44 research outputs found


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    Aim. To explore the detection rate of chlamydia infection and immunological features of children with acute maxillary sinusitis. Patients and methods. Сlinical epidemiologic characteristics of the course of acute maxillary sinusitis were studied in the way of medical examination provided for 58 children in the ages from 3 to 15 years, patients of ENT department. In order to identify Chlamydia structures and specific antibodies we used direct (polymerase-chain reaction, direct immune fluorescence) and indirect (immune enzyme analysis) methods. The research for cellular link of immunity was carried out by indirect immune fluorescence technique, using monoclonal antibodies. Results. The authors report on high level of Chlamydia infection in epithelium of nasal mucosa, and also type structure of verified Chlamydia, clinical signs and peculiarities of immune response in children with acute maxillary sinusitis associated with this infection. Conclusions: Chlamydia was detected in 48 % of children with acute maxillary sinusitis infection with prevalence of Chlamydophila pneumoniae. Optimal for detection of chlamydia infection is a disease duration not exceeding 2 weeks. The special features of clinical and immunological manifestations in children with acute sinusitis, paired with Chlamydia infection are the more frequent complaints of pain in the affected sinuses, expressed symptoms of intoxication, and the presence of an imbalance in cellular immunity , manifested a relative lymphopenia and activation of T-lymphocytes CD8+. Цель исследования: изучить частоту выявления хламидийной инфекции и ее иммунологические особенности у детей с острым верхнечелюстным синуситом. Пациенты и методы: клинико-эпидемиологические особенности течения острого верхнечелюстного синусита исследовали на основании обследования 58 детей в возрасте от 3 до 15 лет, находящихся на стационарном лечении в ЛОР-отделении. Для идентификации хламидийных структур и специфических антител применяли метод полимеразной цепной реакции, прямой иммунофлуоресценции и иммуноферментный анализ. Исследование клеточного звена иммунитета проводили методом непрямой иммунофлуоресценции с использованием моноклональных антител. Результаты: показана высокая инфицированность эпителия слизистой оболочки носа хламидийной инфекцией, представлена видовая структура верифицированных хламидий, описаны клинические проявления и особенности иммунного ответа организма ребенка, больного острым верхнечелюстным синуситом, ассоциированным с этой инфекцией. Выводы: хламидии были обнаружены у 48% детей, больных острым верхнечелюстным синуситом с преобладанием инфицирования Chlamydophila pneumoniae. Оптимальным сроком для выявления хламидийной инфекции является длительность заболевания не превышающая 2 недель. К особенностям клинико-иммунологических проявлений у детей с острым синуситом, сопряженным с хламидийной инфекцией, относятся более частые жалобы на болевые ощущения в области пораженных пазух, выраженные симптомы общей интоксикации, а также наличие дисбаланса в клеточном звене иммунитета, проявляющегося относительной лимфопенией и активацией Т-лимфоцитов CD8+.

    Growth factors of fibroblasts and vascular en-dothelium in the early stages of knee osteoarthritis

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    Aim: to compare and study the relationship between the maintenance of vascular endothelial growth factor and acidic fibroblast growth factor in individuals with the initial clinical and radiological manifestations of the degeneration of the hyaline cartilage of the knee joints and healthy people. Material and Methods. 27 women with initial symptoms of knee osteoarthritis (main group, average age</p

    Peculiarities of remodeling of hyalin cartilage at early stages of development of degenerative-distrophic processes of knee joints

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    The aim is to develop methods for detection of hyaline cartilage metabolic imbalance in patients with initial degenerative dystrophic changes in the substantiated pathogenetically knee. Material and Methods. Subject of inquiry: 50 women aged from 35 up to 57 (49.1 ±2.4), among them 36 patients with an early stage of knee osteoarthrosis made up an experimental group, 14 women without any musculoskeletal disease clinical presentations made up a control group. We carried out a complex examination including physical assessment, study of orthopaedic status, interview with the use of KOOS (Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score) scale, roentgenography and MRI of the knee and also a number of laboratory tests: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay determination of the content of cytokine profile indices (IL-1, TNF-a, IL-6), cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) and bone (SerumCrossLaps and bone isozyme of alkaline phosphatase (BAP)) tissue metabolism markers in blood serum in all the groups of patients. Results. In all the patients of the experimental group the roentgenologic stage of osteoarthrosis was defined as 0-1 according to J. Lawrence and J. Kellgren, but at the same time knee degenerative changes were objectivized on the series of MR images in the form of MR signal changes of the articular cartilage, erosions and cysts, degenerative meniscus. We observed increased serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) in the same group and that is characteristic of hyaline cartilage destruction activation. We also detect disorders in bone tissue remodeling in the form of bone resorption intensification (Serum CrossLaps), osteogenesis increase (BAP) and activation of proinflammatory cytokine system link (IL-1, TNF-a). Conclusion. The leading pathogenetic links of the early degenerative changes of the knee are hyperproduction of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1, TNF-a), destruction of the hyaline cartilage and disorder in bone tissue remodeling. Assessment of biochemical predictors of cartilage and bone tissue degradation along with the instrumental methods of diagnosis is of great theoretical and practical importance in the system of early detection of incipient osteoarthrosis.</p

