14 research outputs found

    QT dispersion as an attribute of T-loop morphology

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    BACKGROUND: The suggestion that increased QT dispersion (QTD) is due to increased differences in local action potential durations within the myocardium is wanting. An alternative explanation was sought by relating QTD to vectorcardiographic T-loop morphology. METHODS AND RESULTS: The T loop is characterized by its amplitude and width (defined as the spatial angle between the mean vectors of the first and second halves of the loop). We reasoned that small, wide ("pathological") T loops produce larger QTD than large, narrow ("normal") loops. To quantify the relationship between QTD and T-loop morphology, we used a program for automated analysis of ECGs and a database of 1220 standard simultaneous 12-lead ECGs. For each ECG, QT durations, QTD, and T-loop parameters were computed. T-loop amplitude and width were dichotomized, with 250 microV (small versus large amplitudes) and 30 degrees (narrow versus wide loops) taken as thresholds. Over all 1220 ECGs, QTDs were smallest for large, narrow T loops (54.2+/-27.1 ms) and largest for small, wide loops (69. 5+/-33.5 ms; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: QTD is an attribute of T-loop morphology, as expressed by T-loop amplitude and width

    A prototype integrated medical workstation environment

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    Abstract In this paper the requirements, design, and implementation of a prototype integrated medical workstation environment are outlined. The aim of the workstation is to provide user-friendly, task-oriented support for clinicians, based on existing software and data. The prototype project has been started to investigate the technical possibilities of graphical user-interfaces, network technology, client-server approaches, and software encapsulation. Experience with the prototype encouraged discussion on both the limitations and the essential features for an integrated medical workstation

    Compliance of general practitioners with a guideline-based decision support system for ordering blood tests

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    BACKGROUND: Guidelines are viewed as a mechanism for disseminating a rapidly increasing body of knowledge. We determined the compliance of Dutch general practitioners with the recommendations for blood test ordering as defined in the guidelines of the Dutch College of General Practitioners. METHODS: We performed an audit of guideline compliance over a 12-month period (March 1996 through February 1997). In an observational study, a guideline-based decision support system for blood test ordering, BloodLink, was integrated with the electronic patient records of 31 general practitioners practicing in 23 practices (16 solo). BloodLink followed the guidelines of the Dutch College of General Practitioners. We determined compliance by comparing the recommendations for test ordering with the test(s) actually ordered. Compliance was expressed as the percentage of order forms that followed the recommendations for test ordering. RESULTS: Of 12 668 orders generated, 9091 (71%) used the decision-support software rather than the paper order forms. Twelve indications accounted for >80% of the 7346 order forms that selected a testing indication in BloodLink. The most frequently used indication for test ordering was "vague complaints" (2209 order forms; 30.1%). Of the 7346 order forms, 39% were compliant. The most frequent type of noncompliance was the addition of tests. Six of the 12 tests most frequently added to the order forms were supported by revisions of guidelines that occurred within 3 years after the intervention period. CONCLUSIONS: In general practice, noncompliance with guidelines is predominantly caused by adding tests. We conclude that noncompliance with a guideline seems to be partly caused by practitioners applying new medical insight before it is incorporated in a revision of that guideline

    QTc dispersion predicts cardiac mortality in the elderly: the Rotterdam Study

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    BACKGROUND: Increased QTc dispersion has been associated with an increased risk for ventricular arrhythmias and cardiac death in selected patient populations. We examined the association between computerized QTc-dispersion measurements and mortality in a prospective analysis of the p

    Involving the patient: A prospective study on use, appreciation and effectiveness of an information system in head and neck cancer care

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    Objective: To determine use, appreciation and effectiveness of an electronic health information support system in head and neck (H&N) cancer care. Design: A prospective evaluation study. The evaluated system has four different functions: (1) communication amongst health care providers and between health care providers and patients, (2) information for health care providers and patients, (3) contact with fellow sufferers and (4) monitoring of discharged patients by means of electronic questionnaires. Evaluation of the system was done both objectively using automatically created log files and stored messages, and subjectively by using paper questionnaires from patients and general practitioners (GPs). Setting: Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of a tertiary health care centre in the Netherlands. The system was put at patients' disposal for a period of 6 weeks following discharge from the hospital after surgery for H&N cancer, and was additional to standard care. Participants: Head and neck cancer patients, hospital physicians, members of a hospital-based support team, GPs, district nurses and speech therapists. Main outcome measures: Actual use of the system by patients and health care providers. Patients' appreciation for each of the system's four different functions. GPs' appreciation for the system. Capability to detect potential patient problems with the system. Results: The system was used by 36 H&N cancer patients, 10 hospital physicians, 2 members of the support team, 8 GPs, 2 district nurses and 2 speech therapists. The total number of patient-sessions was 982: an average of 27.3 sessions per patient during the 6 weeks study period. In total, 456 monitoring questionnaires were completed. The support team in hospital responded with 231 actions. In 16 cases, an extra appointment was made for a patient with the hospital physician. Out of these cases, immediate action was considered necessary eight times. Patients appreciated the system highly, rating it with an average score of 8.0 on a 10-point scale. All patients used the monitoring function, and rated 'monitoring' with a mean score of 8.0 on a 10-point scale. Least used and appreciated was the 'contact with fellow sufferers' function. Only 8 out of possible 36 GPs used the system, rating it with an average of 5.6 on a 10-point scale. Conclusions: The electronic health information support system was used intensively and highly appreciated by H&N cancer patients. The system enabled the early detection of occurring health problems that required direct intervention. ICT can play an additional role in the management of patients, also in a relatively elderly and computer illiterate patient population

