14 research outputs found

    The value of preparation in a systems engineering masters module : a longitudinal case study

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    This research emanates from a systems-oriented process of investigation into the educational approach of masters in engineering management programmes in order to find ways to improve student through-put rate and the quality of learning. The document describes the educational process, with specific emphasis on student preparedness, including the value and impact of a pivotal preparation test. This process is guided by constructive alignment; learning cycles through interactive blended teaching; and a focus on student learning. A longitudinal descriptive case study of the programmes was undertaken, focusing on a systems engineering module, which is integral to all masters programmes. The case is described with regard to its context; the educational process and teaching approach; and an educational and statistical analysis of the preparation test. The main contribution of the paper is the resulting structured, holistic, and integrated education process, designed to address the challenges, including a specific focus on student preparation and the pivotal preparation test. A clear link was established between student preparedness and the subsequent levels of teaching and learning. The preparation test was found to be on the relevant cognitive level; a predictor of course success; influencing positively the motivation of students; as well as impacting on the adaptation of the educational process. The use of the adapted Bloom’s taxonomy to evaluate cognitive levels of an intervention; the application of learning cycles and constructive alignment; as well as the impact of a preparation test, can significantly enhance the quality of the education process and consequently, student through-put rates.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1520-68582016-03-31hb201

    System architecture and enterprise architecture : a juxta position?

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    A systems approach to creating a system is discussed. The system engineering process, and specifically the system architecture process, is formulated and applied to a typical (physical) system, enterprise, and project. These lead to the concepts of system architecture (SA), enterprise architecture (EA), and project architecture (PA) respectively. Similarities and inter-relationships among these architectures and related methodologies are investigated, seeking better interaction among them. ‘Work’ is proposed as an important conceptual building-block of these architectures, properly defined as activity with associated inputs, outputs, governances, and mechanisms. Techniques such as functional analysis, process modelling, and task analysis are used to demonstrate the inter-relationships among these apparently unrelated organisational perspectives of product, process, and project.’n Stelselbenadering tot die daarstelling van ’n stelsel word bespreek. Die stelselingenieurswese,en spesifiek die stelselargitektuurproses, word geformuleer en toegepas op ’n tipiese (fisiese) stelsel, onderneming, en projek. Dit lei tot die konsepte van stelselargitektuur (SA), ondernemingsargitektuur (OA), en projekargitektuur (PA). Ooreenkomste en verwantskappe tussen hierdie argitekture word ontleed om beter onderlinge interaksie te bewerkstellig. ’n Belangrike konseptuele bousteen van hierdie argitekture word voorgestel as ‘werk’, behoorlik gedefinieer as aktiwiteit met gepaardgaande insette, uitsette, kontroles, en meganismes. Tegnieke soos funksionele analise, prosesmodellering, en taakanalise word gebruik om die onderlinge verbande tussen hierdie skynbaar onverwante organisatoriese perspektiewe van produk, projek, en proses, te demonstreer.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_indeng.htmlai201

    Technology diffusion and forecasting : the case of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for simulation of greenhouse internal environments

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    Forecasting emerging technologies as well as rate of diffusion of resultant products are complex in the context of management of technology usually because of a lack of relevant data. Techniques such as bibliometric analysis and the Bass diffusion model are utilized in this paper to assess the growth rate and market penetration of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as a technology. The penetration and growth rate of user acceptance to two CFD codes (not identified) are simulated. Furthermore a technology forecasting model of research and innovation in the field of application of CFD in the assessment of greenhouses is presented. Some CFD results of simulations for internal and external flow in an eight span greenhouse are presented as illustration of the power of CFD as technology.http://www.worldscinet.com/ijitm/ai201

    A system dynamics approach to technology interaction : from asymptotic to cyclic behaviour

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    This paper is an extension and elaboration of previous research on the simulation of three competing technologies that interact. A modified version of the three-technology system is investigated, and some initial system dynamics results are reported illustrating the progression from asymptotic to cyclic behaviour. Technology is considered in this research as a result of innovation, a rate-dependent process that may include several non-linearities due to interaction with the environment and social context. Using bibliometrics as a research data source is an interesting way to trace technology growth patterns very effectively. In this research, the existence of cyclic behaviour in two real life technologies is illustrated using bibliometrics. In this paper, a technology systemconsisting of three interacting technologies is treated andmodelled in a coupled manner where the interacting dynamics is described by the Lotka–Volterra system of differential equations. The effect of interaction between the technologies and the period of cyclic behaviour is illustrated parametrically. Furthermore, the possible uncertain diffusion as well as interaction effect for two of the technologies is also addressed in this research using a Monte Carlo multivariate simulation technique and a system dynamics approach. The research method is exploratory and case based.University of Pretoria, the University of Johannesburg and the National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa.http://www.journals.elsevier.com/technological-forecasting-and-social-change2016-08-31hb201