    23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference: summary of sessions EX/C and ICC

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    An overview is given of recent experimental results in the areas of innovative confinement concepts, operational scenarios and confinement experiments as presented at the 2010 IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. Important new findings are presented from fusion devices worldwide, with a strong focus towards the scientific and technical issues associated with ITER and W7-X devices, presently under construction

    Hybrid simulations of sub-cyclotron compressional and global Alfven Eigenmode stability in spherical tokamaks

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    A comprehensive numerical study has been conducted in order to investigate the stability of beam-driven, sub-cyclotron frequency compressional (CAE) and global (GAE) Alfven Eigenmodes in low aspect ratio plasmas for a wide range of beam parameters. The presence of CAEs and GAEs has previously been linked to anomalous electron temperature profile flattening at high beam power in NSTX experiments, prompting further examination of the conditions for their excitation. Linear simulations are performed with the hybrid MHD-kinetic initial value code HYM in order to capture the general Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance that drives the modes. Three distinct types of modes are found in simulations -- co-CAEs, cntr-GAEs, and co-GAEs -- with differing spectral and stability properties. The simulations reveal that unstable GAEs are more ubiquitous than unstable CAEs, consistent with experimental observations, as they are excited at lower beam energies and generally have larger growth rates. Local analytic theory is used to explain key features of the simulation results, including the preferential excitation of different modes based on beam injection geometry and the growth rate dependence on the beam injection velocity, critical velocity, and degree of velocity space anisotropy. The background damping rate is inferred from simulations and estimated analytically for relevant sources not present in the simulation model, indicating that co-CAEs are closer to marginal stability than modes driven by the cyclotron resonances.readme and digital data file

    Energetic-particle-modified global Alfven eigenmodes

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    Fully self-consistent hybrid MHD/particle simulations reveal strong energetic particle modifications to sub-cyclotron global Alfven eigenmodes (GAE) in low-aspect ratio, NSTX-like conditions. Key parameters defining the fast ion distribution function -- the normalized injection velocity v_0/v_A and central pitch -- are varied in order to study their influence on the characteristics of the excited modes. It is found that the frequency of the most unstable mode changes significantly and continuously with beam parameters, in accordance with the Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonances which drive the modes, and depending most substantially on v_0/v_A. This unexpected result is present for both counter-propagating GAEs, which are routinely excited in NSTX, and high frequency co-GAEs, which have not been previously studied. Large changes in frequency without clear corresponding changes in mode structure could indicate the existence of a new energetic particle mode, referred to here as an energetic-particle-modified GAE (EP-GAE). Additional simulations conducted for a fixed MHD equilibrium demonstrate that the GAE frequency shift cannot be explained by the equilibrium changes due to energetic particle effects.readme, digital data file

    The effect of irradiation on hydrodynamic properties of extraction mixtures based on diamides of N-heterocyclic dicarboxylic acids in heavy fluorinated diluents

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    Hydrodynamic properties have been investigated for promising extraction systems: 0.05 mol L−1 solutions of di(N-ethyl-4-ethylanilide) of 2,2′-bipyridine-6,6′-dicarboxylic acid, di(N-ethyl-4-fluoroanilide) of 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid and di(N-ethyl-4-hexylanilide) of 2,2′-bipyridine-6,6′-dicarboxylic acid in meta-nitrobenzotrifluoride (F-3) or trifluoromethylphenyl sulfone (FS-13) diluents. To evaluate the perspectives for their use as extraction mixtures at the final stage of the nuclear fuel cycle, the change in density, viscosity, surface tension, and phase separation rate under irradiation with accelerated electrons was studied. The concentrations of extractants in the irradiated mixtures have been determined and the radiation-chemical yields have been calculated. Irradiation significantly decreases the phase separation rate at the stages of extraction and back extraction for all the studied systems. The viscosity of the DYP-7 solution in FS-13 increase above the values suitable for its use in extraction processes. Keywords: Diamides of dicarboxylic acids, Meta-nitrobenzotrifluoride, Trifluoromethylphenyl sulfone, Irradiation, Hydrodynamic stabilit

    Cytologic assessment of dynamics of reparative processes in the experimental conditionally aseptic wound under the action of complex preparation based on chitosan and metal nanoparticles

