675 research outputs found

    Capturing the industrial requirements of set-based design for CONGA framework

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    The Configuration Optimisation of Next-Generation Aircraft (CONGA) is a proposed framework in a response industrial need to enhance the aerospace capability in the UK. In order to successfully address this challenge, a need to develop a true multi-disciplinary Set-Based Design (SBD) capability that could deploy new technologies on novel configurations more quickly and with greater confidence was identified. This paper presents the first step towards the development of the SBD capabilities which is to elicit the industrial requirement of the SBD process for the key aerospace industrial partners involved in this CONGA approach

    Capturing the Industrial Requirements of Set-Based Design for the CONGA Framework

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    The Configuration Optimisation of Next-Generation Aircraft (CONGA) is a proposed framework in a response to industrial need to enhance the aerospace capability in the UK. In order to successfully address this challenge, a need to develop a true multi-disciplinary Set-Based Design (SBD) capability that could deploy new technologies on novel configurations more quickly and with greater confidence was identified. This paper presents the first step towards the development of the SBD capabilities which is to elicit the industrial requirement of the SBD process for the key aerospace industrial partners involved in this CONGA approach

    Preditores do turnover voluntário no comércio a retalho em centros comerciais: estudo de caso

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    Mestrado em Sociologia Económica e das OrganizaçõesTendo em consideração o elevado número de saídas por iniciativa do trabalhador que se registam nas lojas de centros comerciais e à luz das diversas teorias e investigações que têm sido desenvolvidas sobre o tema do turnover, o presente trabalho isola um conjunto de factores e propõe analisar a sua influência sobre os comportamentos de saída voluntária dos trabalhadores das lojas de centros comerciais. O modelo de análise definido contempla as seguintes variáveis: o mercado de trabalho - a percepção de alternativas e o tempo necessário para encontrar um novo emprego-, os custos ou ganhos associados à mudança, a satisfação no trabalho, a identificação profissional, o potencial motivador do trabalho desenvolvido e variáveis sócio-demográficas. Foi aplicado um questionário a 91 novos trabalhadores de lojas de vestuário, calçado e acessórios de insígnias internacionais localizadas na zona da Grande Lisboa, cuja última experiência profissional havia sido numa loja de centro comercial. Os resultados revelam que a decisão de sair voluntariamente de uma loja de centro comercial está associada à percepção da facilidade de encontrar um novo emprego, à obtenção de ganhos salariais e melhores oportunidades de desenvolvimento profissional com a mudança e ao baixo potencial motivador do trabalho exercido. As restantes variáveis consideradas não apresentaram uma relação significativa com o turnover.Voluntary turnover is high in shopping centres. This field study investigated the influence in exit behaviours of labour market perceptions - the number of alternatives and the amount of time to find a new job, gains of leaving the company, job satisfaction, the potential of job motivation, professional identity and personal variables, such as gender, age and education. 91 newcomers working in shopping centres shops in the Lisbon area answered a questionnaire about the last shop they had worked. The main drivers of voluntary turnover identified were: the ease of movement in terms of the short amount of time to find a new job, the earnings achieved with the change especially, salary gains and better professional development opportunities and the lower motivating work potential. The other variables considered were not significantly related to voluntary turnover

    Composite Dissolving Microneedles for Coordinated Control of Antigen and Adjuvant Delivery Kinetics in Transcutaneous Vaccination

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    Transcutaneous administration has the potential to improve therapeutics delivery, providing an approach that is safer and more convenient than traditional alternatives, while offering the opportunity for improved therapeutic efficacy through sustained/controlled drug release. To this end, a microneedle materials platform is demonstrated for rapid implantation of controlled-release polymer depots into the cutaneous tissue. Arrays of microneedles composed of drug-loaded poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microparticles or solid PLGA tips are prepared with a supporting and rapidly water-soluble poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) matrix. Upon application of microneedle patches to the skin of mice, the microneedles perforate the stratum corneum and epidermis. Penetration of the outer skin layers is followed by rapid dissolution of the PAA binder on contact with the interstitial fluid of the epidermis, implanting the microparticles or solid polymer microneedles in the tissue, which are retained following patch removal. These polymer depots remain in the skin for weeks following application and sustain the release of encapsulated cargos for systemic delivery. To show the utility of this approach the ability of these composite microneedle arrays to deliver a subunit vaccine formulation is demonstrated. In comparison to traditional needle-based vaccination, microneedle delivery gives improved cellular immunity and equivalent generation of serum antibodies, suggesting the potential of this approach for vaccine delivery. However, the flexibility of this system should allow for improved therapeutic delivery in a variety of diverse contexts.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and HarvardNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Award AI095109)United States. Army Research Office (Contract W911NF-07-D-0004

    Modelo de gestión para fortalecer la actuación de responsabilidad social ante el stakeholders, clientes, sociedad y alta gerencia para inproarroz Ltda.