    Advanced engineering, technology and project management education

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    Describes how the University of Pretoria addresses the need for new leaders in industry by offering postgraduate management programmes focused specifically on the technology based enterprise

    Management development : more right brain skills required

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    Discusses the unique combination of adventure experiential learning with the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument to create an awareness of the importance of a whole brained approach to management education at the University of Pretoria

    Systems engineering and project management — crossing the great divide

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    Project management (PM) and systems engineering (SE) practitioners and academics experience various challenges regarding meaningful interaction while seeking project success. This situation exists despite sophisticated PM and SE software tools, the existing body of knowledge documents of different professional bodies, and numerous publications addressing this challenge. Generally, projects are fragmented from their initiation on the highest level into a ‘technical’ process and a project management process. This paper summarises the outcomes of several research projects undertaken from 2012 until recently to analyse the problem. The outputs of these studies are also compared with contemporary research to present an understanding of the problem and to suggest potential solutions to improve PM and SE interaction. The aim is to provide a starting point for future-focused research to evaluate the proposed improvements.Projekbestuur en stelselingenieurswese praktisyns en akademici ervaar verskeie uitdagings rakende betekenisvolle interaksie om projeksukses te behaal. Hierdie probleem situasie bestaan ten spyte van gesofistikeerde sagteware, die groot hoeveelheid riglyne van verskillende professionele organisasies, en talle publikasies wat hierdie uitdaging aanspreek. Oor die algemeen word projekte gefragmenteer vanaf hul aanvang op die hoogste vlak in 'n 'tegniese' proses en 'n projekbestuursproses. Hierdie artikel som die uitkomste op van verskeie navorsingsprojekte wat vanaf 2012 tot onlangs onderneem is om die probleem te ontleed. Die uitsette van hierdie studies word ook vergelyk met kontemporêre navorsing om 'n begrip van die probleem te bied en om potensiële oplossings voor te stel om pojekbestuur en stelselingenieurswese interaksie te verbeter. Die doel is om 'n beginpunt te bied vir toekomsgerigte navorsing om die voorgestelde verbeterings te evalueer.Presented at the 32nd annual conference of the Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering (SAIIE), held from 4-6 October 2021 in Muldersdrift, South Africa.http://sajie.journals.ac.za/pubam2022Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM

    A systems dynamics approach to competing technologies : exploring uncertainty of interaction and market parameters

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    Technology can be identified as the result of an innovation process that may be time-dependent. Furthermore, technology is both an input to the innovation process and an output of it. When two competing technologies are diffused into the market, they are evaluated as a technology system by means of a systems dynamics approach. It is shown that systems thinking can be used initially to identify and assess the important factors that influence the competitive behaviour of the two technologies. Interesting dynamics of this technology management system are presented and discussed in the context of uncertainty of interaction between the two technologies. It is specifically shown that the life span of the existing technology, which resists competition, may be adversely affected under conditions of uncertainty. The effect of uncertainty in more than one systems dynamics model parameter – specifically, the interaction and market parameter in the competing technology system – is also addressed. The Lotka-Volterra approach of predator-prey interaction is used to model the interaction between and diffusion of the two technologies in the system. A qualitative assessment of the systems dynamics model without uncertainty is attempted in the exploration of a real case study of two competing technologies.Tegnologie kan beskryf word as die resultaat van ’n innovasie proses wat tydsveranderlik kan wees. Tegnologie is beide ’n inset sowel as ’n uitset van die innovasie proses. ’n Geval waar twee kompeterende tegnologieë in die mark diffundeer word, word met behulp van sisteemdinamika geëvalueer as ’n tegnologiestelsel. Dit word aangetoon dat stelselsdenke gebruik kan word as voorloper om die belangrike faktore wat die kompeterende gedrag van die twee tegnologieë beïnvloed, te identifiseer en te assesseer. Interessante dinamiese gedrag van hierdie tegnologiebestuurstelsel word aangebied en bespreek in die konteks van onsekerheid van interaksie tussen die twee tegnologieё. Dit word spesifiek aangetoon dat die bestaande tegnologie wat weerstand bied teen kompetisie se lewenspan nadelig geraak kan word in onseker toestande. Die effek van onsekerheid van meer as een sisteem-dinamikamodelparameter, spesifiek die interaksie en markparameter, word ook aangespreek. Die Lotka-Volterra benadering gebaseer op die interaksie van aanval en verdediging word gebruik om die samehang tussen en diffusie van die twee tegnologieë in die stelsel te modelleer. Kwalitatiewe assessering van die sisteemdinamikamodel sonder parameteronsekerheid word ook aangespreek deur ’n werklike gevallestudie van twee kompeterende tegnologieё.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_indeng.htm


