695 research outputs found


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    The mainstream approach of international trade (Smith, Ricardo, Heckscher- Ohlin etc.) envisages the national economy as an heterogenous space of ressources and factors and the competitivness depends upon right chosen industrial and trade policies. This anational competitivness, competitive advantage, growth poles

    Decizii economice in conditii de risc

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    ”Decision making always and necessarily implies human actions, which, when facing an external event (information) must identify the event’s future status and set up the potential action ways leading to suggested goal accomplishment”Decision, risk, mathematical hope, decisional tree

    Decizii economice in conditii de incertitudine

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    Uncertainty means partially or totally knowing the probabilities to accomplish an action’s potential results.Decision, uncertainty conditions, utility

    Decizii economice in conditii certe

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    Decisions’ basic factors during decision making are interdependent, which reflects the features of the decision making they generate. Economic decisions in certainty conditions are characterized by maximum probability to accomplish pursued goals using the predicted ways. The elements involved in decision making are controllable variables, their features are known and their progress can be precisely anticipated.Decision, certainty conditions, ELECTRE Method


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    The economic crisis has given the opportunity for the world to reconsider the use of resources, so the subject of competitive advantage has became actual. There are several relevant papers on national competitiveness, but we consider that there are still important issues to discuss in order to identify the economic sectors in Romania that have the potential to create successful products for the global market. The paper applies modern competitivity models on the features of our country, and concludes about the best use of our resources, in terms of increased productivity and optimal results. The goal is to encourage exporters to extend on several international markets and multinational companies to invest in developing new businesses in Romania.competitive advantage, resources, economic recovery


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    The research paper aims to emphasize the strategic importance of location decisions for retailers. So, the location decision is important because opening a business costs a lot of money; the retailer is committed to the location for a long period of time; competition is getting tougher and a good location is one way to beat the competition. Location is a key factor in the retailing mix. Retailers should consider such a decision as carefully as pricing, promotion, and other elements of the marketing mix.localization - allocation models, trading area, site evaluation, geomarketing

    Regionalna analiza obrazaca brzine vjetra u složenom terenu

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    Wind energy is a weather and climate-dependent energy resource with natural spatio-temporal variabilities at time scales ranging from fraction of seconds to seasons and years, while at spatial scales it is strongly affected by the terrain and vegetation. To optimize wind energy systems and maximize the energy extraction, wind measurements on various time scales as well as wind energy forecasts are required and needed. This study focuses on spatio-temporal characteristics of the wind velocity in complex terrain, relevant to wind energy assessment, operation, and grid integration, using data collected at 11 towers ranging from 40 to 80 m tall over a 12-year period in complex terrain of western-central and northern Nevada, USA. The autocorrelation analysis, Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) and Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis (DCCA) showed strong coherence between the wind speed and direction with slowly decreasing amplitude of the multi-day periodicity with increasing lag periods. Besides pronounced diurnal periodicity at all locations, statistical analysis and DFA also showed significant seasonal and annual periodicities, long-memory persistence with similar characteristics at all sites and towers with a relatively narrow range of the Weibull parameters. The DCCA indicates similar wind patterns at each tower, and strong correlations between measurement sites in spite of separations of about 300 km across the towers’ setup. The northern Nevada area exhibits higher wind resource potential and higher wind persis-tence compared to the western-central region. Overall, the DFA and DCCA results suggest higher degree of complementarity among wind data at measure-ment sites compared to previous standard statistical analysis.Energija vjetra je energetski resurs ovisan o vremenu i klimi s prirodnim prostorno-vremenskim promjenjivostima koje u vremenskim razmjerima idu od sekundi do sezona i godina, dok su na prostornim razmjerima promjenjivosti snažno uvjetovane složenošću terena i vegetacije. Kako bi se optimizirali sustavi energije vjetra i maksimizirala ekstrak-cija energije, potrebna su mjerenja vjetra u različitim vremenskim razmacima, kao i prognoze energije vjetra. Ova studija se fokusira na prostorno-vremenske karakteristike brzine vjetra u složenom terenu, relevantne za procjenu energije vjetra i integraciju u elektrodistribucijske mreže, koristeći podatke prikupljene na 11 tornjeva s rasponima visina od 40 do 80 m tijekom 12-godišnjeg razdoblja u složenoj topografiji zapadno-središnje i sjeverne Nevade, SAD. Autokorelacijska analiza, analiza poremećaja fluktu-acija (DFA) i višestruka korelacijska analiza (DCCA) pokazale su snažnu koherenciju između brzine i smjera vjetra sa sporo opadajućom amplitudom višednevne periodičnosti s povećanjem razdoblja pomaka. Osim izražene dnevne periodičnosti na svim lokacijama, spektralna analiza i DFA također su pokazale značajne sezonske i godišnje periodičnosti, postojanost dugog pamćenja sa sličnim karakteristikama na svim mjestima i tornjevima s relativno uskim rasponom Weibullovih parametara. DCCA ukazuje na slične uzorke vjetra na svakom tornju i jake korelacije između mjernih mjesta unatoč udaljenostima između tornjeva čak do 300 km. Područje sjeverne Nevade pokazuje veći potencijal vjetra i veću postojanost vjetra u usporedbi sa zapadno-središnjom regijom. Sveukupno, rezul-tati DFA i DCCA ukazuju na veći stupanj komplementarnosti među podacima o vjetru na različitim mjestima u usporedbi s prethodnim standardnim statističkim analizama

    Managementul bazat pe cunostinte - o noua tendinta in managementul contemporan

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    Recent times have as a dominant feature "change" always and everywhere shown, with major implications for the evolution of contemporary society. Transformations and changes in the economic, political and social, are produced with an amazing speed and affect the visible organization XXI century and default management. The paper examines the importance of knowledge management in contemporary society and organizations ability to adapt to the specific future economy based on the values of knowledge, research and scientific creation. They are also called into question the concepts related to information society and the impact that it has this on organizations.knowledge management, organization, society information, swot analysis

    The relationship among economy, organization and management within new economies

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    „In the concept of a new economy that should integrate all stakeholders such as man, society, environment and organization, knowing natural, human and social life is becoming a greater and more comprehensive concern”. - D.J.Hickson Humankind is undergoing a historic process of passage to a new society, a new economic system that is modernized by IT. The new society is characterized by major changes as there is an upturn of values where knowledge has become the most important manufacturing factor in modern economy, meaning the bases of power exertion, generating productivity increase and ensuring business competitiveness. One can be certain that the future world ensuing from the current reshaping of values, beliefs, economic and social structures, of political concepts and systems, in brief of world conception shall be different from what anybody could imagine.new economy, organization, management, knowledge, business competitiveness.