918 research outputs found

    Risk Factors for Readmission Following Inpatient Care for Depression

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    Background: Little is known about risk factors predisposing to higher readmission frequency in psychiatric inpatient care for depression. So far, few studies have been conducted on mapping various factors that might have an important association with readmission for depression. Aim: This study aimed to identify risk factors associated with an increased risk of readmission within 90 days and 30 days, after being discharged from psychiatric inpatient care for depression. Method: We designed a patient chart-based cohort study of medical records for psychiatric inpatients diagnosed with depression between 20th December 2018 to 12th December 2019 at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden. First, we used a univariate analysis using a t-test and a chi-square test. Then, we used a multivariate analysis using binary logistic regression. Results: The rate of readmission within 90 days was 18.9% (95%-confidence interval 14.1– 23.5) compared to 9.5% (95%-confidence interval 5.9–12.9) at 30 days. The length of stay was a significant risk factor associated with readmission in the binary logistic regression; OR = 1.024 (95% CI 1.003–1.046) for each additional day stayed. Eating disorders were significantly (p < 0.032) associated with readmission within 90 days. Although no statistically significant differences were found between the sexes, female participants were numerically more likely to be readmitted to the psychiatric department within 30 days (n = 16, 64%), compared with male participants (n = 9, 36%, p = 0.52), but not for the 90-day follow up (n = 25, 50%) for female and (n = 25, 50%, p=0.206) male, respectively. Conclusion: Of the patients admitted for depression, almost 1 out of 5 were readmitted within 90 days. Only a few risk factors predicted readmission, and only the length of stay appeared to be an independent risk factor. However, a larger cohort will be needed to determine which risk factors are independent.Depression Ă€r ett genomgripande sjukdomstillstĂ„nd som ger upphov till lidande och nedsatt funktion. Depression Ă€r en sjukdom som drabbar mer Ă€n 264 miljoner mĂ€nniskor vĂ€rlden över. Studier för att förklara Ă„terinlĂ€ggningsrisker och frekvensen Ă€r viktiga eftersom tillstĂ„ndet pĂ„verkar emotioner och kognitiva sĂ„vĂ€l som kroppsliga funktioner. I Sverige har andelen slutenvĂ„rdspatienter för depression ökat. Ökningen ses bland mĂ€n sĂ„vĂ€l som hos kvinnor, frĂ€mst i Ă„ldrarna <25 Ă„r. Enligt Socialstyrelsens slutenvĂ„rdsregister var antalet patienter vĂ„rdade i slutenvĂ„rden för 2019, 8361 patienter. Studier har visat att depressionen i sin natur bestĂ„r av skilda komponenter vilket kan vara ett hinder för vĂ„rdpersonal att effektivt behandla sjukdomen. PĂ„ senare Ă„rtionden har intresset för att studera riskfaktorer för Ă„terinlĂ€ggning efter vĂ„rd pga. depression ökat. Idag vet vi att samsjuklighet, substansmissbruk, Ă€ldre patienter och kvinnlig kön utgör