women). The control intervention was a single 60 min educational group workshop on memory loss, polypharmacy and osteoporosis (17 clusters, 64 women). Primary and secondary outcome measures: The primary outcome was self-reported improvement in incontinence 3 months postintervention at the level of the individual. The secondary outcome was change in the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire (ICIQ) from baseline to 3-month follow-up. Changes in incontinence-related knowledge and behaviours were also assessed. Results: The highest rate of urinary symptom improvement occurred in the combined intervention group (66% vs 11% of the control group, prevalence difference 55%, 95% CI 43% to 67%, intracluster correlation 0). 30% versus 6% of participants reported significant improvement respectively (prevalence difference 23%, 95% CI 10% to 36%, intracluster correlation 0). The number-needed-to-treat was 2 to achieve any improvement in incontinence symptoms, and 5 to attain significant improvement. Compared to controls, participants in the combined intervention reported an adjusted mean 2.05 point (95% CI 0.87 to 3.24) greater improvement on the ICIQ from baseline to 3-month follow-up. Changes in knowledge and self-reported risk-reduction behaviours paralleled rates of improvement in all intervention arms. Conclusions: Continence education combined with evidence-based self-management improves symptoms of incontinence among untreated older women. Community organisations represent an untapped vector for delivering effective continence promotion interventions.Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Institute on Aging and the Economic and Social Research Council (UK

    Alexander quandle lower bounds for link genera

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    We denote by Q_F the family of the Alexander quandle structures supported by finite fields. For every k-component oriented link L, every partition P of L into h:=|P| sublinks, and every labelling z of such a partition by the natural numbers z_1,...,z_n, the number of X-colorings of any diagram of (L,z) is a well-defined invariant of (L,P), of the form q^(a_X(L,P,z)+1) for some natural number a_X(L,P,z). Letting X and z vary in Q_F and among the labellings of P, we define a derived invariant A_Q(L,P)=sup a_X(L,P,z). If P_M is such that |P_M|=k, we show that A_Q(L,P_M) is a lower bound for t(L), where t(L) is the tunnel number of L. If P is a "boundary partition" of L and g(L,P) denotes the infimum among the sums of the genera of a system of disjoint Seifert surfaces for the L_j's, then we show that A_Q(L,P) is at most 2g(L,P)+2k-|P|-1. We set A_Q(L):=A_Q(L,P_m), where |P_m|=1. By elaborating on a suitable version of a result by Inoue, we show that when L=K is a knot then A_Q(K) is bounded above by A(K), where A(K) is the breadth of the Alexander polynomial of K. However, for every g we exhibit examples of genus-g knots having the same Alexander polynomial but different quandle invariants A_Q. Moreover, in such examples A_Q provides sharp lower bounds for the genera of the knots. On the other hand, A_Q(L) can give better lower bounds on the genus than A(L), when L has at least two components. We show that in order to compute A_Q(L) it is enough to consider only colorings with respect to the constant labelling z=1. In the case when L=K is a knot, if either A_Q(K)=A(K) or A_Q(K) provides a sharp lower bound for the knot genus, or if A_Q(K)=1, then A_Q(K) can be realized by means of the proper subfamily of quandles X=(F_p,*), where p varies among the odd prime numbers.Comment: 36 pages; 16 figure

    A necessary flexibility condition of a nondegenerate suspension in Lobachevsky 3-space

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    We show that some combination of the lengths of all edges of the equator of a flexible suspension in Lobachevsky 3-space is equal to zero (each length is taken either positive or negative in this combination).Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure

    Studies of global and local entanglements of individual protein chains using the concept of knotoids.

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    We study here global and local entanglements of open protein chains by implementing the concept of knotoids. Knotoids have been introduced in 2012 by Vladimir Turaev as a generalization of knots in 3-dimensional space. More precisely, knotoids are diagrams representing projections of open curves in 3D space, in contrast to knot diagrams which represent projections of closed curves in 3D space. The intrinsic difference with classical knot theory is that the generalization provided by knotoids admits non-trivial topological entanglement of the open curves provided that their geometry is frozen as it is the case for crystallized proteins. Consequently, our approach doesn't require the closure of chains into loops which implies that the geometry of analysed chains does not need to be changed by closure in order to characterize their topology. Our study revealed that the knotoid approach detects protein regions that were classified earlier as knotted and also new, topologically interesting regions that we classify as pre-knotted

    Transcription-induced supercoiling as the driving force of chromatin loop extrusion during formation of TADs in interphase chromosomes.

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations, we show here that growing plectonemes resulting from transcription-induced supercoiling have the ability to actively push cohesin rings along chromatin fibres. The pushing direction is such that within each topologically associating domain (TAD) cohesin rings forming handcuffs move from the source of supercoiling, constituted by RNA polymerase with associated DNA topoisomerase TOP1, towards borders of TADs, where supercoiling is released by topoisomerase TOPIIB. Cohesin handcuffs are pushed by continuous flux of supercoiling that is generated by transcription and is then progressively released by action of TOPIIB located at TADs borders. Our model explains what can be the driving force of chromatin loop extrusion and how it can be ensured that loops grow quickly and in a good direction. In addition, the supercoiling-driven loop extrusion mechanism is consistent with earlier explanations proposing why TADs flanked by convergent CTCF binding sites form more stable chromatin loops than TADs flanked by divergent CTCF binding sites. We discuss the role of supercoiling in stimulating enhancer promoter contacts and propose that transcription of eRNA sends the first wave of supercoiling that can activate mRNA transcription in a given TAD

    Spatial structures and dynamics of kinetically constrained models for glasses

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    Kob and Andersen's simple lattice models for the dynamics of structural glasses are analyzed. Although the particles have only hard core interactions, the imposed constraint that they cannot move if surrounded by too many others causes slow dynamics. On Bethe lattices a dynamical transition to a partially frozen phase occurs. In finite dimensions there exist rare mobile elements that destroy the transition. At low vacancy density, vv, the spacing, Ξ\Xi, between mobile elements diverges exponentially or faster in 1/v1/v. Within the mobile elements, the dynamics is intrinsically cooperative and the characteristic time scale diverges faster than any power of 1/v1/v (although slower than Ξ\Xi). The tagged-particle diffusion coefficient vanishes roughly as Ξd\Xi^{-d}.Comment: 4 pages. Accepted for pub. in Phys. Rev. Let

    On modelling damage in composite laminates using the Ritz method and continuum damage mechanics

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    In this work, a Ritz formulation for the analysis of damage initiation and evolution in composite plates under progressive loading is presented. The proposed model assumes a first order shear deformation theory and considers geometric non-linearities through the von Karman assumptions. The damage is modelled through Continuum Damage Mechanics. A set of results is presented to show the potential of the method and highlight some issues to be addressed by suitable developments of the method

    Compactness for Holomorphic Supercurves

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    We study the compactness problem for moduli spaces of holomorphic supercurves which, being motivated by supergeometry, are perturbed such as to allow for transversality. We give an explicit construction of limiting objects for sequences of holomorphic supercurves and prove that, in important cases, every such sequence has a convergent subsequence provided that a suitable extension of the classical energy is uniformly bounded. This is a version of Gromov compactness. Finally, we introduce a topology on the moduli spaces enlarged by the limiting objects which makes these spaces compact and metrisable.Comment: 38 page