250 research outputs found

    Implementasi Metode Selection Sort Untuk Menentukan Nilai Prestasi Siswa Kelas 3 Dan Kelas 4 SD Negeri 107 Seluma

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    The purpose of this research is done is to make a determination of the value of the application achievement of students in grade 3 and grade 4 Elementary School 107 Seluma using Selection Sort. Where the research was conducted in 107 Seluma Elementary School. Elementary School 107 Seluma a land grant from the community that was built in 1982. 107 Seluma Elementary School already use computers in doing office work, both internal and external to process words in Microsoft Word and create a table list values in Microsoft Excel. The process dilakukanpun still using manual systems, because the value of charging students a way to write numbers on a blank column on the sheet contained a list of values. It is difficult for the Elementary School 107 Seluma in determining student achievement in each class, because it takes a long time to add up all the values and calculate the average value of the students one by one using a calculator. Selection sort method used is descending, with a sort of greatest value to the smallest value of the results of student assessment. Will be found to rank students according to the values found for each subject. In this system, an assessment based on grade and half of the subjects that are in class and the semester will appear along with the value that he found. Application of the method of selection of students scoring system using Visual Basic.Net 2010 with a database in SQL Server 2008R2. The output generated from this assessment system, in the form of assessment reports that have been sorted in value based on the largest value to the smallest value


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    Pemantauan terapi obat merupakan salah satu bentuk pelayanan kefarmasian seorang apoteker kepada pasien. Bentuk pelayanan yang diberikan didokumentasikan di rekam medis dalam bentuk CPPT (Catatan Perkembangan Pasien Terintegrasi). Format CPPT yang paling umum digunakan adalah SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment, dan plan). Pencatatan CPPT yang lengkap dan tepat akan mempengaruhi kinerja dari tenaga kesehatan dalam pengambilan keputusan terhadap terapi yang diterima oleh pasien. Kesesuaian pengisian SOAP sangat penting karena merupakan sarana komunikasi, koordinasi atau kolaborasi antar profesi kesehatan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada pasien, sehingga dapat mencegah kesalahan dan pengulangan informasi, dan juga membantu profesi kesehatan dalam manajemen waktunya. Dalam penelitian ini, cakupan penelitian berupa analisa kelengkapan dari CPPT apoteker pada pasien rawat inap ulkus peptikum di bagian Penyakit Dalam RSUP DR M Djamil Padang. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara retrospektif dimana data diambil dari lembar SOAP pasien rawat inap ulkus peptikum pada tahun 2019 dan 2020. Data yang telah diperoleh kemudian akan dimasukkan ke dalam lembar pengumpulan data dan akan dianalisa secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisa secara case study. Data yang masuk ke dalam kriteria analisa berjumlah 22 rekam medis yang memiliki lembar SOAP di dalamnya. Dari 22 data, terdapat 19 CPPT (86.36%) ditulis lengkap dan 3 CPPT (13.64%) ditulis dengan tidak lengkap

    Pembangunan Data Warehouse Dan Dashboard Penjualan Tiket Pesawat dengan Menerapkan Metode Kimball Nine-Step pada PT Biro Perjalanan Wisata Debe Mustika

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    PT Biro Perjalanan Wisata Debe Mustika (Debe Tour) merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pelayanan jasa tour dan travel. Dalam manajemen data transaksi tiket pesawat, Debe Tour masih mengekstrak data ke microsoft excel untuk membuat laporan. Dari laporan tersebut, pihak manajemen kesulitan dalam melakukan analisis informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk pengambilan keputusan. Pengembangan data warehouse yang baik mampu memberikan kemudahan bagi manajemen untuk memperoleh ringkasan infomasi yang berkualitas dan berkesinambungan guna menunjang proses perencanaan, pengambilan keputusan strategis, dan evaluasi. Metode pengembangan data warehouse yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Kimball Nine-Step. Metode Kimball Nine-Step menggunakan 9 tahapan yang sistematis untuk membuat data warehouse. Dengan mengaplikasikan data warehouse ke dalam aplikasi bussiness intelligence berbasis dashboard, analisis proses transaksi penjualan tiket pesawat lebih mudah dilaksanakan. Hal ini memudahkan pihak manajemen dalam melakukan perencanaan, pengambilan keputusan dan evaluasi terhadap perusahaan. Kata Kunci: Data Warehouse, Kimball Nine-Step, Bussiness Intelligence Dashboar


