231 research outputs found

    Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS)

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    The 2018 Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies was held on March 22-25 at the Marriot Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C


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    Abstract : Art is an expression of feeling representing the crystallization of ideas that result from imaginative experiences though observation and exploration of such social life as religion, culture, custom and traditional, and natural environment. These are all encouraged by internal stimulus and intuitive urge that stimulate emotion and imagination to be expressed in a painting. To Balinese people, lontar is want of the human cultural achievements containing dual values and spiritual teaching to guide people to have a physically and mentally harmonious and balanced social life. The observed and comprehended values contained in lontar have inspired the writer during the creative process. By understanding the balance concept of ontained in lontar we can wisely interpret the phenomena of life in our recent social envirotment which is characterized by intrigues of personal interest and violation of moral norms that result in horizontal conflicts as represented by the changes of life style and mental attitude such as damaged environment, degraded human value and status, pressure to others, and so on. The understandind of the values has inspired to visualize the philosophical and conceptual context in the painting artwork of abstract and representative form with variatite colors by impasto technique to have artistic personal symbols

    Katarsis, 2006

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    Pengantar Karya seni Lukis Bahan Akrilik pada Kanvas Ukuran: 100 X 100 Cm Fenomena yang terjadi sekarang ini bahwa dunia materi mengungguli dan bahkan menguasai dunia spiritual, sehingga carut marutnya tatanan kehidupan ini muncul di mana-mana. Nampaknya nilai-nilai spiritual dalam kehidupan ini sudah mulai luntur yang mendasari pikiran dan prilaku manusia, sehingga segala sesuatunya selalu diukur berdasar atas materi, membuat manusia terninabobokan olehnya bahkan ia menjadi bingung serta lupa akan jati dirinya sebagai manusia. Di sinilah manusia harus menyadari bahwa kunci dari kebingungan tersebut adalah; ia hendaknya insaf serta kembali ke jalan yang benar yaitu menghayati nilai-nilai sastra yang mengajarkan kebenaran untuk menuju jalan keabadian. Hal tersebut di atas divisualisasikan lewat bentuk uang kepeng dengan ukuran besar sebagai simbol akan besarnya pengaruh kekuatan duniawi terhadap kehidupan manusia, yang seyogyanya harus diimbangi dengan ajaran ajaran spiritual sebagai penyucian diri yang bersumber dari sastra aji merupakan kunci agar tidak terjerumus ke lembah nista. Dalam konteks ini hal tersebut disimbolkan dengan berbagai bentuk dan jenis lontar serta bentuk kunci beralaskan kain putih pada sudut kanan yang mengandung arti bahwa hanya nilai-nilai kesucianlah yang mampu mengantarkan manusia ke alam keabadian

    Kelahiran II, 2005

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    Pengantar Karya seni Lukis Akrilik pada kanvas 120 cm x 120 cm Ketika jabang bayi masih ada dalam kandungan telah terjadi adanya dua kekuatan yang saling tarik-menarik berupa kekuatan materi dengan roh. Dua kekuatan ini selalu bergerak sehingga pada saat kelahirannya ia telah memasuki alam kegelapan (awidya) yang dalam proses perjalanan akan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kesadarannya dalam menentukan sifat baik atau buruk untuk mencapai tujuan hidupnya. Dengan kenyataan ini manusia seyogyanya menghayati kembali nilai-nilai moral dan spiritual sebagai tuntunan hidup sehingga dalam kehidupan ini tetap terjaga keseimbangan hidup jasmani dan rohani dalam upaya menjalin hubungan yang harmonis antara manusia dengan lingkungannya, antara manusia dengan Tuhan. Gagasan ini diwujudkan melalui figur bayi berwarna kuning sebagai simbol benih kehidupan dan sosok bayi berwarna putih dengan latar belakang warna merah sebagai simbol kehidupan yang telah dipengaruhi oleh unsur-unsur keinginan yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan materi atau kebendaan. Bentuk-bentuk yang menyerupai batu disimbulkan sebagai lima unsur alam yang memberikan energi terhadap kehidupan ini, sedangkan latar belakang yang berwarna kuning menggambarkan arah terbitnya matahari sebagai simbul dari alam spiritual yang penuh keheningan. Di balik latar yang berwarna kuning muncul bentuk abstraktif yang berwarna-warni disimbulkan sebagai suatu kekuatan-kekuatan yang selalu datang menggoda dan menyelimuti jiwa manusia

    Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS)

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    Toward the Abolition of Race

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    Inspired by France’s decision to strike the word “race” from the nation’s law books, this essay describes an investigation into the biblical, etymological, historical, sociological and scientific evidence related to the term. It commences with an examination of biblical verses for which some translators haven chosen the word “race.” The article demonstrates that, in each case, the passage in question does not denote phenotypic peculiarity but something else. It next looks at biblical characters whose physical features are highlighted as being distinctive and finds that “race” is conspicuously absent from all English translations of these passages. The origins of the term and its evolution—outside of any biblical context—are then discussed, as is the scientific evidence surrounding the notion. This is followed by a consideration of the current usage of the word to denote a social construct. Recalling the power of language as manifested in the Bible and as described by linguists Sapir and Whorf, the article concludes by recommending the suppression of the term entirely

    A theoretical study of surface kinetic processes in the Mbe growth of compound semiconductors

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    The surface kinetics processes in the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of GaAs (100) and the MBE doping kinetics are studied theoretically, using a stochastic model which is based on the master equation approach and random distribution approximation. The kinetic processes included in the model are: adsorption, surface migration and evaporation. In the study of surface roughening kinetics in GaAs (100), a transition temperature at which time averaged RHEED intensity is maximum was observed. The RHEED intensity increases with temperature till the transition temperature and decreases beyond the transition temperature. The doping studies were performed for various growth conditions. The sticking coefficient decreases with T due to surface segregation aided evaporation of In at higher temperature. The surface segregation of In occurs due to a strong repulsive interaction between In and the host lattice. The time and growth rate dependences of the phenomenon are also studied

    How Confusing! Clues into the French Psyche as Observed in Its Language

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    The Undesireables of \u27Les Intouchables\u27: A Feminist Critique of the French Blockbuster

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    \u27Les Intouchables\u27 by Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache was an extremely popular 2011 French film. Based on a true story, it relates the unexpected friendship of two \u27untouchable\u27 members of society: one minority criminal from the housing projects and one handicapped aristocrat. Touting such values as tolerance, respect and determination, the film melted the hearts of millions both in France and overseas to become the second most viewed French film of all time. The present study will undertake a feminist critique of this film based on its portrayal of women. Pursuing the first variety of feminist criticism outlined by Elaine Showalter in her \u27Toward a Feministic Poetics,\u27 we \u27probe[...] the ideological assumptions\u27 of the film, analyzing \u27the images and stereotypes of women.\u27 Ultimately, we conclude that the film\u27s female characters represent semiotic signs of weakness, overindulgence, and facetiousness. Together, they construct a negative portrait of womanhoo

    Metode Proses Penciptaan Simbolisasi Bentuk Dalam Ruang Imaji Rupa

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    Dalam proses penciptaan karya seni lukis ini, diperlukan suatu metode untuk menguraikan secara rinci tahapan-tahapan yang di lakukan dalam proses penciptaan, sebagai upaya dalam mewujudkan karya seni. Melalui pendekatan-pendekatan dengan disiplin ilmu lain, dimaksudkan agar selama dalam proses penciptaan dapat dijabarkan secara ilmiah dan argumentati
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