323 research outputs found

    Lexical combinability of adjectives and nouns expressing elements of appraisal

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    The present article aims to examine and analyze the nature of lexical combinability in the English language, namely collocates expressing elements of appraisal found in authentic online news article

    Structural features of Ni-Cr-Si-B materials obtained by different technologies

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    This study considers the structural features of Ni-Cr-Si-B (Ni - base; 15.1 % Cr; 2 % Si; 2 % B; 0.4 % C) materials obtained by different methods. The self-fluxing coatings were deposited by plasma spraying on the tubes from low carbon steel. Bulk cylinder specimens of 20 mm diameter and 15 mm height were obtained by spark plasma sintering (SPS). The structure and phase composition of these materials were investigated by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The major phases of coatings and sintered materials are [gamma]-Ni, Ni[3]B, CrB and Cr[7]C[3]. We demonstrate that the particle unmelted in the process of plasma spraying or SPS consist of [gamma]-Ni-NEB eutectic and also CrB and Cr[7]C[3] inclusions. The prolonged exposure of powder to high temperatures as well as slow cooling rates by SPS provide for the growth of the structural components as compared to those of plasma coatings materials. High cooling rates at the plasma spraying by melted particles contribute to the formation of supersaturated solid solution of Cr, Si and Fe in [gamma]-Ni. The structure of the melted particles in sintering material has gradient composition: the core constituted of Ni grains of 10 μm with [gamma]-Ni-Ni[3]B eutectic on the edges. The results of the experiment demonstrate that the sintering material has a smaller microhardness in comparison with plasma coatings (650 and 850 MPa, respectively), but at the same time the material has higher density (porosity less than 1 %) than plasma coatings (porosity about 2.. .3 %)

    Society and the state in the pandemic context

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    Based on the importance of an unprecedented new reality, the authors were tasked with studying and analyzing the problems of interaction between the State and society in the context of the pandemic and the introduction of state measures to prevent the spread of viral infection, which to a degree or another limit the rights and freedoms of a person and citize

    Investigation of the structure and microhardness of Mo-Fe-C coatings obtained by the electron beam injected in the atmosphere

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    In this work 'Mo-Fe-C' coatings fabricated on medium carbon steel by non-vacuum electron beam cladding were investigated. The structure of coatings and transition zones were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was shown that an increase of Fe percentage in the cladding mixture led to a decrease of the eutectic volume fraction in the coating and was accompanied by the formation of the gradient structure between the coating and a substrate material. Measurements of microhardness in the cross section of samples revealed that the cladding of a 'Mo-C powder mixture contributed to a 4.5-fold increase of microhardness


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    Aim. To assess effect of ferrotherapy on course of ischemic heart disease (IHD) associated with mild iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and latent iron deficiency (ID). Material and methods. 80 male patients, coal miners, aged 51±7.9 years, were observed. 28 patients had angina pectoris associated with the mild IDA, 23 patients experienced myocardial infarction accompanied by the mild IDA and 29 patients had angina with latent ID. Latent ID was defined in case of iron plasma level ≤12 µg/l, IDA was diagnosed in case of hemoglobin level <130 mg/l. The minimal hemoglobin level observed in patients was 107g/l. ICD clinical characteristics were compared before and after 3-week iron-based treatment in individualized doses. Results. Latent ID and mild IDA aggravated angina and increased ectopic myocardial activity in patients with IHD. Iron-based therapy with appropriate nutrition reduced angina attacks frequency, duration and intensity, decreased nitroglycerin consumption and increased exercise tolerance. Conclusion. Normalization of haemoglobin level and iron plasma concentration in the mild IDA as well as normalization of iron plasma concentration in ID in patients with IHD reduces ede-ma and dyspnea, decreases heart rate. These effects are provided due to the treatment with elementary iron in individualized course dose, which improves clinical status and minimizes the adverse reactions

    Use of a neural network in creating a digital assistant for blind and visually impaired people

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    The experience of ongoing research in image processing clearly demonstrates the huge scope for the development of new neural networks that can help people in a wide range of tasks. The authors chose the direction of work related to helping people who have vision problems. The article considers a convolutional neural network of the Mask R-CNN model for segmenting objects in an image. During the research the authors study a large number of algorithms that can quickly and accurately process images, such as Faster R-CNN, which was the most efficient in 2020. During the analysis, it was revealed that the use of Mask R-N technology can significantly increase the efficiency of performing tasks, since this algorithm is the latest version of the machine learning model. As a result of the study, a neural network was developed that is capable of identifying and distinguishing a large number of objects in an image. The next step is to refine the algorithm and use additional means of interaction with the hardware of the systems to increase the speed of the neural network. In the future, the resulting neural network will be integrated into the Digital Assistant for the Blind and Visually Impaired Persons application. This application is guaranteed to improve the daily life of people with disabilities who experience certain inconveniences due to their features, and can become the basis for other, larger projects related, for example, to unmanned devices, as well as services whose work is directly based on image processing


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    The research results of reflection and transmission coefficients of flexible composite materials based on carbon black and hydrogels in the range 8…12 GHz are presented. Spectral and polarization properties of carbon materials in the visible wavelength range (450 ... 940 nm) were analyzed. Recommendations for using composite materials based on carbon black and hydrogels for hiding objects on different background were formed.Приведены результаты исследований коэффициентов отражения и передачи электромагнитного излучения гибких композиционных материалов на основе технического углерода и гидрогеля в диапазоне частот 8…12 ГГц. Проанализированы спектрально-поляризационные свойства углеродосодержащих материалов в видимом диапазоне длин волн (450…940 нм). Представлены рекомендации использования данных материалов для скрытия объектов на фоне различных типов местности