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    ImágenesLa importancia de la actividad arrocera en los llanos orientales ha incentivado y promovida la dinámica de toda una industria dirigida a brindar a todos los productores el apoyo que exige este cultivo en la comercialización y suministro de insumos y el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y materiales genéticos . El apoyo a los productores y arroceros llaneros quizás ha sido un compromiso para la industria productora de arroz Inproarroz desde 1986. Es así como esta empresa comercial y molinera, la más importante de los llanos orientales y de las más destacadas del país, su actividad principal es la compra de arroz paddy para su procesamiento industrial y la posterior comercialización del arroz blanco. Para defender las cruciales necesidades del mercado a implementar, ha ampliado su infraestructura para optimizar sus productos y servicios, con ello nace el CIM, Centro de Investigación Microbiológico, contribuyendo a la necesidad del desarrollo biológico del agro, los agricultores, no obstante, genera un apoyo al impacto ambiental.The importance of rice activity in the eastern plains has en courage and promoted the dynamic of an entire industry aimed at providing all the producers the support that demands this crop in marketing and input supply and the development of new technologies and genetic material. The support for rice producers has been a commitment to the rice producer industry Inproarroz since 1986. Thus this trading company and mill, the largest in the eastern plains and one of the most important in the country, its main activity is the purchase of paddy rice for industrial processing and the subsequent marketing of white rice. To defend the crucial market needs for implement, has expanded its infrastructure to optimize their products and services, thereby born MRC, Microbiological Research Center, contributing to the need of the biological development of agriculture, farmers, however, generates a support for environmental impact

    Valor clínico de las escalas Hospital Admission Risk Profile (HARP) e Identification of Seniors at Risk (ISAR) para predecir el deterioro funcional asociado al ingreso hospitalario en una unidad geriátrica de agudos en Colombia

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    Los adultos mayores ingresados ​​en un hospital por una enfermedad aguda tienen un mayor riesgo de deterioro funcional asociado al hospital durante la estadía y después del alta. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar las capacidades de calibración y discriminación de las escalas de perfil de riesgo de admisión hospitalaria (HARP) e identificación de personas mayores en riesgo (ISAR) como predictores del deterioro funcional asociado al hospital al alta en una cohorte de pacientes mayores de 65 años que reciben manejo en una unidad de cuidados geriátricos de agudos en Colombia. Métodos: Este estudio es una validación externa de los modelos de predicción ISAR y HARP en una cohorte de pacientes mayores de 65 años atendidos en una unidad de cuidados geriátricos de agudos. El estudio incluyó pacientes con índice de Barthel medido al ingreso y al alta. La evaluación discrimina capacidad y calibración, dos aspectos fundamentales de las básculas. Resultados: De 833 pacientes evaluados, 363 (43,6%) presentaron deterioro funcional asociado al hospital al alta. El HARP subestimó el riesgo de deterioro funcional asociado al hospital para pacientes en categorías de riesgo bajo e intermedio (relación entre eventos observados/esperados (ROE) 1,82 y 1,51, respectivamente). El HARP sobrestimó el riesgo de deterioro funcional asociado al hospital para pacientes en la categoría de alto riesgo (ROE 0.91). El ISAR subestimó el riesgo de deterioro funcional asociado al hospital para pacientes en categorías de bajo y alto riesgo (ROE 1.59 y 1.11). Ambas escalas mostraron una pobre capacidad discriminativa, con un área bajo la curva (AUC) entre 0,55 y 0,60. Conclusiones: Este estudio encontró que las escalas HARP e ISAR tienen una capacidad discriminatoria limitada para predecir HAFD en el momento del alta. Las escalas HARP e ISAR deben usarse con cautela en la población colombiana ya que subestiman el riesgo de deterioro funcional asociado al hospital y tienen baja capacidad discriminativa.Q3Older adults admitted to a hospital for acute illness are at higher risk of hospital-associated functional decline during stays and after discharge. Objective: This study aimed to assess the calibration and discriminative abilities of the Hospital Admission Risk Profile (HARP) and the Identification of Seniors at Risk (ISAR) scales as predictors of hospital-associated functional decline at discharge in a cohort of patients older than age 65 receiving management in an acute geriatric care unit in Colombia. Methods: This study is an external validation of ISAR and HARP prediction models in a cohort of patients over 65 years managed in an acute geriatric care unit. The study included patients with Barthel index measured at admission and discharge. The evaluation discriminate ability and calibration, two fundamental aspects of the scales. Results: Of 833 patients evaluated, 363 (43.6%) presented hospital-associated functional decline at discharge. The HARP underestimated the risk of hospital-associated functional decline for patients in low- and intermediate-risk categories (relation between observed/expected events (ROE) 1.82 and 1.51, respectively). The HARP overestimated the risk of hospital-associated functional decline for patients in the high-risk category (ROE 0.91). The ISAR underestimated the risk of hospital-associated functional decline for patients in low- and high-risk categories (ROE 1.59 and 1.11). Both scales showed poor discriminative ability, with an area under the curve (AUC) between 0.55 and 0.60. Conclusions: This study found that HARP and ISAR scales have limited discriminative ability to predict HAFD at discharge. The HARP and ISAR scales should be used cautiously in the Colombian population since they underestimate the risk of hospital-associated functional decline and have low discriminative ability.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8584-3191https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ns-9aAgAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=aohttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001337521Revista Nacional - IndexadaS