riskfaktorer för att bli Ă„terinlagd. Socialstyrelsens nationella riktlinjer för behandling av depression ger riktningen för behandling av depression. DĂ€remot tas det inte upp om vad vĂ„rdpersonal bör göra efter att patienten behandlats med antidepressiva lĂ€kemedel, kognitiv beteendeterapi och elektrokonvulsiv behandling (elbehandling). Uppemot 50–66% av fallen nĂ„r inte fullt remission efter behandling med antidepressiva lĂ€kemedel. Endast en tredje del av patienterna fĂ„r remission av sina depressiva symptom. I denna studie studerades tvĂ„ olika grupper. En grupp som blev Ă„terinlagda inom 90 dagar samt en grupp som blev Ă„terinlagda efter 30 dagar. Sedan jĂ€mförde vi grupperna med en kontrollgrupp som inte blev Ă„terinlagda. Totalt ingick 264 patienter inom VĂ€stra Götalandsregionen som varit inlagda pĂ„ slutenvĂ„rden mellan 20 december 2018 till 12 december 2019. Syftet med studien var att kartlĂ€gga om det fanns riskfaktorer som var associerade med ökat Ă„terinlĂ€ggnings frekvens efter att ha skrivits ut frĂ„n slutenvĂ„rden. Vidare ville vi presentera en demografisk sĂ„vĂ€l som klinisk beskrivning av grupperna. Resultaten visar att 1 av 5 patienter blir Ă„terinlagda inom 90 dagar och 1 av 10 blir Ă„terinlagda inom 30 dagar. I 90 dagars gruppen visade studien med statistisk sĂ€kerhet att vistelsetiden pĂ„ avdelningen ökade risken att bli Ă„terinlagd med 2,4% för varje dag som patienten lĂ„g inlagd pĂ„ en psykiatrisk slutenvĂ„rdsvĂ„rdinrĂ€ttning. Resultatet visar ytligare att Ă€tstörningar var en riskfaktor för Ă„terinlĂ€ggning. En trolig förklaring till detta Ă€r att lĂ„g vikt och BMI vid utskrivning predisponerar för Ă„terinlĂ€ggning. Kön utgjorde inte en riskfaktor för att bli Ă„terinlagd. Vidare visar resultaten att kvinnligt kön numeriskt utgjorde en högre risk för att bli Ă„terinlagd inom 30 dagar jĂ€mfört med mĂ€n som blev Ă„terinlagda inom 90 dagar. Ett antal riskfaktorer som förvĂ€ntades att predicera Ă„terinlĂ€ggning var inte signifikanta sĂ„ som psykotisk depression, kön och patienter som ordinerats bensodiazepiner. Resultaten Ă€r viktiga observationer i att kunna designa större studier för att kunna studera riskfaktorerna för Ă„terinlĂ€ggning pĂ„ psykiatrisk slutenvĂ„rd bland patienter diagnostiserade med depression. BĂ€ttre klinisk praxis och utformande av rutiner för att ta hand om patienterna efter en slutenvĂ„rdsinlĂ€ggning Ă€r en viktig aspekt i skapande av hĂ„llbara rutiner för denna patientgrupp. Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ av sĂ€rskilt vikt att kartlĂ€gga faktorer som frĂ€mjar tillfrisknande och effekt av behandlingsinsatser som man kan utvĂ€rdera för att finna kausal samband mellan sjukdom och faktorer av tillfrisknande. Författaren föreslĂ„r större studier för att kunna faststĂ€lla kausala samband mellan riskfaktorerna för Ă„terinlĂ€ggning och vĂ„rd för depression inom psykiatrisk slutenvĂ„rd. Framtida forskning Ă€r nödvĂ€ndigt inom omrĂ„det, detta för att förstĂ„ faktorer som Ă€r associerade med ökat Ă„terinlĂ€ggningsfrekvens, bĂ€ttre vĂ„rd och bĂ€ttre Ă„terhĂ€mtning för denna patientgrupp

