239 research outputs found

    Nonlocal homogenization for nonlinear metamaterials

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    ©2016 American Physical Society. We present a consistent theoretical approach for calculating effective nonlinear susceptibilities of metamaterials taking into account both frequency and spatial dispersion. Employing the discrete dipole model, we demonstrate that effects of spatial dispersion become especially pronounced in the vicinity of effective permittivity resonance where nonlinear susceptibilities reach their maxima. In that case spatial dispersion may enable simultaneous generation of two harmonic signals with the same frequency and polarization but different wave vectors. We also prove that the derived expressions for nonlinear susceptibilities transform into the known form when spatial dispersion effects are negligible. In addition to revealing new physical phenomena, our results provide useful theoretical tools for analyzing resonant nonlinear metamaterials

    Nonlinear symmetry breaking in photometamaterials

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    © 2018 American Physical Society. We design and analyze theoretically photometamaterials with each meta-atom containing both photodiode and light-emitting diode. Illumination of the photodiode by the light-emitting diode gives rise to an additional optical feedback within each unit cell, which strongly affects resonant properties and nonlinear response of the meta-atom. In particular, we demonstrate that inversion symmetry breaking occurs upon a certain threshold magnitude of the incident wave intensity resulting in an abrupt emergence of second-harmonic generation, which was not originally available, as well as in the reduced third-harmonic signal

    Broadband diamagnetism in anisotropic metamaterials

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    We discuss the strategy for achieving the values of the effective magnetic permeability much smaller than unity by employing an appropriate arrangement of metamaterial elements ("meta-atoms"). We demonstrate that strong diamagnetism over a very wide frequency range can be realized in metamaterials by employing nonresonant elements with deeply subwavelength dimensions. We analyze the effect of the lattice parameters on the diamagnetic response and find that selecting an appropriate lattice type is crucial for optimal performance. Finally, we discuss the optimal characteristics required to obtain the lowest possible values of magnetic permeability and point out an efficient tuning possibility. © 2013 American Physical Society

    Broadband isotropic μ-near-zero metamaterials

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    Natural diamagnetism, while being a common phenomenon, is limited to permeability values close to unity. Artificial diamagnetics, to the contrary, can be engineered to provide much lower values and may even possess an effective permeability close to zero. In this letter, we provide an experimental confirmation of the possibility to obtain extremely low permeability values by manufacturing an isotropic metamaterial composed of conducting cubes. We show that the practical assembly is quite sensitive to fabrication tolerances and demonstrate that permeability of about μ = 0.15 is realisable. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC

    Far-field probing of leaky topological states in all-dielectric metasurfaces

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Topological phase transitions in condensed matter systems give rise to exotic states of matter such as topological insulators, superconductors, and superfluids. Photonic topological systems open a whole new realm of research and technological opportunities, exhibiting a number of important distinctions from their condensed matter counterparts. Photonic modes can leak into free space, which makes it possible to probe topological photonic phases by spectroscopic means via Fano resonances. Based on this idea, we develop a technique to retrieve the topological properties of all-dielectric metasurfaces from the measured far-field scattering characteristics. Collected angle-resolved spectra provide the momentum-dependent frequencies and lifetimes of the photonic modes that enable the retrieval of the effective Hamiltonian and extraction of the topological invariant. Our results demonstrate how the topological states of open non-Hermitian systems can be explored via far-field measurements, thus paving a way to the design of metasurfaces with unique scattering characteristics controlled via topological effects

    Revisiting the wire medium: a resonant metalens

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    This article is the first one in a series of two dealing with the concept of "resonant metalens" we recently introduced [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 203901 (2010)]. Here, we focus on the physics of a medium with finite dimensions consisting on a square lattice of parallel conducting wires arranged on a sub-wavelength scale. This medium supports electromagnetic fields that vary much faster than the operating wavelength. We show that such modes are dispersive due to the finiteness of the medium. Their dispersion relation is established in a simple way, a link with designer plasmons is made, and the canalization phenomenon is reinterpreted at the light of our model. We explain how to take advantage of this dispersion in order to code sub-wavelength wave fields in time. Finally, we show that the resonant nature of the medium ensures an efficient coupling of these modes with free space propagating waves and, thanks to the Purcell effect, with a source placed in the near field of the medium

    Metamaterials with conformational nonlinearity

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    Within a decade of fruitful development, metamaterials became a prominent area of research, bridging theoretical and applied electrodynamics, electrical engineering and material science. Being man-made structures, metamaterials offer a particularly useful playground to develop interdisciplinary concepts. Here we demonstrate a novel principle in metamaterial assembly which integrates electromagnetic, mechanical, and thermal responses within their elements. Through these mechanisms, the conformation of the meta-molecules changes, providing a dual mechanism for nonlinearity and offering nonlinear chirality. Our proposal opens a wide road towards further developments of nonlinear metamaterials and photonic structures, adding extra flexibility to their design and control

    Extreme stiffness hyperbolic elastic metamaterial for total transmission subwavelength imaging

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    Subwavelength imaging by metamaterials and extended work to pursue total transmission has been successfully demonstrated with electromagnetic and acoustic waves very recently. However, no elastic counterpart has been reported because earlier attempts suffer from considerable loss. Here, for the first time, we realize an elastic hyperbolic metamaterial lens and experimentally show total transmission subwavelength imaging with measured wave field inside the metamaterial lens. The main idea is to compensate for the decreased impedance in the perforated elastic metamaterial by utilizing extreme stiffness, which has not been independently actualized in a continuum elastic medium so far. The fabricated elastic lens is capable of directly transferring subwavelength information from the input to the output boundary. In the experiment, this intriguing phenomenon is confirmed by scanning the elastic structures inside the lens with laser scanning vibrometer. The proposed elastic metamaterial lens will bring forth significant guidelines for ultrasonic imaging techniquesope

    Past Achievements and Future Challenges in 3D Photonic Metamaterials

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    Photonic metamaterials are man-made structures composed of tailored micro- or nanostructured metallo-dielectric sub-wavelength building blocks that are densely packed into an effective material. This deceptively simple, yet powerful, truly revolutionary concept allows for achieving novel, unusual, and sometimes even unheard-of optical properties, such as magnetism at optical frequencies, negative refractive indices, large positive refractive indices, zero reflection via impedance matching, perfect absorption, giant circular dichroism, or enhanced nonlinear optical properties. Possible applications of metamaterials comprise ultrahigh-resolution imaging systems, compact polarization optics, and cloaking devices. This review describes the experimental progress recently made fabricating three-dimensional metamaterial structures and discusses some remaining future challenges

    Full-wave modeling of broadband near field scanning microwave microscopy

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    The authors would like to thank professor Dr. Gabriel Gomila from Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC) and Universitat de Barcelona for the fruitful discussion and support, as well as to Dr. Georg Gramse from Johannes Kepler University Linz for the experimental data. B.W. thanks the funding from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for the support of his research at Queen Mary University of London, UK. Y.H. would like to thank EU-FP7 Nanomicrowave project for the financial support