7 research outputs found

    Bank Acquisition Announcements And Intra-Industry Effects

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    In this paper we attempt to assess whether gains in wealth associated with bank consolidation are the result of economic efficiencies by analyzing effects of bank merger announcements on the values of bidders, targets, and rival banks in the target’s geographical area.  We find target banks earn positive returns, while bidding banks sustain negative returns at acquisition announcement. These findings are consistent with previously reported results in the bank consolidation literature.  We also find rival banks earn positive returns that are enhanced when the target bank is in distress. We suggest the results are consistent with the view that investors interpret acquisition announcements as positive, geographically specific signals that may, in turn, reflect event-specific or bank-specific characteristics rather than expectations of increased efficiencies

    Consolidation, Concentration, And Valuation In The Banking Industry

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    We assess whether gains in wealth associated with bank consolidation are the result of reduced competition by examining effects of merger announcements on values of bidders, targets and rivals. The results suggest that gains in wealth are not due to increases in market power at the level of individual banks. Specifically, we find that returns to bidders, targets and rivals are unrelated to the effects of mergers on concentration

    The Intra-industry Effects of Going-Private Transactions.

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    The authors demonstrate that bids to take firms private generate significantly positive valuation effects for industry rivals of target firms. These valuation effects cannot reflect either synergy or monopoly since no consolidation of operating firms is involved in such transactions. Participation by buyout specialists in the bid does not significantly affect these gains. Bids by outsiders and bids by incumbent managers generate similar valuation effects for industry rivals. The effect on share prices of industry rivals is inversely related to the capitalized values of rival firms relative to the target firm. The authors also report valuation effects for target firms. Copyright 1991 by American Finance Association.