620 research outputs found

    On Possible Light-Torsion Mixing in Background Magnetic Field

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    The interaction of the light with propagating axial torsion fields in the presence of an external magnetic field has been investigated. Axial torsion fields appearing in higher derivative quantum gravity possess two states, with spin one and zero, with different masses. The torsion field with spin-0 state is a ghost that can be removed if its mass is infinite. We investigate the possibility when the light mixes with the torsion fields resulting in the effect of vacuum birefringence and dichroism. The expressions for ellipticity and the rotation of light polarization axis depending on the coupling constant and the external magnetic field have been obtained.Comment: 12 pages, title changed, shortened journal version, accepted in Eur.Phys.J.

    Leptoquark Single and Pair production at LHC with CalcHEP/CompHEP in the complete model

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    We study combined leptoquark (LQ) single and pair production at LHC at the level of detector simulation. A set of kinematical cuts has been worked out to maximize significance for combined signal events. It was shown that combination of signatures from LQ single and pair production not only significantly increases the LHC reach, but also allows us to give the correct signal interpretation. In particular, it was found that the LHC has potential to discover LQ with a mass up to 1.2 TeV and 1.5 TeV for the case of scalar and vector LQ, respectively, and LQ single production contributes 30-50% to the total signal rate for LQ-l-q coupling, taken equal to the electromagnetic coupling. This work is based on implementation of the most general form of scalar and vector LQ interactions with quarks and gluons into CalcHEP/CompHEP packages. This implementation, which authors made publicly available, was one the most important aspects of the study.Comment: LaTeX, 27 pages, 15 figure

    DDπD^*D\pi and BBπB^*B\pi couplings in QCD

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    We calculate the DDπD^*D\pi and BBπB^*B\pi couplings using QCD sum rules on the light-cone. In this approach, the large-distance dynamics is incorporated in a set of pion wave functions. We take into account two-particle and three-particle wave functions of twist 2, 3 and 4. The resulting values of the coupling constants are gDDπ=12.5±1g_{D^*D\pi}= 12.5\pm 1 and gBBπ=29±3g_{B^*B\pi}= 29\pm 3 . From this we predict the partial width \Gamma (D^{*+} \ra D^0 \pi^+ )=32 \pm 5~ keV . We also discuss the soft-pion limit of the sum rules which is equivalent to the external axial field approach employed in earlier calculations. Furthermore, using gBBπg_{B^*B\pi} and gDDπg_{D^*D\pi} the pole dominance model for the B \ra \pi and D\ra \pi semileptonic form factors is compared with the direct calculation of these form factors in the same framework of light-cone sum rules.Comment: 27 pages (LATEX) +3 figures enclosed as .uu file MPI-PhT/94-62 , CEBAF-TH-94-22, LMU 15/9

    QCD Calculation of the Bπ,KB \rightarrow \pi,K Form Factors

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    We calculate the form factors for the heavy-to-light transitions Bπ,KB\rightarrow \pi,K by means of QCD sum rules using π\pi and KK light-cone wave functions. Higher twist contributions as well as gluonic corrections are taken into account. The sensitivity to the shape of the leading-twist wave functions and effects of SU(3)-breaking are discussed. The results are compared with quark model predictions and with the results from QCD sum rules for three-point correlators.Comment: 13 pages +5 figures available upon request , LaTeX , CERN-TH.6880/93, MPI-Ph/93-32, LMU-07/9

    Ambiguities in the partial-wave analysis of pseudoscalar-meson photoproduction

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    Ambiguities in pseudoscalar-meson photoproduction, arising from incomplete experimental data, have analogs in pion-nucleon scattering. Amplitude ambiguities have important implications for the problems of amplitude extraction and resonance identification in partial-wave analysis. The effect of these ambiguities on observables is described. We compare our results with those found in earlier studies.Comment: 12 pages of text. No figure

    Discovery and Measurement of Sleptons, Binos, and Winos with a Z'

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    Extensions of the MSSM could significantly alter its phenomenology at the LHC. We study the case in which the MSSM is extended by an additional U(1) gauge symmetry, which is spontaneously broken at a few TeV. The production cross-section of sleptons is enhanced over that of the MSSM by the process ppZ~~pp\to Z' \to \tilde{\ell} \tilde{\ell}^*, so the discovery potential for sleptons is greatly increased. The flavor and charge information in the resulting decay, ~+LSP\tilde{\ell} \to \ell + {LSP}, provides a useful handle on the identity of the LSP. With the help of the additional kinematical constraint of an on-shell Z', we implement a novel method to measure all of the superpartner masses involved in this channel. For certain final states with two invisible particles, one can construct kinematic observables bounded above by parent particle masses. We demonstrate how output from one such observable, m_T2, can become input to a second, increasing the number of measurements one can make with a single decay chain. The method presented here represents a new class of observables which could have a much wider range of applicability.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures; v2 references added and minor change