    Toughening Of Epoxy Resin With Modified Liquid Natural Rubbers And Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Liquid Rubbers [TP1180.E6 A136 2005 f rb].

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    The preparation of liquid natural rubber (LNR) by depolymerizing deprotenized natural rubber latex was carried out. Getah asli cecair (LNR) disediakan dengan cara penyahpempolimeran penyahprotinan lateks getah asli ternyahprotin

    The Concept of \u27Al-Istighfal\u27 Testimony between Law and Shari’a

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    This research sheds light on one of the main parts of testimony as a means of achieving evidence, titled Al-Istighfal Testimony in Sharea and law . This research is divided into three chapters and a conclusion. Chapter one deals with a definition of the testimony linguistically and academically. It also gives some examples of this kind of testimony. Chapter Two depicts the jurisprudents’ opinions, their evidences and justification, side by side with discussing these evidences. It also presents the proper opinion in this issue. Chapter Three deals with the law point of view of \u27Istighfal Testimony\u27, demonstrating its liability to accept that kind of testimony in it, questioning if there is any legal text that admits its acceptance. The research concludes with stating the most important results and recommendation of the research

    IntĂ©rĂȘt du clou rĂ©trograde dans les fractures du fĂ©mur distal: Ă  propos de 07 cas

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    Ce travail rapporte une sĂ©rie de sept cas de fractures de l’extrĂ©mitĂ© infĂ©rieure du fĂ©mur traitĂ©es par enclouage centromĂ©dullaire rĂ©trograde au service de traumatologie orthopĂ©die au centre hospitalier Ibn Sina durant la pĂ©riode du 30/05/2010 au 30/04/2015. L’ñge moyen de nos patients est de 54 ans avec une lĂ©gĂšre prĂ©dominance Masculine (57,1%). Les accidents de la voie publique ont reprĂ©sentĂ© la principale Ă©tiologie (71,4%) et le cĂŽtĂ© droit Ă©tait le plus touchĂ© (57,1%). Sur le plan opĂ©ratoire, le dĂ©lai moyen de l'intervention Ă©tait de 2 jours. La rachi anesthĂ©sie a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© dans cinq cas. La durĂ©e moyenne d’hospitalisation Ă©tait de 5 jours. L’ensemble de nos patients ont consolidĂ© dans un dĂ©lai moyen de 4 mois, avec un cas de retard de consolidation Ă  6 mois. Nous avons obtenu de bons rĂ©sultats fonctionnels avec une flexion moyenne du genou Ă  120°, avec un seul cas de flexion limitĂ© Ă  90°. Dans notre sĂ©rie, on avait constatĂ© un seul cas de retard de consolidation et un seul cas de pseudarthrose. Nous n’avons notĂ© aucun dĂ©cĂšs ni sepsis superficiel ou profond, ni complication thromboembolique ou embolie graisseuse, nos rĂ©sultats Ă©taient en gĂ©nĂ©ral satisfaisants, ce qui nous donne le droit de dire que l’enclouage rĂ©trograde du fĂ©mur reste une technique d’ostĂ©osynthĂšse qui a toute sa place dans le traitement chirurgical des fractures distales du fĂ©mur

    Network Coding For Star and Mesh Networks

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    This thesis introduces new network coding techniques to improve the file sharing and video streaming performance of wireless star and mesh networks. In this thesis we propose a new XOR based scheduling algorithm for network coding in cooperative local repair. The proposed algorithm commences in three phases. In the first phase, nodes exchange packets availability vectors. These vectors are functions of the probability of correct packet reception over the channel. This is followed by a short period of distributed scheduling where the nodes execute the processing algorithm which tries to minimize the total transmission time. In the third phase, nodes transmit the encoded packets as per the decision of the scheduling algorithm. Simulation results show improvement in system throughput and processing delay for the proposed algorithm. We also study the trade-offs between file sizes, processing delays, number of users and packet availability. In the sequel we display the favorable effects of file segmentation on the performance of the proposed scheduling algorithm. Furthermore, the upper bound on the performance and the analysis of the proposed scheduling algorithm are derived. Also, in this thesis, the effects of random network coding on code division multiple access/time division duplex (CDMA/TDD) platforms for wireless mesh networks are studied and evaluated. A multi-hop mesh network with single source and multiple receiving nodes is assumed. For reliable data transfer, a Selective Repeat ARQ protocol is used. Two scenarios are evaluated for their efficiency. In scenario 1, but not in scenario 2, random network coding is applied to CDMA/TDD wireless mesh networks. The delay and delay jitter for both scenarios are computed. The study also focuses on the effects of uncontrolled parameters such as the minimum number of neighbors and the network connectivity, and of controlled parameters such as Galois Field (GF) size, packet size, number of Walsh functions employed at each node and the Processing Gain. The analysis and simulation results show that applying random network coding to CDMA/TDD systems in wireless mesh networks could provide a noticeable improvement in overall efficiency. We also propose a cross layer approach for the Random Network coded-Code Division Multiple Access/Time Division Duplex (RNC-CDMA/TDD) wireless mesh networks. The proposed algorithm selects the number of assigned Walsh functions depending on the network topology. Two strategies of Walsh function assignments are proposed. In the first, nodes determine the number of their assigned Walsh functions depending on the neighbor with the maximum number of neighbors, which we call the worst case assignment. In the second, nodes determine the number of their assigned Walsh functions depending on the need for each transmission. Simulation results show the possible achievable improvement in the system performance, delay and delay jitter due to cross layer design

    Food security in a changing climate world

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