50 research outputs found

    Orienting the Direction of EGFR Activation

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    Morphogens are typically distributed symmetrically from their source of production. In this issue of Developmental Cell, Peng et al. (2012) demonstrate that a bias in the directionality of protrusions emanating from cells secreting the EGFR ligand Spitz leads to asymmetric activation of the pathway

    Regulation of Cell Number by MAPK-Dependent Control of Apoptosis A Mechanism for Trophic Survival Signaling

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    AbstractTrophic mechanisms in which neighboring cells mutually control their survival by secreting extracellular factors play an important role in determining cell number. However, how trophic signaling suppresses cell death is still poorly understood. We now show that the survival of a subset of midline glia cells in Drosophila depends upon direct suppression of the proapoptotic protein HID via the EGF receptor/RAS/MAPK pathway. The TGFα-like ligand SPITZ is activated in the neurons, and glial cells compete for limited amounts of secreted SPITZ to survive. In midline glia that fail to activate the EGFR pathway, HID induces apoptosis by blocking a caspase inhibitor, Diap1. Therefore, a direct pathway linking a specific extracellular survival factor with a caspase-based death program has been established

    Threshold responses to morphogen gradients by zero-order ultrasensitivity

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    Translating a graded morphogen distribution into tight response borders is central to all developmental processes. Yet, the molecular mechanisms generating such behavior are poorly understood. During patterning of the Drosophila embryonic ventral ectoderm, a graded mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation is converted into an all-or-none degradation switch of the Yan transcriptional repressor. Replacing the cardinal phosphorylated amino acid of Yan by a phosphomimetic residue allowed its degradation in a MAPK-independent manner, consistent with Yan phosphorylation being the critical event in generating the switch. Several alternative threshold mechanisms that could, in principle, be realized by this phosphorylation, including first order, cooperativity, positive feedback and zero-order ultrasensitivity, were analyzed. We found that they can be distinguished by their kinetics and steady-state responses to Yan overexpression. In agreement with the predictions for zero-order kinetics, an increase in Yan levels did not shift the degradation border, but significantly elevated the time required to reach steady state. We propose that a reversible loop of Yan phosphorylation implements a zero-order ultrasensitivity-like threshold mechanism, with the capacity to form sharp thresholds that are independent of the level of Yan

    Pre-Steady-State Decoding of the Bicoid Morphogen Gradient

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    Morphogen gradients are established by the localized production and subsequent diffusion of signaling molecules. It is generally assumed that cell fates are induced only after morphogen profiles have reached their steady state. Yet, patterning processes during early development occur rapidly, and tissue patterning may precede the convergence of the gradient to its steady state. Here we consider the implications of pre-steady-state decoding of the Bicoid morphogen gradient for patterning of the anterior–posterior axis of the Drosophila embryo. Quantitative analysis of the shift in the expression domains of several Bicoid targets (gap genes) upon alteration of bcd dosage, as well as a temporal analysis of a reporter for Bicoid activity, suggest that a transient decoding mechanism is employed in this setting. We show that decoding the pre-steady-state morphogen profile can reduce patterning errors caused by fluctuations in the rate of morphogen production. This can explain the surprisingly small shifts in gap and pair-rule gene expression domains observed in response to alterations in bcd dosage

    N-WASP Is Required for Structural Integrity of the Blood-Testis Barrier

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    During spermatogenesis, the blood-testis barrier (BTB) segregates the adluminal (apical) and basal compartments in the seminiferous epithelium, thereby creating a privileged adluminal environment that allows post-meiotic spermatid development to proceed without interference of the host immune system. A key feature of the BTB is its continuous remodeling within the Sertoli cells, the major somatic component of the seminiferous epithelium. This remodeling is necessary to allow the transport of germ cells towards the seminiferous tubule interior, while maintaining intact barrier properties. Here we demonstrate that the actin nucleation promoting factor Neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein (N-WASP) provides an essential function necessary for BTB restructuring, and for maintaining spermatogenesis. Our data suggests that the N-WASP-Arp2/3 actin polymerization machinery generates branched-actin arrays at an advanced stage of BTB remodeling. These arrays are proposed to mediate the restructuring process through endocytic recycling of BTB components. Disruption of N-WASP in Sertoli cells results in major structural abnormalities to the BTB, including mis-localization of critical junctional and cytoskeletal elements, and leads to disruption of barrier function. These impairments result in a complete arrest of spermatogenesis, underscoring the critical involvement of the somatic compartment of the seminiferous tubules in germ cell maturation

    The numbers behind morphogenesis

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    The IHES meeting on Pattern Formation in Morphogenesis covered computational approaches to understand central processes in developmental biology. Global changes in tissue morphogenesis were attributed to small local asymmetries in protein localization or activity, and the underlying mechanisms for robust patterning of signalling pathways were explored

    Flies over Crete: Drosophila Molecular Biology Kolymbari, Crete, July 12–18, 1998

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    Keren, a new ligand of the Drosophila epidermal growth factor receptor, undergoes two modes of cleavage

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    Spitz (Spi) is the most prominent ligand of the Drosophila EGF receptor (DER). It is produced as an inactive membrane precursor which is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To allow cleavage, Star transports Spi to the Golgi, where it undergoes cleavage by Rhomboid (Rho). Since some DER phenotypes are not mimicked by any of its known activating ligands, we identified an additional ligand by database searches, and termed it Keren (Krn). Krn is a functional homolog of Spi since it can rescue the spi mutant phenotype in a Rho- and Star-dependent manner. In contrast to Spi, however, Krn also possesses a Rho/Star-independent ability to undergo low-level cleavage and activate DER, as evident both in cell culture and in flies. The difference in basal activity correlates with the cellular localization of the two ligands. While Spi is retained in the ER, the retention of Krn is only partial. Examining Spi/Krn chimeric and deletion constructs implicates the Spi cytoplasmic domain in inhibiting its basal activity. Low-level activity of Krn calls for tightly regulated expression of the Krn precursor