    Social Determinants of Disease: HIV and COVID-19 Experiences

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    Purpose of Review: The differential impact of the COVID-19 and HIV pandemics on marginalized communities has renewed calls for more robust and deeper investigation into structural and social causes of health inequities contributing to these infections, including underlying factors related to systematic racism. Using the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) framework, we analyzed parallel and divergent factors associated with COVID-19 and HIV/AIDS and the prevalence of disparate disease in diverse communities. We utilized PRISMA guidelines to identify relevant literature (N = 210 articles) that resulted in a review of 125 articles included in our synthesis. Recent Findings: With racial health inequities as a core contributor to disease vulnerability, we also identified other factors such as economic stability, social and community support, the neighborhood and built environment, healthcare access and quality, and education access and quality as important socioecological considerations toward achieving health equity. Our review identifies structural and systematic factors that drive HIV and COVID-19 transmission. Summary: Our review highlights the importance of not solely focusing on biomedical interventions as solutions to ending HIV and COVID-19, but rather call for building a more just public health and social service safety net that meets the needs of people at the intersection of multiple vulnerabilities

    Atraso na inicialização em bombas de infusão por seringa com diferentes velocidades de infusão e técnicas de preenchimento do sistema de infusão

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    Objetivo: Verificar o atraso de inicialização de bomba de infusão, segundo diferentes marcas de bombas de infusão, velocidades e técnicas de preenchimento do sistema de infusão intravenosa.Método: Estudo experimental que simulou a prática clínica, utilizando seringas de 50 mL com solução de NaCl 0,9%, duas marcas de bombas de infusão por seringa (A e B), seis velocidades (0,3;0,5;1,0; 5; 10 e 20 mL/h), dois modos de preenchimento do sistema (manual ou eletrônico pelo modo bolus do equipamento). Os dados foram analisados segundo média, desvio padrão e testes t de Student e ANOVA (p<0,05).Resultados: O atraso na inicialização foi maior em velocidades baixas, independentemente da marca e modo de preenchimento. O preenchimento eletrônico aumentou a acurácia na bomba A em 0,3 mL/h (p=0,010), 0,5 mL/h (p=0,002) e 1,0 mL/h (p=0,004). A acurácia em preenchimento manual foi semelhante.Conclusão: Em baixas velocidades de infusão o atraso de inicialização foi maior e o preenchimento do sistema de infusão pelo modo eletrônico melhorou a acurácia dos equipamentos. Palavras-chave: Cuidados críticos. Bombas de infusão. Enfermagem. Segurança do paciente. Seringas

    Tres nuevos portainjertos híbridos de cítricos, su crecimiento inicial y tolerancia a diferentes condiciones de conductividad eléctrica producto de la fertilización

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    PósterLa selección de portainjertos en los cítricos está direccionada, entre otros objetivos, a sortear diferentes tipos de estreses ocasionados por condiciones ambientales. La salinidad, producida por fertilizantes y/o por agua de riego, que se puede estimar indirectamente por variaciones de conductividad eléctrica es uno de los principales estreses por las pérdidas en producción que ocasiona en el mundo. Tanto los efectos del estrés salino como la capacidad de las plantas de tolerarlo dependen del genotipo del portainjerto. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la respuesta a diferentes niveles de conductividad eléctrica, producto de la fertilización en etapas iniciales del crecimiento, de tres nuevos híbridos de cítricos con potencial uso comercial como portainjertos.EEA Bella VistaFil: Leguizamón, Franco Maximiliano. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina.Fil: Gaiad, José Emilio. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina.Fil: Beltrán, Víctor Manuel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bella Vista; ArgentinaFil: Alayón Luaces, Paula. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina

    Evaluation of parameters for the propagation of three new hybrid citrus rootstocks of potential commercial use

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    Los portainjertos son clave en la producción de frutales leñosos, ya que influyen en la precocidad, tolerancia a plagas y enfermedades y en el vigor de las plantas. En el INTA EEA Bella Vista hay árboles adultos de híbridos que se encuentran en plena producción pero que aún no han sido evaluados como portainjertos potenciales para el sector citrícola del NEA. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar parámetros para la propagación de tres híbridos de cítricos con potencial uso comercial. Se evaluaron las características de árboles madre y frutos, poliembrionía, y comportamiento en almácigo. También luego de 0, 45, 90 y 180 días de almacenamiento se midió porcentaje de germinación y energía germinativa de 18 plantas de 3 híbridos procedentes de cruzamientos dirigidos: mandarino ‘Cleopatra’ [Citrus reshni Hort ex Tan.] × trifolio [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.] (Cl×Tf), ‘Citrange Troyer’ [C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck] × trifolio [P. trifoliata (L.) Raf.] × mandarino común [Citrus deliciosa Ten.] (T×C) y naranjo agrio Citrus auratium L. × mandarino ‘Cleopatra’ [Citrus reshni Hort ex Tan.] (Ag×Cl). Las plantas de menor tamaño a campo fueron las del híbrido de Ag×Cl. La combinación T×C tuvo buena cantidad de semillas y aseguró buen poder germinativo hasta 180 días almacenamiento. La alta poliembrionía de Cl×Tf aseguró la obtención de plantas nucelares en vivero.The rootstocks are an important section of the woody fruit scions, are key at the planification of the field because it influence on the precocity, pest and disease tolerance and on the vigor of the plants. At the INTA EEA Bella Vista there are adult trees of hybrids that are in full production but have not yet been evaluated as potential rootstocks for the NEA citrus sector. The objective of the work was to evaluate properties for the propagation of three hybrid citrus rootstocks with potential commercial use. Characteristics of mother trees and fruits, polyembryony, and seedling behavior were evaluated. Also, after 0, 45, 90 y 180 days of storage, germination percentage and energy were measured in eighteen plants from three hybrids: 1) ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin [Citrus reshni Hort ex Tan.] × trifolio [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.] (Cl×Tf), 2) ‘Citrange Troyer’ [C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck] × trifolio [P. trifoliata (L.) Raf.] × tangerina [Citrus deliciosa Ten.] (T×C) and 3) sour orange [Citrus auratium L. × ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin [Citrus reshni Hort ex Tan.] (Ag×Cl). The smallest plants in the field were that coming from Ag×Cl hybrid. The T×C combination has a good amount of seeds and its storage behavior ensures good germination until after 180 days of harvest. The Cl×Tf hybrid was the latest to germinate, but the high presence of polyembryony ensures the obtaining of nucelar plants in nursery.EEA Bella VistaFil: Cegelski, Leandro E. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina.Fil: Beltrán, Víctor Manuel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bella Vista; Argentina.Fil: Gaiad, José E. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina.Fil: Alayón Luaces, Paula. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina
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