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    Technology can be identified as the result of an innovation process that may be time-dependent. Furthermore, technology is both an input to the innovation process and an output of it. When two competing technologies are diffused into the market, they are evaluated as a technology system by means of a systems dynamics approach. It is shown that systems thinking can be used initially to identify and assess the important factors that influence the competitive behaviour of the two technologies. Interesting dynamics of this technology management system are presented and discussed in the context of uncertainty of interaction between the two technologies. It is specifically shown that the life span of the existing technology, which resists competition, may be adversely affected under conditions of uncertainty. The effect of uncertainty in more than one systems dynamics model parameter – specifically, the interaction and market parameter in the competing technology system – is also addressed. The Lotka-Volterra approach of predator-prey interaction is used to model the interaction between and diffusion of the two technologies in the system. A qualitative assessment of the systems dynamics model without uncertainty is attempted in the exploration of a real case study of two competing technologies.Tegnologie kan beskryf word as die resultaat van ’n innovasie proses wat tydsveranderlik kan wees. Tegnologie is beide ’n inset sowel as ’n uitset van die innovasie proses. ’n Geval waar twee kompeterende tegnologieë in die mark diffundeer word, word met behulp van sisteemdinamika geëvalueer as ’n tegnologiestelsel. Dit word aangetoon dat stelselsdenke gebruik kan word as voorloper om die belangrike faktore wat die kompeterende gedrag van die twee tegnologieë beïnvloed, te identifiseer en te assesseer. Interessante dinamiese gedrag van hierdie tegnologiebestuurstelsel word aangebied en bespreek in die konteks van onsekerheid van interaksie tussen die twee tegnologieё. Dit word spesifiek aangetoon dat die bestaande tegnologie wat weerstand bied teen kompetisie se lewenspan nadelig geraak kan word in onseker toestande. Die effek van onsekerheid van meer as een sisteem-dinamikamodelparameter, spesifiek die interaksie en markparameter, word ook aangespreek. Die Lotka-Volterra benadering gebaseer op die interaksie van aanval en verdediging word gebruik om die samehang tussen en diffusie van die twee tegnologieë in die stelsel te modelleer. Kwalitatiewe assessering van die sisteemdinamikamodel sonder parameteronsekerheid word ook aangespreek deur ’n werklike gevallestudie van twee kompeterende tegnologieё.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_indeng.htm

    Managing a South African organisation without a dual manufacturing and services economy

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the nature of the South African dual manufacturing and services economy and the impact thereof on organisations from a management perspective. PROBLEM INVESTIGATED: Services account for over 65% of South Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) and reflects an escalating trend. The manufacturing sector of the economy is just over 26% of GDP. This by implication implies that the South African economy is dualistic in nature. The economy functions as an integrated component of the global economy, one that is highly competitive and turbulent in nature. The traditional management approach tends to be one based on a mechanistic, analytical and deterministic manufacturing perspective that is no longer effective in dealing with the services economy. METHODOGY: A literature study is undertaken and a narrative enquiry conducted by means of discussions with 24 South African executives to determine the impact of the dual economy on South African organisations and the influence thereof from a management perspective. The approach adopted was intentionally analytical-descriptive in nature. The narrative enquiry constituted open ended but structured discussions with executives in order to learn from their personal experiences in managing an organisation in what is termed to be the dual South African services and manufacturing economy. FINDINGS: An important conclusion drawn from the study is that traditional paradigms of management that evolved within a mechanistic manufacturing economy is no longer effective for dealing with the unpredictable and disruptive changes of a highly competitive global services economy. A complexity theory based management approach it would appear may be more relevant in dealing with the emergent realities associated with a turbulent services economy. VALUE OF THE RESEARCH: Seen within the context of the changing nature of the global and South African economy, the insights gained from the study could assist executives and managers in exploring alternative paradigms of management that would be more appropriate for dealing with the paradoxical nature of a dualistic economy. CONCLUSION: Appropriate management paradigms differ in terms of contextual realities confronting managers, namely dealing with ordered and un-ordered contextual conditions. The Cynefin Framework (Kurtz & Snowden, 2003) serves as a means of sense making in finding the most appropriate management response for dealing with the contextual realities associated with a dualistic economy