    Simulating an integrated critiquing system

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate factors that determine the feasibility and effectiveness of a critiquing system for asthma/COPD that will be integrated with a general practitioner's (GP's) information system. DESIGN: A simulation study. Four reviewers, playing the role of the computer, generated critiquing comments and requests for additional information on six electronic medical records of patients with asthma/COPD. Three GPs who treated the patients, playing users, assessed the comments and provided missing information when requested. The GPs were asked why requested missing information was unavailable. The reviewers reevaluated their comments after receiving requested missing information. MEASUREMENTS: Descriptions of the number and nature of critiquing comments and requests for missing information. Assessment by the GPs of the critiquing comments in terms of agreement with each comment and judgment of its relevance, both on a five-point scale. Analysis of causes for the (un-)availability of requested missing information. Assessment of the impact of missing information on the generation of critiquing comments. RESULTS: Four reviewers provided 74 critiquing comments on 87 visits in six medical records. Most were about prescriptions (n = 28) and the GPs' workplans (n = 27). The GPs valued comments about diagnostics the most. The correlation between the GPs' agreement and relevance scores was 0.65. However, the GPs' agreements with prescription comments (complete disagreement, 31.3%; disagreement, 20.0%; neutral, 13.8%; agreement, 17.5%; complete agreement, 17.5%) differed from their judgments of these comments' relevance (completely irrelevant, 9.0%; irrelevant, 24.4%; neutral, 24.4%; relevant, 32.1%; completely relevant, 10.3%). The GPs were able to provide answers to 64% of the 90 requests for missing information. Reasons available information had not been recorded were: the GPs had not recorded the information explicitly; they had assumed it to be common knowledge; it was available elsewhere in the record. Reasons information was unavailable were: the decision had been made by another; the GP had not recorded the information. The reviewers left 74% of the comments unchanged after receiving requested missing information. CONCLUSION: Human reviewers can generate comments based on information currently available in electronic medical records of patients with asthma/COPD. The GPs valued comments regarding the diagnostic process the most. Although they judged prescription comments relevant, they often strongly disagreed with them, a discrepancy that poses a challenge for the presentation of critiquing comments for the future critiquing system. Requested additional information that was provided by the GPs led to few changes. Therefore, as system developers faced with the decision to build an integrated, non-inquisitive or an inquisitive critiquing system, the authors choose the former

    Prolonged QT interval: A tricky diagnosis?

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    Prolonged heart-rate adjusted QT intervals on the electrocardiogram (ECG) are associated with an increased risk far coronary heart disease and sudden death. However, the diagnosis of the prolonged QT interval is hampered by lack of standards. We studied variations in the prevalence of prolonged QT, based on different common definitions, in a large nonhospitalized population, and compared our results with other studies applying the same definitions. The study population consisted of 2,200 men and 3,366 women participants of the Rotterdam Study, ≤55 years old. The QT interval was computed by our Modular ECG Analysis System (MEANS). Three different formulas to adjust QT for heart rata were used: Bazett's formula (QT(c), a linear regression equation (QT(Ir)), and the QT index (QTI). Prolonged QT occurred frequently in both men and women, and its prevalence increased with age. Women had longer heart-rate adjusted QT intervals than men (mean QT(c) 433 ms vs 422 ms), and mean values for QT(Ir) were lower than for QT(c) (mean QT(Ir) 422 ms in women and 412 ms in men). Prevalence was highest for prolonged QT(Ir) (31% in men and 26% in women) and lowest for prolonged QTI (6% in men and 9% in women). Comparison with other studies applying the same correction formulas showed large discrepancies in prevalence estimates of prolonged QT(c) and QT(Ir), and to a lesser degree of prolonged QTI, possibly due to differences in measurement techniques. Future research is needed to relate QT interval to prognosis, to obtain measurement technique specific reference values of heart-rate adjusted QT measurements, and to obtain age-and sex- specific threshold values for prolonged QT. Such data are needed to use the QT interval with confidence

    SUGAR-DIP trial: Oral medication strategy versus insulin for diabetes in pregnancy, study protocol for a multicentre, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction In women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) requiring pharmacotherapy, insulin was the established first-line treatment. More recently, oral glucose lowering drugs (OGLDs) have gained popularity as a patient-friendly, less expensive and safe alternative. Monotherapy with metformin or glibenclamide (glyburide) is incorporated in several international guidelines. In women who do not reach sufficient glucose control with OGLD monotherapy, usually insulin is added, either with or without continuation of OGLDs. No reliable data from clinical trials, however, are available on the effectiveness of a treatment strategy using all three agents, metformin, glibenclamide and insulin, in a stepwise approach, compared with insulin-only therapy for improving pregnancy outcomes. In this trial, we aim to assess the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and patient experience of a stepwise combined OGLD treatment protocol, compared with conventional insulin-based therapy for GDM. Methods The SUGAR-DIP trial is an open-label, multicentre randomised controlled non-inferiority trial. Participants are women with GDM who do not reach target glycaemic control with modification of diet, between 16 and 34 weeks of gestation. Participants will be randomised to either treatment with OGLDs, starting with metformin and supplemented as needed with glibenclamide, or randomised to treatment with insulin. In women who do not reach target glycaemic control with combined metformin and glibenclamide, glibenclamide will be substituted with insulin, while continuing metformin. The primary outcome will be the incidence of large-for-gestational-age infants (birth weight >90th percentile). Secondary outcome measures are maternal diabetes-related endpoints, obstetric complications, neonatal complications and cost-effectiveness analysis. Outcomes will be analysed according to the intention-to-treat principle. Ethics and dissemination The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Utrecht University Medical Centre. Approval by the boards of management for all participating hospitals will be obtained. Trial results will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals