69 research outputs found

    Reproductive Health and Rights in the Northern Territory : reforming the Medical Services Act 1974<br />

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    1. This discussion paper was prepared for the purposes of a panel event on the 24th ofNovember 2014. It deals with Australia&rsquo;s international obligations in relation toreproductive health and the current state of the law in relation to abortion in the NorthernTerritory (NT) of Australia which is largely set out in the Medical Services Act 1974(MSA) and the NT Criminal Code (NTCC). We have provided some data, whereavailable, although current and accurate data is problematic. We have found that somelegislation on reproductive health across Australia has been reformed although the resultis by no means uniform.2. Our preliminary conclusion is that the current state of the law in relation to reproductivehealth in the NT puts Australia in breach of its international law obligations to providewomen and girls with the right to reproductive health and the highest standards ofmedical care. Medical professionals, women and girls in the NT are criminalised. Womenand girls in the NT are prevented from being able to determine freely and responsibly thenumber and spacing of their children and are unnecessarily exposed to health risks withconsequent physical and emotional damage, as well as experiencing a lack of privacy.This constitutes a serious breach of the state&rsquo;s duty of care that, in our preliminary view,will require a report to the next CEDAW Committee.3. It is also our preliminary view that immediate remedial action must be taken to enablefreedom of choice for women and girls and the provision of flexible and suitable medicalor surgical abortion services in the Northern Territory and to enable Australia to movetowards better compliance with international obligations in the context of reproductivehealth.4. To this end, we make recommendations for urgent implementation which were informedthrough discussion with interested parties to form a picture as to what is or may beachieved by way of both legal reform and practical measures

    Growing Up Our Way : The First Year of Life in Remote Aboriginal Australia

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    In this study, we attempted to explore the experiences and beliefs of Aboriginal families as they cared for their children in the first year of life. We collected family stories concerning child rearing, development, behavior, health, and wellbeing between each infant’s birth and first birthday. We found significant differences in parenting behaviors and childrearing practices between Aboriginal groups and mainstream Australians. Aboriginal parents perceived their children to be autonomous individuals with responsibilities toward a large family group. The children were active agents in determining their own needs, highly prized, and included in all aspects of community life. Concurrent with poverty, neocolonialism, and medical hegemony, child-led parenting styles hamper the effectiveness of health services. Hence, until the planners of Australia’s health systems better understand Aboriginal knowledge systems and incorporate them into their planning, we can continue to expect the failure of government and health services among Aboriginal communities

    Defining Remoteness from Health Care: Integrated Research on Accessing Emergency Maternal Care in Indonesia<br />

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    The causes of maternal death are well known, and are largely preventable if skilled health care is received promptly. Complex interactions between geographic and socio-cultural factors affect access to, and remoteness from, health care but research on this topic rarely integrates spatial and social sciences. In this study, modeling of travel time was integrated with social science research to refine our understanding of remoteness from health care. Travel time to health facilities offering emergency obstetric care (EmOC) and population distribution were modelled for a district in eastern Indonesia. As an index of remoteness, the proportion of the population more than two hours estimated travel time from EmOC was calculated. For the best case scenario (transport by ambulance in the dry season), modelling estimated more than 10,000 fertile aged women were more than two hours from EmOC. Maternal mortality ratios were positively correlated with the remoteness index, however there was considerable variation around this relationship. In a companion study, ethnographic research in a subdistrict with relatively good access to health care and high maternal mortality identified factors influencing access to EmOC, including some that had not been incorporated into the travel time model. Ethnographic research provided information about actual travel involved in requesting and reaching EmOC. Modeled travel time could be improved by incorporating time to deliver request for care. Further integration of social and spatial methods and the development of more dynamic travel time models are needed to develop programs and policies to address these multiple factors to improve maternal health outcomes

    Improving Aboriginal maternal and infant health services in the ‘Top End’ of Australia; synthesis of the findings of a health services research program aimed at engaging stakeholders, developing research capacity and embedding change

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    © 2014 Barclay et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.BACKGROUND: Health services research is a well-articulated research methodology and can be a powerful vehicle to implement sustainable health service reform. This paper presents a summary of a five-year collaborative program between stakeholders and researchers that led to sustainable improvements in the maternity services for remote-dwelling Aboriginal women and their infants in the Top End (TE) of Australia. METHODS: A mixed-methods health services research program of work was designed, using a participatory approach. The study area consisted of two large remote Aboriginal communities in the Top End of Australia and the hospital in the regional centre (RC) that provided birth and tertiary care for these communities. The stakeholders included consumers, midwives, doctors, nurses, Aboriginal Health Workers (AHW), managers, policy makers and support staff. Data were sourced from: hospital and health centre records; perinatal data sets and costing data sets; observations of maternal and infant health service delivery and parenting styles; formal and informal interviews with providers and women and focus groups. Studies examined: indicator sets that identify best care, the impact of quality of care and remoteness on health outcomes, discrepancies in the birth counts in a range of different data sets and ethnographic studies of 'out of hospital' or health centre birth and parenting. A new model of maternity care was introduced by the health service aiming to improve care following the findings of our research. Some of these improvements introduced during the five-year research program of research were evaluated. RESULTS: Cost effective improvements were made to the acceptability, quality and outcomes of maternity care. However, our synthesis identified system-wide problems that still account for poor quality of infant services, specifically, unacceptable standards of infant care and parent support, no apparent relationship between volume and acuity of presentations and staff numbers with the required skills for providing care for infants, and an 'outpatient' model of care. Services were also characterised by absent Aboriginal leadership and inadequate coordination between remote and tertiary services that is essential to improve quality of care and reduce 'system-introduced' risk. CONCLUSION: Evidence-informed redesign of maternity services and delivery of care has improved clinical effectiveness and quality for women. However, more work is needed to address substandard care provided for infants and their parents

    Improving Aboriginal maternal and infant health services in the \u27Top End\u27 of Australia; synthesis of the findings of a health services research program aimed at engaging stakeholders, developing research capacity and embedding change

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    BackgroundHealth services research is a well-articulated research methodology and can be a powerful vehicle to implement sustainable health service reform. This paper presents a summary of a five-year collaborative program between stakeholders and researchers that led to sustainable improvements in the maternity services for remote-dwelling Aboriginal women and their infants in the Top End (TE) of Australia. MethodsA mixed-methods health services research program of work was designed, using a participatory approach. The study area consisted of two large remote Aboriginal communities in the Top End of Australia and the hospital in the regional centre (RC) that provided birth and tertiary care for these communities. The stakeholders included consumers, midwives, doctors, nurses, Aboriginal Health Workers (AHW), managers, policy makers and support staff. Data were sourced from: hospital and health centre records; perinatal data sets and costing data sets; observations of maternal and infant health service delivery and parenting styles; formal and informal interviews with providers and women and focus groups. Studies examined: indicator sets that identify best care, the impact of quality of care and remoteness on health outcomes,&nbsp;&nbsp;discrepancies in the birth counts in a range of different data sets and ethnographic studies of &lsquo;out of hospital&rsquo; or health centre birth and parenting. A new model of maternity care was introduced by the health service aiming to improve care following the findings of our research. Some of these improvements introduced during the five-year research program of research were evaluated. ResultsCost effective improvements were made to the acceptability, quality and outcomes of maternity care. However, our synthesis identified system-wide problems that still account for poor quality of infant services, specifically, unacceptable standards of infant care and parent support, no apparent relationship between volume and acuity of presentations and staff numbers with the required skills for providing care for infants, and an &lsquo;outpatient&rsquo; model of care. Services were also characterised by absent Aboriginal leadership and inadequate coordination between remote and tertiary services that is essential to improve quality of care and reduce &lsquo;system-introduced&rsquo; risk. ConclusionEvidence-informed redesign of maternity services and delivery of care has improved clinical&nbsp;effectiveness and quality for women. However, more work is needed to address substandard care provided for infants and their parents

    Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy: strategies and lessons learnt implementing a population-based study in Australia

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    Background The global burden of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is two-to-four times higher in women, with a heightened risk in pregnancy. In Australia, RHD is found predominantly among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Methods This paper reviews processes developed to identify pregnant Australian women with RHD during a 2-year population-based study using the Australasian Maternity Outcomes Surveillance System (AMOSS). It evaluates strategies developed to enhance reporting and discusses implications for patient care and public health. Results AMOSS maternity coordinators across 262 Australian sites reported cases. An extended network across cardiac, Aboriginal and primary healthcare strengthened surveillance and awareness. The network notified 495 potential cases, of which 192 were confirmed. Seventy-eight per cent were Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women, with a prevalence of 22 per 1000 in the Northern Territory. Discussion Effective surveillance was challenged by a lack of diagnostic certainty, incompatible health information systems and varying clinical awareness among health professionals. Optimal outcomes for pregnant women with RHD demand timely diagnosis and access to collaborative care. Conclusion The strategies employed by this study highlight gaps in reporting processes and the opportunity pregnancy provides for diagnosis and re/engagement with health services to support better continuity of care and promote improved outcomes.The authors gratefully acknowledge aid from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) project grant #1024206 and NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarship #11332944; University of Technology Sydney Chancellor’s Research Scholarship; and END RHD Centre of Research Excellence, Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia
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