    Top Quark Spin Polarization in ep Collision

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    We discuss the degree of spin polarization of single top quarks produced via WgWg fusion process in epep collision at TESLA+HERAp and CLIC+LHC energies s=1.6\sqrt{s}=1.6 and 5.3 TeV. For ebtνˉeb \to t \bar{\nu} subprocess we show that the top quark spin is completely polarized when the spin basis is chosen in the direction of the incoming positron beam in the rest frame of top quark. A description on how to combine the cross sections of e+btνˉe^{+}b\to t\bar{\nu} and e+gtbˉνˉe^{+}g\to t\bar{b}\bar{\nu} processes is given. e+e^{+}-beam direction is taken to be the favorite top quark spin decomposition axis in its rest frame and it is found to be comparable with the ones in pppp collision. It is argued that theoretical simplicity and experimental clearness are the advantage of epep collision.Comment: Revised version of Phys. Rev. D69 (2004)03401

    Prospects for heavy supersymmetric charged Higgs boson searches at hadron colliders

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    We investigate the production of a heavy charged Higgs boson at hadron colliders within the context of the MSSM. A detailed study is performed for all important production modes and basic background processes for the t\bar{t}b\bar{b} signature. In our analysis we include effects of initial and final state showering, hadronization, and principal detector effects. For the signal production rate we include the leading SUSY quantum effects at high \tan\beta>~ mt/mb. Based on the obtained efficiencies for the signal and background we estimate the discovery and exclusion mass limits of the charged Higgs boson at high values of \tan\beta. At the upgraded Tevatron the discovery of a heavy charged Higgs boson (MH^+ >~ 200 GeV) is impossible for the tree-level cross-section values. However, if QCD and SUSY effects happen to reinforce mutually, there are indeed regions of the MSSM parameter space which could provide 3\sigma evidence and, at best, 5\sigma charged Higgs boson discovery at the Tevatron for masses M_H^+<~ 300 GeV and M_H^+<~ 250 GeV, respectively, even assuming squark and gluino masses in the (500-1000) GeV range. On the other hand, at the LHC one can discover a H^+ as heavy as 1 TeV at the canonical confidence level of 5\sigma; or else exclude its existence at 95% C.L. up to masses ~ 1.5 TeV. Again the presence of SUSY quantum effects can be very important here as they may shift the LHC limits by a few hundred GeV.Comment: Latex2e, 44 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables, uses JHEP3.sty, axodraw.sty. Comments added. Discussion on QCD factors clarified. Added discussion on uncertainties. Change of presentation of Tables 4 and 5 and Fig.6. Results and conclusions unchanged. Version accepted in JHE

    Top Background Extrapolation for H -> WW Searches at the LHC

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    A leading order (LO) analysis is presented that demonstrates that key top backgrounds to H -> W^+W^- -> l^\pm l^\mp \sla{p}_T decays in weak boson fusion (WBF) and gluon fusion (GF) at the CERN Large Hadron Collider can be extrapolated from experimental data with an accuracy of order 5% to 10%. If LO scale variation is accepted as proxy for the theoretical error, parton level results indicate that the tt~j background to the H -> WW search in WBF can be determined with a theoretical error of about 5%, while the tt~ background to the H -> WW search in GF can be determined with a theoretical error of better than 1%. Uncertainties in the parton distribution functions contribute an estimated 3% to 10% to the total error.Comment: 17 pages, 9 tables, 4 figures; LO caveat emphasized, version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Ioffe-time distributions instead of parton momentum distributions in description of deep inelastic scattering

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    We argue that parton distributions in coordinate space provide a more natural object for nonperturbative methods compared to the usual momentum distributions in which the physics of different longitudinal distances is being mixed. To illustrate the advantages of the coordinate space formulation, we calculate the coordinate space distributions for valence quarks in the proton using the QCD sum rule approach. A remarkable agreement is found between the calculated and the experimentally measured u-quark distribution up to light-cone distances Δ=Δ0Δ3\Delta^- = \Delta^0 - \Delta^3 of order 1\sim 1 fm in the proton rest frame. The calculation for valence d quarks gives much worse results; the reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.Comment: 24 pages plus 13 pages with figures, requires epsf.sty, revised version to appear in Phys.Rev.