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    IDENTIFIKASI PEMBENTUKAN KELOMPOK TANI TERNAK ITIK DI NAGARI KOTO KACIAK KECAMATAN TANJUNG RAYA KABUPATEN AGAM M Ikhsan Benardo, dibawah bimbingan Dr. Ir. Fuad Madarisa,M.Sc dan Ir. Amrizal Anas,MP Bagian Pembangunan dan Bisnis Peternakan Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Andalas Padang, 2018 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan Identifikasi pembentukan kelompok tani ternak itik di Nagari Koto Kaciak Kecamatan Tanjung Raya Kabupaten Agam. Penelitian ini di lakukan di Nagari Koto Kaciak Kecamatan Tanjung Raya Kabupaten Agam selama 9 bulan mulai bulan Februari sampai dengan November 2018. Analisis data menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder yang di dapatkan dari daftar pertanyaan. Responden penelitian sebanyak 14 orang yang berprofesi sebagai peternak Itik. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan dimana peternak itik di Kenagarian Koto Kaciak tidak mau dibentuk kelompok dikarenakan rendahnya minat peternak itik untuk dibentuk kelompok. Kata Kunci : Kelompok tani, Identifikasi, Ternak Iti

    Critical Analysis of Anti-Asian Hate in the News

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    Since 2019, the United States has had an increase in violence against Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities along with an increase of mainstream anti-Asian racist rhetoric. Between 2021 and 2022, The Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism reported an overall 164% increase in anti-Asian hate crimes (Report to the Nation, 2021). While racism against black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) communities has been the topic of an ever-growing body of critical discourse, prior to 2019 few publications had addressed racism and injustice regarding language choices and discourse in the context of anti-Asian rhetoric in the US, specifically regarding the intersection of language and anti-Asian sentiment (Chun & Zalokar, 1992; Palumbo-Liu, 2001). The recent increase in violence against Asian Americans has coincided with the discourse of the COVID-19 pandemic and is grounded in the longstanding history of associating Asian immigrants with disease and filth (Li & Nicholson, 2020, p. 4), a discourse historically perpetuated in the US press (Li & Nicholson, 2020). Given the context of increased anti-Asian hate crimes, historically rooted anti-Asian racism and the lack of previous research I found the need to conduct this three-part study that used news article data from the Corona Virus Corpus to analyze metaphor, Theme and Rheme, and transitivity in modern anti-Asian discourse. The first part of this study analyzed metaphors at the intersection of COVID-19 and racism and the role of metaphor in anti-Asian rhetoric. In the second part of this study, I created a sub corpus of 100 news articles written about the March 16, 2021 murder of six Asian women in Atlanta, GA (Davies). I examined articles for Theme and Rheme to determine how corporate news media emphasized specific information regarding the shooting. Then I used a transitivity analysis to identify how corporate news media framed the racialized victims vs. the alleged killer through the use of marked lexical and thematic choices. This analysis helped uncover the intersection between metaphor and anti-Asian hate as well as how marked grammatical choices such as nominalization and passivation helped obfuscate the agency of the perpetrator and dehumanize the victims of the March 16 shooting. The study explores 1) how historically, news media has been the main medium of disseminating racism against Asians in the American context, and 2) the importance for linguists to continually investigate historicized racism in corporate media

    Penerapan Data Warehouse dan Dashboard Berbasis Kimball Nine-Step untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Informasi dan Pengambilan Keputusan

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    Data warehouse dan dashboard adalah dua komponen penting dalam sistem informasi yang dapat membantu organisasi dalam mengelola dan menganalisis data secara efektif dan efisien. Namun, untuk membangun data warehouse dan dashboard yang berkualitas, diperlukan metodologi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik organisasi. Salah satu metodologi yang populer dan teruji adalah Kimball Nine-Step, yang dikembangkan oleh Ralph Kimball, seorang pakar data warehouse. Metodologi ini terdiri dari sembilan langkah, yaitu: (1) menentukan bisnis proses, (2) menentukan grain, (3) mengidentifikasi dimensi, (4) mengidentifikasi fakta, (5) merancang skema bintang, (6) merancang dimensi fisik, (7) merancang fakta fisik, (8) merancang dashboard, dan (9) mengimplementasikan data warehouse dan dashboard. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan metodologi Kimball Nine-Step dalam membangun data warehouse dan dashboard untuk PT Debe Tour, perusahaan jasa tour dan travel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa data warehouse dan dashboard yang dibangun dengan menggunakan Kimball Nine-Step dapat meningkatkan kualitas informasi dan pengambilan keputusan di perusahaan tersebut

    Chatter, sticking and chaotic impacting motion in a two-degree of freedom impact oscillator

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    We consider the dynamics of a two-degree of freedom impact oscillator subject to a motion limiting constraint. These systems exhibit a range of periodic and nonperiodic impact motions. For a particular set of parameters, we consider the bifurcations which occur between differing regimes of impacting motion and in particular those which occur due to a grazing bifurcation. Unexpected resonant behavior is also observed, due to the complexity of the dynamics. We consider both periodic and chaotic chatter motions and the regions of sticking which exist. Finally we consider the types of chaotic motion that occur within the parameter range. We discuss the possibility in relating successive low velocity impacts, especially with respect to possible low dimensional mappings for such a system

    O regresso da filosofia da educação: novos desafios para uma velha disciplina

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    Quando, no final do século passado, Philippe Meirieu e Michel Develay, dois dos principais mentores da pedagogia francesa, reconheciam a necessidade de voltar a pensar a educação, com o Emílio de Rousseau, ou seja, filosoficamente, davam crédito, científico e institucional, a um apelo, disseminado na sociedade, e recorrente, entre os agentes educativos, à urgência de repensar, na sua totalidade, o sistema educativo. Para o filósofo, só surpreende o tempo que se levou, no domínio das Ciências da Educação, a reconhecer a inevitabilidade da máxima, enunciada claramente por Michel Foucault, de que não se escapa aos fundamentos. Todavia, o facto reveste-se de especial significado histórico, pela resistência que o meio intelectual francês ofereceu, durante quase um século, à prática da Filosofia da Educação

    Risk factors associated with postpartum haemorrhage at Juba Teaching Hospital, South Sudan, 2011

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    Objective: To study risk factors associated with post partum haemorrhage (PPH) in Juba Teaching Hospital, South Sudan.Method: An unmatched case control study was conducted in which 44 cases and 88 controls were involved, from September to December 2011. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire in face to face interviews, and analyzed using Epi-info 3.5.3 statistical programme to determine if there was a correlation.Results: Maternal demographic and obstetric characteristics were found to be associated with the risk of bleeding during Bivariate analysis. However, age was found to confound emergency admission, uterotonic use (Oxytocin and Misoprostol) use and delivery type; the latter being modified, in the development of post partum haemorrhage.Conclusion: These results indicate that active management of the third stage of labour (AMTSL) and prompt intervention reduced the risk of developing PPH. Understanding the factors that cause PPH will allow us to better strengthen and effect pre-delivery and emergency obstetric care which may help us reduce maternal mortality due to post partum haemorrhage

    PERSEPSI DAN KEPATUHAN NELAYAN TANJUNGBALAI ASAHAN SUMATERA UTARA DALAM MENDUKUNG PERIKANAN TANGKAP YANG BERKELANJUTAN (Fishermen’s Perception and Compliance to Support Sustainable Capture Fisheries in Tanjungbalai Asahan, North Sumatra)

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    ABSTRACTThe government’s programs on the sustainability of fisheries management had not been fully supported by fishermen. We had conducted a research in Tanjungbalai Asahan, North Sumatra to understand the fishermen’s perception on the criteria’s of environmental friendly fishing gears, perception about the exsistence of fisheries resources, and the compliance to the rule. The results showed that the fishermen who use selective gears (such as: traps and dregdes) had better understanding on the criteria’s of environmentally friendly fishing gears than the fishermen who use unselective gears (such as: trawls and  pushnets). The fishermen who use gillnets scored the exsistence of fisheries resources lower than others. The fishermen who use trawls and pushnets had the lowest compliance, while traps had the highest. There was a correlation between fisherman’s perception (about the criteria’s of environmentally friendly fishing gear and about the sustainable fisheries)  and the compliance to the rule.Keywords: Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, Compliance, Perception, Sustainable, Tanjungbalai AsahanABSTRAKProgram pemerintah dalam pengelolaan perikanan yang berkelanjutan belum sepenuhnya mendapat respon yang baik dari nelayan. Nelayan banyak yang tidak mematuhi aturan yang berlaku, seperti; penggunaan alat tangkap yang dilarang, tidak memiliki dokumen perizinan, dan tidak melaporkan hasil tangkapan. Penelitian telah dilakukan di Tanjungbalai Asahan, Sumatera Utara yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi nelayan terhadap kriteria alat penangkap ikan yang ramah lingkungan menurut Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF), persepsi terhadap keberadaan sumberdaya perikanan, dan kepatuhan terhadap aturan yang berlaku. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nelayan yang menggunakan alat tangkap yang lebih selektif (seperti: bubu dan penggaruk) menilai kriteria alat penangkap ikan yang ramah lingkungan lebih baik daripada nelayan yang menggunakan alat tangkap yang kurang selektif (seperti: pukat tarik dan pukat dorong). Nelayan yang menggunakan jaring insang menilai keberadaan sumberdaya perikanan dengan skor yang lebih rendah daripada nelayan lainnya. Nelayan pukat tarik dan pukat dorong memiliki kepatuhan yang paling rendah, sedangkan nelayan bubu memiliki kepatuhan yang paling tinggi. Terdapat korelasi antara persepsi nelayan (persepsi terhadap kriteria alat tangkap ramah lingkungan dan persepsi terhadap keberadaan sumberdaya perikanan) dengan kepatuhan terhadap aturan.Kata kunci:         Tata Laksana Perikanan Bertanggungjawab, Kepatuhan, Persepsi, Berkelanjutan, Tanjungbalai Asaha