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    Objective: assessment of dynamics of reparative processes with the help of cytological examination of the preparations obtained from a conditionally aseptic wound under the action of a complex preparation based on biopolymer chitosan and metal nanoparticles. Material and Methods. A conditionally aseptic wound was simulated in 40 white outbred rats. In comparison and experimental groups cytologic assessment of dynamics of reparative processes was carried out. A number of neutrophilic leukocytes and fibroblastic row perl 00 cells in the preparations is recorded on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 14th day from the moment of formation of the wound with the use of the immersion objective. Results. It is established, that in the comparison group the cytologic pattern of impression smear was characterized by decrease in neutrophilic leukocytes and increase in fibroblastic row cells by the 14th day from the moment of formation of the wound. In the experimental group (the use of a complex preparation) more intensive reduction of neutrophilic leukocytes and a significant increase in fibroblastic row cells by the 10th day and a complete healing by the 14th day from the moment of formation of the wound has been determined. Conclusion. When treated by a complex preparation based of biopolymer chitosan and metal nanoparticles earlier occurrence of fibroblastic row cells in preparations and a significant decrease in quantity of neutrophilic leukocytes have been observed

    Analytic stability boundaries for compressional and global Alfven eigenmodes driven by fast ions. II. Interaction via Landau resonance.

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    Conditions for net fast ion drive are derived for beam-driven, co-propagating, sub-cyclotron compressional (CAE) and global (GAE) Alfven eigenmodes driven by the Landau resonance with super-Alfvenic fast ions. Approximations applicable to realistic neutral beam distributions and mode characteristics observed in spherical tokamaks enable the derivation of marginal stability conditions for these modes. Such conditions successfully reproduce the stability boundaries found from numerical integration of the exact expression for local fast ion drive/damping. Coupling between the CAE and GAE branches of the dispersion due to finite \omega/\omega_{ci} and k_\parallel/k_\perp is retained and found to be responsible for the existence of the GAE instability via this resonance. Encouraging agreement is demonstrated between the approximate stability criterion, simulation results, and a database of NSTX observations of co-CAEs.readme and digital data file

    Особенности экспрессии коллагена IV типа в базалиоме кожи

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    Rationale: Type IV collagen is the main component of the basal membrane ensuring its integrity. Basal membrane destruction is associated with absent type IV collagen expression being directly related to an increased tumor invasion risk. Specifics of the protein expression in various morphological types of basal cell carcinoma have not been well described. Aim: To study the association between type IV collagen expression and basal cell carcinoma morphological structure and invasion potential. Materials and methods: We performed an immunohistochemistry analysis with anti-type IV collagen antibodies on 30 biopsy specimens of the skin involved with basal cell carcinoma. Results: The superficial multicentric type of basal cell carcinoma differed from the solid, micronodular, and infiltrative types by linear continuous type IV collagen expression (р 0.0083). Most often, there was no type IV collagen expression in the micronodular and infiltrative basal cell carcinomas; however, no significant difference of the solid type and each of the abovementioned types was found. Aggressive basal cell carcinoma types (micronodular and infiltrative, taken together) were significantly different (р = 0.033) from the solid type by the absence of type IV collagen expression. Linear continuous expression was seen exclusively in basal cell carcinomas with the invasion of 0.825 mm. Conclusion: We have identified the difference in type IV collagen expression depending on the morphological type of basal cell skin carcinoma, prevailing linear continuous expression in the superficial multicentric type and its absence in the micronodular and infiltrative types.Актуальность. Коллаген IV типа - основной компонент базальной мембраны, обеспечивающий ее целостность. При разрушении базальной мембраны отмечается исчезновение экспрессии коллагена IV типа, что напрямую связано с возрастанием инвазивного потенциала опухоли. В полной мере не определены особенности экспрессии этого белка при различных морфологических типах базалиомы. Цель - изучение взаимосвязи между экспрессией коллагена IV типа, морфологическим строением и инвазивным потенциалом базалиомы. Материал и методы. Проведено иммуногистохимическое исследование с антителами к коллагену IV типа биопсийного материала 30 базалиом кожи. Результаты. Линейная непрерывная экспрессия коллагена IV типа отличала (р 0,0083) поверхностный мульти-центрический тип от солидного, микронодулярного и инфильтративного. В микронодулярном и инфильтративном типах базалиомы чаще всего экспрессия коллагена IV отсутствовала, однако статистически значимого отличия солидного от каждого из этих типов получено не было. Суммарно агрессивные типы базалиомы (микронодулярный и инфильтративный) значимо (р = 0,033) отличались от солидного тем, что в них преимущественно отсутствовала экспрессия коллагена IV типа. Исключительно линейная непрерывная экспрессия наблюдалась в базалиомах глубиной 0,825 мм. Заключение. Установлены различия в экспрессии коллагена IV типа в зависимости от морфологического типа базалиомы, преобладание линейной непрерывной экспрессии в поверхностном мультицентрическом типе и ее отсутствие в ми-кронодулярном и инфильтративном